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  • Hey my name is Erin and I'm a former U.S. Junior Olympic-certified swim coach and personal

  • trainer and fitness is my passion so I cannot wait to share it with you guys.

  • All right. Some weight training tips for you ladies. Now the first thing that I hear from

  • many women is, "I don't want to weight train. I don't want to get big and bulky. I don't

  • want to look muscular. I'm going to look like a man. I can't lift heavy weights." Let me

  • tell you if you haven't heard it before, there is no way that you will look like a man unless

  • you have a hormone imbalance. Women just don't produce enough testosterone to grow as big

  • as men. Therefore, you should not be afraid of lifting weights because no matter how heavy

  • the weight, you're really never going to get huge.

  • You always need to stretch. If you don't stretch the muscle won't appear long and lean. It

  • can have a bulkier look. And you need to maintain a clean diet because you can build muscle

  • underneath a layer of fat. You know the more fat that you have over that layer of muscle,

  • the larger you're going to look naturally until you get rid of that fat. So those are

  • a couple of things to keep in mind. But please do not worry because you will not look like

  • a man even by lifting very heavy weights. Most women don't actually lift enough weight.

  • Another thing to keep in mind is that as women, we lose 5% of our muscle mass every ten years

  • after age 30. So starting at age 30, your muscle mass is dropping off by 5% every ten

  • years so it's really, really important that regardless of what age you are you continue

  • a strength training routine. If you start before the age of 30 that's actually better

  • because you're building muscle mass and your body will have that muscle memory and it will

  • be easier for you as you get older. But even if you're 35, 40, 45, 50 it doesn't matter.

  • Pick up a set of weights. It's never too late to learn. That said, if you're brand new to

  • strength training and you're not quite sure how to use them, don't just follow a DVD or

  • even our videos alone. Get the help of a trainer, even if it's just a couple of times so that

  • they can correct your form and that you understand how to do it on your own.

  • Another cool fact if you didn't already know this is that muscle burns fat. Yes, it does.

  • So the more muscle that you have on your body, the higher your metabollic rate will be, theoretically,

  • because muscle requires energy so you are going to expend more calories the more muscle

  • that you have on your body. So it behooves you to build some muscle mass and it's not

  • that easy for women. You really have to work at it, eat enough protein and keep a clean

  • diet, get enough rest.

  • Rest is also really important. Don't overdo it. More is not necessarily better. People

  • tend to think, "Well, if 15 reps is good then 30 reps is even better." That's not necessarily

  • the case. You need to rest your muscles in order for them to grow. So what happens during

  • exercise is that you're creating tiny tears in the muscle fiber. Okay? And the way that

  • the muscle grows and strengthens and hardens is by those torn muscle fibers healing. So

  • you want to create those teeny little tears. They're good. But if you don't give yourself

  • adequate time to rest, you're never going to see any improvement. So it's really, really

  • crucial to rest. If you work legs one day, don't work them the next day. Just listen

  • to your body. Being a little bit sore is good sometimes, but you don't want too much pain.

  • No pain, no gain is true only to an extent. Don't force yourself to the point where you

  • can't take it anymore.

  • Another important point is that the scale lies. Yes, it's true. The scale can lie to

  • you. And what I mean by that is that the scale is not literally lying but that people often

  • focus on the number that's on the scale and while that can be a good motivator to inspire

  • you to work out and lose weight, it's important not to focus so much on that number, specifically

  • if you are weight training and looking to increase your muscle mass. The reason I say

  • that is because muscle weighs more than fat. So it's not necessarily a bad thing to see

  • that number increase if the increase in that number on the scale is coming from muscle

  • gain.

  • So I always put it this way to my female clients: I say, "Look, would you rather step on the

  • scale and have the scale be a couple pounds heavier but your dress size having dropped

  • a size, or would you rather see a 5-pound decrease on the scale but your dress size

  • is the same or you increase the size?" Obviously, everyone's going to say, "Well, I'd rather

  • that my dress size decrease." I mean, that's the whole point, right? Don't pay attention

  • to the scale as much as you pay attention to how you feel, to what your doctor maybe

  • tells you when you go for a checkup and what your clothes are telling you too. You should

  • just feel good about yourself so don't put too much stock in the scale.

  • Another cool thing about weight training is that it helps to build bone density and that

  • of course is something that women of all ages can benefit from because as we get older,

  • our bone density decreases and most American women are at risk for osteoporosis at some

  • point in their lives. So it's never too early to start bone building. Combine that with

  • your adequate calcium intake and you should be good to go.

  • To wrap it up don't be afraid to pick up the weights. The weights are your friend. You're

  • not going to get huge. You're only going to do your body good and you should absolutely

  • incorporate resistance training into your workout routine.

Hey my name is Erin and I'm a former U.S. Junior Olympic-certified swim coach and personal


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9 ウェイトトレーニングのヒント|女性のボディビル (9 Weight Training Tips | Female Bodybuilding)

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    宗谕吴 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日