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  • Just over the Charles River from Boston Proper is the city of Cambridge, part of Greater Boston.

  • Cambridge is most popular for its two large universities -- Harvard and MIT.

  • Cambridge is a slightly less buttoned-up city, compared to Boston, and it's a cool, diverse,

  • quirky cultural spot filled with bookstores, small locally-owned shops, vintage boutiques,

  • and multicultural foods and activities. Cambridge is easy to get to from Boston. It's just a

  • train or "T" ride away on the Red Line. When you visit, make sure you take a stroll through

  • Harvard Square which is surrounded by Harvard University. The red line lets you right out

  • into the square where you'll be immediately surrounded by students, art and artists, street

  • performers, locally-famous characters, and music. There's no shortage of things to see

  • and do in Cambridge -- from plays at the American Repertory Theater to art house and foreign

  • films at the Brattle, and of course the Museum of Science and the Harvard and MIT museums.

  • Cambridge is also home to over 200 award-winning restaurants including Harvest, Ten Tables

  • and Todd English's Olives. Cambridge is really an essential stop on any trip to Boston.

Just over the Charles River from Boston Proper is the city of Cambridge, part of Greater Boston.


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ケンブリッジ訪問|ボストン旅行 (Visiting Cambridge | Boston Travel)

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    YSI に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日