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  • Yeah, that was fun. I'm looking forward to hearing that from you later.


  • Hi. James from engVid. In this video what I would like to do is help you work on vocabulary.


  • I want to make it fun, because when things are fun, you work harder and you learn more. And today's

    楽しいことがあると 頑張れば頑張るほど勉強になるので 楽しくしたいと思いますそして、今日の

  • lesson, I'm going to teach you two ways to not only just remember vocabulary, but learn


  • how to use vocabulary in a way that we use it, and you will really understand it, and...


  • Heck, it's fun. You're just going to have fun doing it. I'm sure you will. All right?


  • It's a little bit creative. So, let's go to the board. Simple lesson. Here we go.


  • Two ways to have fun with language. Not just language, but vocabulary. Ways that you may


  • not be studying in class, we're going to do here today. The first one I want to talk to


  • you about is fill in the gap. Huh? "A gap" means a space, there's a space between something.

    隙間を埋めようとしてるんだはぁ?"隙間 "とは何かの間に隙間があるという意味です

  • So, here's my hands, in between my hands is a gap. Okay? You have a gap between your eyes.

    ここに私の手があります 私の手の間には隙間があります(達也)いい?目と目の間に隙間がある

  • One eye, one eye, space. In this case, you see I've got this: "tree _______ chair".


  • Now, fill in the gap doesn't mean just one word. It's a couple of ways you can do this.


  • In this particular game, we're going to take two vocabulary words, "tree", and take another


  • one, "chair", and they're kind of a little obvious to make it easy for you, but what

    一つは "椅子 "で、それを簡単にするために少し目立ちますが、何ですか?

  • I want you to do is one of two things.


  • The first thing we can do is use x words. What I mean by that is you could say:


  • "I want to use five words, and I want to go from 'tree' to 'chair'." Or:


  • "I want to use three words from 'tree' to 'chair'" or two. Huh? Well, okay.

    "木 "から "椅子 "までの3つの言葉を使いたい "とか "2つの言葉を使いたい "とか。(誠人) はあ?まあ、いいや。

  • How do I get from "tree"? Okay. "Tree",

    "木 "からどうやって行くの?分かったわ "木"

  • "cut". You cut the tree down, right? "Lumber". Lumber you make into wood you can use.


  • Let's see. "Carpenter". Find a carpenter. "Craft". "Craft" means make. You're like: "What?" These...

    見てみよう"大工さん"大工さんを探して"クラフト""クラフト "は作るという意味だあなたは"何?"これは...

  • All these words... And then I can say: "Furniture". Okay? Okay, furniture. "Chair", so if I have

    これらの言葉をすべて...そして言えるのが"家具"いいですか?よし、家具だ"椅子 "だから

  • a tree, I cut it down and make it into lumber, I take it to a carpenter, he crafts it into


  • a chair. Five words from A to B. So, one game is tell yourself: "I want to go from five...

    椅子AからBへの5つの言葉 だから1つのゲームは 自分に言い聞かせることだ"5つの言葉から...

  • One word to another word, and I want five words to get there."


  • And you can challenge yourself; maybe go from three words. Right? Or make 10 words. You


  • can use it to describe something. How many words you can use to describe a certain thing.

    を使って何かを説明することができます。あるものを説明するのに どれだけの言葉を使うことができるか

  • Right? "I have this word, and I want to go to this word. How many words does it take

    だろう?"この言葉があって、この言葉に行きたい "と思っています。何個の単語が必要なのか

  • me to get there?" What this does is it teaches you relationship between words, and that also


  • can teach you nouns and verbs, and how they function together. Or, we say "syntax", right?


  • So, start at A, say: "I want to use five words to get there." This is a great word to do


  • with a friend. You can say: "Okay, we're going to do 'tree' and 'chair', you need to do five


  • words that make sense to go from 'tree' to 'chair'", and put a clock on for five minutes.


  • You go, and she goes, you write together and see what words you get. Compare, check them


  • out. "Why did you choose this, and why does this word...? What does this word mean?" Right?


  • So, now, you're not just writing words in a book and saying: "This word means this."


  • You're: "What does it mean? How do I use it? How would other people use it? How would other


  • people think?" Right? Yeah. See? That's fun by yourself or with a friend.


  • Okay, listen, the second way to play this game is: How many words to the answer? What?


  • Well, we can pick up two random words, two, like... I have "chair"... "Tree" and "chair",

    まあ、ランダムに2つの単語をピックアップして、2つ、みたいな。"椅子 "を持っています...。"木 "と "椅子"

  • we could have put "chair" and "moon". Now the game gets a little bit more interesting.


  • Right? "Chair" and "moon". How many words does it get me to go from "chair" to "moon"?

    だろう?"椅子 "と "月""椅子 "から "月 "になると何語になるの?

  • Now, you might say: "That's impossible. They have nothing to do with each other." I could


  • say, "Listen, the chair in my living room"-"living room" is a noun-"sits"-which is a verb


  • -"close to the big bay window where I can see the moon at night."


  • How many words did it take me to get from "chair" to "moon"?


  • So, it's playing with words, being creative. "Chair"


  • and "moon" have nothing to do with each other, but I used nouns and verbs to go from this


  • place to this place, and actually created a sentence as well. Now, you can, as I said,


  • make it more of a challenge. Do the same thing with a friend. How many words, just random


  • words, how many words does it take? And you can time each other to see who gets there

    言葉は何語必要か?誰がそこに着くかを競うために お互いに時間をかけることができます

  • first. And the sentence must make sense. Cool? All right? Once again, you're going to learn


  • syntax and meaning; you have to put the words in the right order, you can't just throw words


  • in there. And when I say "meaning", it has to have sense that it goes from here to here


  • that someone would understand it and, you know, agree with it. That's one game.


  • The second game I like a lot, and I'm going to embarrass myself in about four minutes,


  • two minutes, whatever. I hope you like this one, too. I like this one because what you


  • do is if you're studying particular vocabulary... We have in engVid, vocabulary about travel,


  • the kitchen, the law, all sorts of ones you can go to. Go there, and there's usually about


  • 10 words. Take those 10 words. Okay? And then you're going to write a poem.


  • Poem. Well, poems are literary devices. They are types of... They're forms of writing that don't


  • have to follow the normal ways of writing. In Japan, they have what's called a Haiku.


  • We have rhyming poetry, like... I can't thinking anything off the right... Top of my head.


  • Simple Simon metapimon. No, that's not a rhyme. But rhyme, words that go together like "time",


  • "rhyme", "bime", you'd have to have all these words kind of go together. Okay? So, poetry

    "韻を踏む" "bime" これらの単語が一緒になっている必要があります。いいですか?詩は

  • could be to express a... Or express a thought or an idea, but it doesn't have to be written

    を表現することができます思想やアイデアを表現することもできますが 書かれていなくても構いません

  • as a specific paragraph. Right?


  • It could be, as I said, a Haiku is in Japanese poetry, rhyming poetry, sometimes abstract


  • poetry. This is a fun one because in this one you're going to write a poem, and you


  • might not have done that in your current reading-... Writing assignments. You're writing paragraphs


  • for essays and things, but we want to show you the connection with words. So, what I


  • want you to do is write a poem using five or maybe even 10 words. Try not to do more,


  • because you're learning how to write right now. Okay? Use on vocabulary... "One" vocabulary

    あなたは今、書き方を学んでいるから。いいですか?語彙の上で使って..."1 "の語彙

  • word, because "on" is a preposition. One vocabulary word on each line, but have the poem's lines

    単語、"on "は前置詞なので。各行に1つの語彙単語をつけるが、詩の行には

  • be connected by the ideas in the words, which means you can't just randomly write words


  • and funny sentences; they've got to be connected. This shows your mastery of the language. And


  • that's why I said this is a good one. It's fun and you're showing your mastery. In this

    だからこそ、これがいいと言ったんです。楽しいし 達人ぶりを発揮していますねこの中では

  • case, I've got: "rain", "down", "heaven", "hard", "thirst". Random words. Right? Let


  • me clear my throat. You didn't know it, but it's James' Beatnik Poetry Café. I'm about

    喉をスッキリさせてくれた。知らなかったでしょうが ジェームスのビートニク・ポエトリー・カフェです私は、

  • to give you some lines.


  • Rain comes down


  • hard from heaven, crashing into the ground,


  • making the heart go soft, quenching the thirst of the earth,


  • removing the dirt, revealing the hidden beauty.


  • Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


  • Okay, so I took these words, and if you noticed, there's a very specific thing. This poem I

    さて 私はこの言葉を取り上げました お気づきのように 非常に具体的なものがありますこの詩は

  • did the first line one word, on the second line I put two words, on the third line I


  • put three words, on the fourth and fifth... You can see these numbers. These were the

    3つの言葉を入れて 4つ目と5つ目に...これらの数字が見えますこれらの数字は

  • words I used. Each of them makes sense in the poem. When you hear it, you're like:

    使った言葉。その一つ一つが 詩の中で意味を成していますそれを聞いたときには

  • "Oh, yeah, that makes sense." "Heaven" is above, "rain" comes down. Right? "Heaven", above,

    "ああ、そうか、それは理にかなっている""天 "が上にあって "雨 "が降ってくるだろ?"天 "は上だ

  • yeah. "Hard", well, when water hits the ground, the ground goes soft. And if you're "thirsty",


  • it means you need a drink, if the dry is ground it's thirsty, so it wants water to drink.


  • Right? I'm showing you I understand the language enough to put these words together. Because


  • I put one word, two words, three words, I also have to use other words I learned. So,


  • you can take this from a particular lesson-right?-because "rain" would be "water" and "thirst". Probably


  • a lesson on water. Right? Yeah.


  • You could do that for travelling. You know? Sky drawing me up... No, drawing me up into...


  • See? I'm just making it up, but you get the point. You take them, you put them together.


  • And even that last sentence, I'm like: "That wasn't cool. I have to... Don't want to look


  • like a fool, so I'll have to retool." Right? So, if you're smiling, having fun, saying:

    "バカみたいだから 手直しします "ってだろ?(達也)だからさ 笑って 楽しんで言ってたらさ

  • "Wow. I'm, like, playing with the language." You'll show that you understand it, you'll


  • have a beautiful product that you can show another person, saying: "Look at my English."

    他の人に見せることができる 美しい製品を持っています。"私の英語を見て"

  • And they may be impressed when you explain the rules you were following, like: one words,


  • two words, three words, and how you learned to express yourself and have a deep understanding.


  • Right?


  • So, look, I hope you've enjoyed these two lessons. You can see I did, because I did

    だから、見てください、この2つのレッスンを楽しんでいただけたでしょうか?あなたは、私がしたことを見ることができます、 なぜなら私がしたからです

  • a little poem for you, using this exact lesson. E's smiling, because he's like:

    詩を作ってみました このレッスンを使ってねEが微笑んでいるのは、彼が好きだからです。

  • "Wow, this is fun." I'm sure this was fun for you. Give it a try. Get out your vocabulary words, or


  • go watch another engVid lesson. Right? And then take out some vocabulary words, because


  • they do go together, and use them. Make a couple poems, have some fun with it. All right?


  • Anyway, where are you going to find these words? Well,


  • I want you to go to www.eng as in English, vid as in (,

    英語では www.eng、ビデオでは ( に行って欲しい。

  • where you can play, have fun, and experiment.


  • All right? That's what it's about, and that's how you learn best. Anyway, once again, I


  • just wanted to say thank you guys for watching the channel, look forward to all your comments,


  • and the fact that you go do those quizzes. And before I go, I really want you to subscribe,


  • so somewhere around here, or even down here, there's a subscribe button. Okay? Subscribe,

    この辺りかこの下のどこかに 購読ボタンがありますいいですか?購読する

  • and you'll get the newest stuff from myself and engVid. Right?


  • Have a good one. See ya later.


  • Remember: Rain comes down hard.


Yeah, that was fun. I'm looking forward to hearing that from you later.


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