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  • I'm actually going to play the Goddyr, Trick

  • Let me show you the "6.10 my way" here, alright?

  • Trick2G: Ok, I'm ready for this.

  • Well, uhm

  • Oh, let's get'em team

  • Oh, that actually was really good

  • Nice pickup [!]

  • Oh

  • Oh, this is FREE

  • Runn!

  • Runnn

  • Dude if this was anyone but Sion, wait

  • wait, wait, wait, keep going

  • keep going

  • Oh, free. Stay free

  • OMG they are so free Trick

  • You dont have TP, don't you?

  • Trick2G: No, I mean, you can just, you know take experience from right there... unless you want the gold

  • I'm coming for the gold

  • Trick2G: You have to get the gold

  • No, I tried to smite that

  • OMG I had to

  • Trick2G: Yes dude, yes, I know


  • Trick2g: F*CK

  • Trick2G: I get that blue, right?

  • I don't care if you are Faker on zed

  • You're not taking my blue

  • Never give blue guys

  • Ok, you should give blue to some people, you know

  • that you really can trust with blue, you know what I mean?

  • Like, I mean, Trick, I mean can I trust him?

  • Oh Thaliyah is coming in hot with her

  • With her trump wall

  • Wow, look how useful that champion is

  • Holy, are you watching this Trick?

  • Trick2G: No, what's happening?

  • The champion here...

  • What the heck?

  • Trick2G: Oh my god, what did you do to her?

  • I think she tried to ride it, and then like I instant bear stance her

  • And she just stood there like :derp:

  • ... yeah, I had to flash there because I didn't whant her to ulti away

  • This GP tanked all... Oh man

  • Come on man, come on

  • Trick2G: YES!

  • I'm afk dude, I'm afk

  • Yes Sion is down here too.

  • dude we have two ocean drakes, OMG

  • Trick2G: This mosquito doesn't get the fu...

  • Tell it dude, tell it.

  • To man respect you

  • OMG that damage

  • Hoooly, did you see that?

  • god-like god-dyr?

  • Did you see that, Trick?

  • BAM, two shoted

  • You want some too? Come here

  • Come here then

  • Come here then

  • Two shoted

  • Trick2g: Watch the tower

  • Trick2G: Get the kills

  • Shall I go back in?

  • And...

  • I got another one

  • Bear stun again

  • Get some crits in

  • Three hundred armor?

  • More like

  • No hundred armor

  • Got 'em Kappa

  • Trick2g: My Rengar is pretty good

  • You hate that champion, what are you talking about your Rengar is pretty good?

  • You have no Rengar games

  • You don't even play 'em

  • He's done, he's done

  • You see that?

  • I like to call that the:

  • "The confident"

  • ... anyways, flash Ori

  • 'right, we're good

  • we're looking pretty good

  • let's watch Faker in action here

  • [Faker, what was that!?]

  • Trick2g: Did I almost get 'em?

  • I'm reading your chat: boosted, lag

  • They're salty right now

  • That's messed up

  • Tell 'em dude, tell 'em

  • Oh, is that him? Is that... [lul]

  • Oh, oh...

  • Ok, I respect that

  • I respect that dude

  • I fight 'em, I fight 'em... I fight 'em

  • I fight 'em

  • Check out this Baron, like...

  • Like real talk, check out this Baron

  • Alright, I'm gonna disrespect 'em

  • Check out this Baron, like

  • Like, like....

  • What Baron?

  • Easy dude

  • Easy

  • Trick2g: Later bitch, smite that motherf*cker down

  • Trick2g: Yeaah, get that highlight?

  • Nope

  • I mean yeah, dude, I saw it all

  • Yeah.

  • Oh I got exhausted

  • oooow, ow

  • I'm surviving

  • Stayin' Alive, just like the song

  • I'm going in, I'm going in

  • Let me have 'em, let me have 'em

  • One more, one more

  • Hold on

  • Here we go

  • Trick2g: OMG DUDE We got 'em

  • We got 'em

  • Trick2g: Was that a bear slap?

  • That was a bear slap, dude that was a bear slap

  • Trick that is how you 6.10 Udyr, Goddyr

  • [Who would stand against us?]

I'm actually going to play the Goddyr, Trick


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    eason66225 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日