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  • Hey guys, Dr. Axe here, Nutritionist and Doctor of Functional Medicine. A common question

  • I get is, "Is soy bad for you or is soy good for you?" And the answer is, the majority

  • of the time soy is bad for you but sometimes it can be good for you. It depends on the

  • form you're buying it in.

  • And in this video, I'm going to lay to rest and kind of show you exactly if soy is good

  • or if it's bad and really also go over the benefits and the side effects of consuming

  • the right and the wrong type of soy.

  • So my first answer here is, "Is soy good for you or is soy bad for you?" And the answer

  • is yes, 95% of the soy out there today that people consume is bad for you. Now soy was

  • popularized because we found in Okinawa, Japan, they consumed a lot of soy. The problem is,

  • it was a different type of soy than we consume today.

  • And the issue with soy is most soy today contains something call phytoestrogens. And these phytoestrogens

  • are estrogen mimickers in the body. And so, if you're male consuming extra estrogen, it's

  • going to give you more feminine characteristics.

  • If you're a woman consuming foods that increase estrogen, it's going to increase your risk

  • of breast cancer, cervical cancer, and other hormone imbalance related disorders.

  • And so, that's the main issue with most soy products today is when you're consuming a

  • general process soy, that's a big issue. And let me tell you this other thing, too. This

  • is a big deal, 90% of soy today is also genetically modified, and genetically modified foods kill

  • off good bacteria in your gut known as probiotics and also damage your digestive system.

  • So most soy today, because of the phytoestrogens, because they're genetically modified, they

  • are terrible for your health. And that includes soy protein. That includes soymilk. That includes

  • almost any type of soy out there today aside from something like a soy lecithin. But again,

  • most soy today is an issue because of phytoestrogens and the GMO foods.

  • And it will increase women's risk of PCOS, that's polycystic ovary syndrome. It'll increase

  • the risk of other hormone related disorders, cervical cancer, breast cancer. Those, women,

  • you want to stay away from any type of conventional soy product that is genetically modified altogether.

  • And men as well, because it will cause more feminine characteristics.

  • Now on the flip side, soy can be good for you if it's an organic, fermented soy. And

  • organic means, it's not GMO. There's no chemicals or fertilizers or pesticides. And then fermented

  • means, it's similar like turning a milk into yogurt or cabbage into sauerkraut.

  • Fermenting it actually increases its probiotics. And Natto which is the type of soy they consume

  • in Okinawa Japan where people have lived to well over 100 all the time.

  • That's the type of soy they're consuming on a regular basis. And so it is loaded with

  • probiotics. It's non-GMO and it also is very high in a vitamin called vitamin K2. And vitamin

  • K2 is even more beneficial in therapeutic benefits than vitamin K1, which is found in

  • things like spinach and kale. But vitamin K2 has been shown to help build strong bones.

  • It supports brain health. It supports naturally healing your body.

  • So again, if it's an organic fermented soy product, it actually is terrific for your

  • health. But let me throw this out there again. I said 95% earlier, the case in point is that

  • it's probably 99% of the soy products we're consuming today are conventional.

  • They're GMO. They're toxic to your system. For that reason, soy is bad for you. But if

  • you're looking to improve your heart health, your bone health and increase your life span,

  • consuming Natto, also known as vitamin K2, on a regular basis or getting those nutrients

  • from Natto can actually be terrific for your health.

  • So again, if you want to reap the benefits of soy, go and find a fermented soy product

  • like Natto or search for a supplement that's vitamin K2, also known as MK7, can actually

  • be very, very beneficial for your health.

  • And listen, rather than soy, there's a lot of good products. I recommend, chia seeds

  • are a high plant based source of protein with good omega-3 fats.

  • So again, years and years ago soy used to be labeled a super food. A real super food

  • are things like chia and flax seeds. They have the same amount of protein but high levels

  • of omega-3 fats as well. So again, I would do those instead, a much, much better option.

  • Hey, I hope you've enjoyed this video on me answering the question, "Is soy good for you?"

  • This has been me, Dr. Axe.

  • By the way, if you want to check out more videos like this, make sure you subscribe

  • to the YouTube page here. Our YouTube videos have got a lot of great content coming out.

  • Also, if you want to learn more about soy, you can do a search here on the site,,

  • I actually have a lot more videos on soy and answering that question, "Is it

  • good or bad for you?"

  • Hey guys, thanks for watching.

Hey guys, Dr. Axe here, Nutritionist and Doctor of Functional Medicine. A common question


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大豆は体に悪い? (Is Soy Bad for You?)

  • 54 5
    Aiyo Weya に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日