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  • Hey, Mat Boggs here and today we are going to talk about five unusual ways to know if

  • your man is into you. Now, there's a lot of questions about: Does

  • he like me? How do I know? How can I get my man-ray vision going so I can know if he's

  • into me? And a lot of the advice online is sort of obvious, you know: Is he calling you?

  • Is her pursuing you? You know, that kind of stuff. So I decided to take a different approach.

  • Now, you may or may not agree with some of these but it's important to look at these

  • five things because they are sort of hidden indicators that yes, your man is digging on

  • you. The first way is this: he is awkward. Now,

  • I know you might be thinking, Well, awkward. I don't even want a guy who's awkward.

  • You know, awkward to me is boring. But let me just tell you that the way our brains

  • are wired up actually makes it more likely that your man is going to be awkward around

  • you if he likes you. Now for all of us, when we like somebody, it's way more natural

  • to be awkward and tense and nervous around them. Why? Because we don't want to screw

  • up. It's something that important to us so we're trying to get it right, we're

  • trying to be perfect. But especially for a man, it's enhanced and here's why. The

  • way our brains are wired up, our brains are like giant apartment complexes.

  • So if he's in the visual apartment looking at you thinking, Man, she is beautiful.

  • Like look at her, she is gorgeous, and he's trying to have a conversation with

  • you and he's so enamored with your beauty, the moment you ask him a question, he has

  • to run over into his conversation apartment and he's in there and he's like, Uh,

  • what did she ask me? I don't even know. So uh, you come here a lot? And then

  • he runs back over into his visual apartment and is like, You are so beautiful. And

  • then you're trying to talk to him again. He runs back over into his conversation apartment

  • and all he can say is, You're beautiful. You're so attractive. Right? And he's

  • like completely awkward and stumbling over himself.

  • Every guy who's watching this video has done this. Every guy who is watching this

  • video has tongue-tied himself because he's like, Holy shit. Like she is so beautiful.

  • Right? So if he's awkward, know that that's actually a sign that he is into you. I'm

  • not talking about boring or I'm not talking about, you know, not having things in common

  • with you, but if you can sense that he's nervous and he's awkward, that's a good

  • sign. Way number two that he's into you is when

  • you notice that he's allowing you to influence him. There's a lot of great marriage research

  • that shows that one of the ways that happily married couples interact is when we allow

  • each other to influence us. Honey, try this new food, or, Honey, let's go

  • to this new restaurant. If you just drop in passing, you know, that you'd like to

  • try salsa dancing and then you notice that he's game for going salsa dancing or wants

  • to take you, that's a really good sign. If you notice that you're influencing him

  • or he's willing to try new things, that's a great sign that he's totally into you.

  • There was a survey done for little kids where they asked, What is love? and so he's

  • what one little girl's definition of love is. And she says, Love is when you tell

  • a guy you like his shirt and then he wears it every day.

  • Alright, this brings us to number three. The third way to tell if your man is into you

  • is if he doesn't make a move physically. Now, you might be thinking, Whoa, whoa,

  • whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, Matt. I have heard the opposite. If my man's not making a move,

  • then he obviously doesn't like me or he's keeping me in the friend zone. Well, that's

  • true part of the time. But there's another part of the time where another factor is

  • true, and that is if you have a man who is handsome, who is sexy and successful with

  • women, if he's been able to get women easily into bed, then his strategy is often different.

  • I have lots of friends where their strategy with the one that they like, the one that

  • they actually want to create something serious with, is to do the opposite, is to not make

  • a move right away, is to actually hold off on that, and that can be confusing to a lot

  • of women. And really what the strategy here for the guy is that he is trying to make you

  • special. He's not lumping you in between the sheets with all the other women, he's

  • actually making you different and therefore making you special. He's moving from Mr.

  • Playeristic to Mr. Partneristic, right? In his own mind he's like, I don't want

  • this to be a player situation with this girl. I want this to be something special and I

  • want to be a partner with this girl, so how can I treat her as a partner?

  • So here's the nuance pay attention. How can you tell if he's keeping you in

  • the friend zone and cold versus keeping you in the partner zone and just playing a little

  • bit slow on the physical scale because he wants to progress the relationship forward?

  • How can you tell the difference? Here's how to tell. Look for his consistency in his

  • action. Is he moving the relationship forward? Is he progressing the time that you're spending

  • together? Is he opening up to you emotionally? Is he making slight moves or treating you

  • in ways that is not just a friend: touching you, holding your hand, having his arm around

  • you? That kind of stuff, you know that you're not in the friend zone and you know that he's

  • not cold, he's actually progressing it forward. So if he hasn't made a move yet, don't

  • worry, it just means he's into you. Let's talk number four. The fourth way you

  • know he's into you is if he doesn't want you to meet his friends. Now, I know that

  • that's counterintuitive because as we get more intimate and more emotionally connected

  • with somebody, we want to share deeper layers of our life with them, deeper circles with

  • the people that matter the most to us. And your man might be transitioning from an old

  • lifestyle of partying and going out to a new lifestyle of actually becoming a partner,

  • right? The kind of man he wants to become, and oftentimes, as you know, when you change

  • your life, people from old circles don't always come with you and sometimes you need

  • to sacrifice them. So if he's not introducing you to his friends,

  • it might be that he doesn't have any friends in this new state of his life. All of his

  • friends are from the old chapters of his life and he doesn't want to introduce you to

  • them, fearing that you might get the wrong impression for what kind of guy he is, because

  • we've all had the friends that are just like embarrassing, right? And we bring our

  • girls around and they say something dumb and embarrass us. And he likes you, he wants to

  • protect that connection with you, so he's like, I am not letting you around any of

  • those old guy. He's either embarrassed or he doesn't want you to get the wrong

  • impression. And at the same time, that can even go for his family, right? The people

  • who you think you should be meeting at this point in the relationship but he hasn't

  • introduced you yet. Notice his vibe on it. He might not come from

  • a great family or really feel connected with them. So what are you looking for? How do

  • you tell? If he hasn't introduced you to his friends or his family, what is an indication

  • he's into you? Again, it comes down to progression. Is he progressing the time he's spending

  • with you? Is he progressing the emotional connection that he has with you? Is there

  • consistency in how you guys are moving forward? That's the bigger sign then whether or not

  • he's introducing you to his family or his friends.

  • This brings me to number five, the fifth way that you can tell if your man is into you,

  • and this is if he acts out for you attention. Now, what do I mean by that? What I mean is

  • that when we want things as human beings, people will err in either going what we call

  • overs or unders. Over is pouring on too much energy, unders is withtreating, withdrawing

  • and pulling back the energy. Over is sort of a pushing energy and under is a pulling

  • energy. Here's what I mean. When I was dating, I would measure how successful my date was

  • by how many times I could make the woman laugh and by how much fun we were having. So when

  • I started dating my wife, I really liked her and so my tendency was to go into overs and

  • I would be super funny and energetic and she was little bit like, Whoa, tiger. Slow

  • down. You've got too much energy for me. My over is I would tell jokes, jokes, and

  • then I would say a joke that I thought was funny but it was really like a guy joke and

  • she would be laughing and having a good time and then I would go across the line and say

  • something dirty and she would not like it so she'd be like, Ha ha. No, that is

  • not okay.So my strategy was too much, it's was an overs.

  • Let's talk about unders because this is the one that a lot of women miss. One of my

  • friends sort of revealed his strategy in this. He said that he would measure the success

  • of his date by whether or not he was intriguing and mysterious to the women, like how many

  • times she would try to get information out of him or how many times she would say, So

  • what are you thinking right now? And if the date wasn't really going in that direction,

  • he would be thinking to himself, Have I looked into space enough? Have I like stared

  • off into the nothingness? You know, this is often the strategy for really deep waters

  • or what do they call it? Still waters run deep, right? This is the strategy for

  • artists oftentimes and musicians or very deep people. They use a pulling strategy. Can they

  • get your intrigue? Can they get your interest? So if you notice that he's using this pulling

  • strategy or if he's sort of overacting, right, either overs or unders, that's a

  • great sign that he's into you. So there you have it, the five unusual ways

  • to know if your man is into you. I hope you enjoyed this video, and as always, there is

  • a resource link in the description of this video for additional resources to help you

  • in this relationship and to help you attract the man of your dreams. And if you're not

  • subscribed to this channel, make sure to do that now. Get subscribed so you and I can

  • stay connected and you can get the latest and greatest videos to support you. Thanks

  • so much for watching. I'll see you soon.

Hey, Mat Boggs here and today we are going to talk about five unusual ways to know if


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あなたの男はあなたの中にある5珍しいサイン (5 Unusual Signs Your Man Is Into You!)

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    Elizabeth Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日