字幕表 動画を再生する
I consider it my life's mission
翻訳: Rikuto Koyanagi 校正: Mai O
to convey the urgency of climate change through my work.
I've traveled north to the Arctic to capture the unfolding story
作品を通して 気候変動の緊急性を伝える事です
of polar melt,
極地における氷の融解 その現実を捉える為に
and south to the Equator to document the subsequent rising seas.
北は北極まで そして
Most recently, I visited the icy coast of Greenland
そこから続く海面上昇を 記録する為に 南は赤道直下まで足を運びました
and the low-lying islands of the Maldives,
最近になってようやく 私はグリーンランドの氷床と
connecting two seemingly disparate but equally endangered
そして海抜が低い島 モルディブを訪れました
parts of our planet.
この離れた二箇所を結びつけるのは どちらも等しく
My drawings explore moments of transition, turbulence
and tranquility in the landscape,
私の作品は 景色の移り変わりや荒々しさ
allowing viewers to emotionally connect
with a place you might never have the chance to visit.
その場所を訪れる機会が 今後も無いかもしれない人々に
I choose to convey the beauty as opposed to the devastation.
描かれた空間との 心理的な繋がりをもたらします
If you can experience the sublimity of these landscapes,
悲惨な情景ではなく 私は 美しさを描く事を選びました
perhaps you'll be inspired to protect and preserve them.
厳かな景色を まさに経験すれば
Behavioral psychology tells us that we take action
守りたいと思うきっかけが生まれる そう思ったからです
and make decisions based on our emotions above all else.
行動心理学においても 私たちは 何よりも感情に基づいて
And studies have shown that art impacts our emotions
選択し行動する という事が指摘されています
more effectively than a scary news report.
そして多くの研究が示すのは 不安をあおるニュースよりも
Experts predict ice-free Arctic summers
芸術の方が効果的に感情へ 訴えかけるという事実です
as early as 2020,
早ければ 2020年にも 北極に氷の無い夏が訪れると
And sea levels are likely to rise between two and ten feet
by century's end.
そして海面水位の上昇は 0.60から3メートルに及ぶかもしれません
I have dedicated my career to illuminating these projections
with an accessible medium,
私はこうした予測を踏まえ 数字だけでは伝えきれない意味を
one that moves us in a way that statistics may not.
My process begins with traveling to the places
その事に 人生を捧げてきたのです
at the forefront of climate change.
On-site, I take thousands of photographs,
and back in the studio,
I work from both my memory of the experience and the photographs
to create very large-scale compositions,
記憶と経験 そして写真を頼りに
sometimes over 10 feet wide.
I draw with soft pastel, which is dry like charcoal, but colors.
I consider my work drawings but others call them painting.
木炭のように乾燥した 色彩豊かで 柔らかなパステルで描きます
I cringe, though, when I'm referred to as a "finger painter."
私自身は素描と考えてますが 絵画という人もいて
「フィンガーぺインター」 そう言われると 困惑してしまいます
But I don't use any tools
and I have always used my fingers and palms
でも確かに私は 道具は何も使いませんし
to manipulate the pigment on the paper.
Drawing is a form of meditation for me.
It quiets my mind.
絵を描く事は 私にとって ある種の瞑想です
I don't perceive what I'm drawing
as ice or water.
私は描くものを 氷とか水であるとか
Instead, the image is stripped down
to its most basic form of color and shape.
代わりに イメージをできる限り本質的な
Once the piece is complete,
I can finally experience the composition as a whole,
as an iceberg floating through glassy water,
or a wave cresting with foam.
飛沫を上げ うねる波を
On average, a piece this size takes me about,
全体的な構図として 体験することが できるのです
as you can see, 10 seconds.
平均して このサイズの作品を 仕上げるのにかかる時間は
ご覧の通り 10秒くらいでしょうか
Really, more like 200 hours, 250 hours for something that size.
But I've been drawing ever since I could hold a crayon, really.
実際は このサイズで200時間 もしくは250時間くらいかかります
My mom was an artist, and growing up,
クレヨンを握った その日から 私は描き続けてきました
we always had art supplies all over the house.
My mother's love of photography
家中にある 画材に囲まれて育ちました
propelled her to the most remote regions of the earth,
写真を撮ることに 注がれた母の情熱は
and my family and I were fortunate enough
地上の最果てまで 彼女を駆り立て
to join and support her on these adventures.
そして私たち家族は 幸運にも—
We rode camels in Northern Africa
その冒険に加わり 彼女の力になる事ができたのです
and mushed on dog sleds near the North Pole.
In August of 2012, I led my first expedition,
北極点の近くでは 犬ぞりを走らせました
taking a group of artists and scholars up the northwest coast of Greenland.
2012年8月 芸術家と学者のグループを集い
My mother was originally supposed to lead this trip.
グリーンランドの北西海岸へと 初めて遠征隊を率いました
She and I were in the early stages of planning,
当初 私の母がこの旅を 先導する予定でした
as we had intended to go together,
when she fell victim to a brain tumor.
The cancer quickly took over her body and mind,
母が脳腫瘍に倒れる その時までは—
and she passed away six months later.
癌は瞬く間に 彼女の身体と精神を蝕み
During the months of her illness, though,
her dedication to the expedition never wavered, and I made a promise
to carry out her final journey.
母の探索への熱意は揺らがず その最期の願いを実現しようと
My mother's passion for the Arctic
echoed through my experience in Greenland,
and I felt the power
グリーンランドで 何度も私の胸に 響きました
and the fragility of the landscape.
その時 私はそこに広がる風景の
The sheer size of the icebergs
is humbling.
ほんとうの氷山 その大きさは
The ice fields are alive with movement and sound
in a way that I never expected.
氷床という 生の躍動と唸りは
I expanded the scale of my compositions
私の予想とは 大きく異なるものでした
to give you that same sense of awe that I experienced.
Yet, while the grandeur of the ice is evident,
その畏怖を届けるため 作品の大きさを拡大したのです
so, too, is its vulnerability.
From our boat,
そして同時に その儚さも描くのです
I could see the ice sweating under the unseasonably warm sun.
We had a chance to visit many of the Inuit communities in Greenland
季節外れの暖かな陽射しを受け 汗ばみながら堪える氷塊です
that now face huge challenges.
グリーンランドでは多くの イヌイットのコミュニティを訪れました
The locals spoke to me of vast areas of sea ice
that are no longer freezing over as they once did.
かつて海氷と成り得た かなりの領域において
And without ice, their hunting and harvesting grounds
もはや その光景は 見られないと言うのです
are severely diminished,
氷が無くては 彼らの狩猟や採集の土地が
threatening their way of life and survival.
The melting glaciers in Greenland
彼らの生活様式や 生存さえも脅かします
are one of the largest contributing factors to rising sea levels,
which have already begun to drown
some of our world's lowest-lying islands.
One year after my trip to Greenland, I visited the Maldives,
the lowest and flattest country in the entire world.
While I was there, I collected images and inspiration
世界一海抜の低い国 モルディブを訪れました
for a new body of work:
滞在中 私は 次なる作品の基軸となる
drawings of waves lapping on the coast of a nation
that could be entirely underwater within this century.
それは今世紀中に全土が 沈みゆくかもしれない国の
Devastating events happen every day
その渚に 打ち寄せる波折りでした
on scales both global and personal.
悲劇的な出来事は 毎日どこかで起きています
When I was in Greenland,
それが地球規模でも 個人的なものであっても
I scattered my mother's ashes amidst the melting ice.
Now she remains a part of the landscape she loved so much,
グリーンランドの 融け行く氷へ まきました
even as it, too, passes and takes on new form.
たとえそれが 流れ変化を続けるとしても
Among the many gifts my mother gave me
彼女が深く愛した景色の 一部として 残るのです
was the ability to focus on the positive,
母が私に教えてくれた たくさんの教えの一つは
rather than the negative.
My drawings celebrate the beauty of what we all stand to lose.
I hope they can serve as records of sublime landscapes in flux,
私の絵は 今私たちが 失いかけているものの美しさを讃えます
documenting the transition and inspiring our global community
移りゆく時の中に揺蕩う 壮大な景色として記録し
to take action for the future.
世界の人々が 未来への行動を起こす
Thank you.