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Let the games begin!
What I just- I- It's just such a confusing menu and I- Don't you find when you're at
your hungriest it's impossible to- I can't think straight so I just want anything. Anything.
Just to, yeah. Cobb salad.
Also there's an element of panic because if you make a wrong choice and you're really
hungry, you get really upset.
Yeah, I know, yeah. I'm now panicking over it but you just have to put it to the back
of your head. There are worse things-
You can't go that wrong.
-You can't go that wrong with a Cobb salad. -No.
I'm getting worried about it.
I mean, I wouldn't not worry, but I reckon you could get- maybe reorder because you're on the poster, so...
-Yeah. -You're kind of a big deal.
Yeah, I didn't want to go for the caviar and lobster, I thought that might be taking the
piss a bit.
-No, be that guy! -I nearly did.
-Do it! -But I didn't want to see Matt's face go...
Oh, he's changed. So, sorry, first of all, congratulations on the film and on the abs.
-What's you name? -My name is Milo.
Slaves that live earn their freedom.
-Yes. -What are you more proud of? Or both?
Well, I don't know. I mean, I'm proud of both I'd say. I think I- it was a body transformation
that I wanted to do. Erm, I think- I did actually look at pictures of- Stone pictures of gladiators,
you know, statues of gladiators. They're always very muscular. They're very ripped and that's
how we- and they were incredibly well fed individuals. They were prized animals, really.
They were forced to fight and they need to be strong so I kind of wanted to step into
that role and get very very fit, which I did and it was a lot of work.
-Is it method abs we're talking about here? -Method abs, yeah.
Fantastic! And you've had a lot to do in this film.
Whatever is happening here, find freedom my friend.
-We have to get to the harbour. -We will go together.
Here there and everywhere, what was your biggest challenge? Because, you know, you're fighting
and you've got special effects.
It was a full on job this one because any scene that you're not in, which is not that many...
In those days, I was in the stunt room learning fights, so there was a four
month period. As an actor, you hope that you maybe get a few days off here. You know, a
few days off there just to kind of get down time to get your head straight. We didn't
have that in this film because it was so action heavy that any time I wasn't on screen, I
was rehearsing fights. Quite often, if I was on screen, I'd be coming off and rehearsing fights.
It was a lot. That was the biggest challenge. Physically, it was a very demanding film.
Did your work over at Castle Black with those guys help you out to be the action guy in this film?
I think it was why I was chosen for this film. You know, I stepped into a quite physical
heroic role in Thrones, and Paul Anderson saw me in that and thought that I might be
good as his kind of quite silent brooding character in this, so I think one did help
the other of course, but this was far more physically demanding than Thrones has ever
been. And you know, in Thrones we film over six months. I probably, because of the expansiveness
of the story. I probably only filmed two months of those six months. You get a lot of time
off actually. In this, it was four months solid without a break.
It must have been intense.
It kind of is because most people's jobs are nine to five, five days a week. This was nine
to nine six days a week.
-A lot less demanding. -Yeah.
Obviously you make a great action man, but your character's a bit of a romantic, isn't he?
Yes, he is. He falls in love. He's got that kind of... He's not a modern man in any way,
shape or form. It's very... He's not connected to his emotions really at the start of the
film. He just knows how to kill and fight, and his whole family had been murdered and
that's very simple. That's the kind of plain that he lives on, and then what ignites in
him, what sort of sparks a kind of a human side to him is meeting Cassia his love interest.
That slave looks at you as if he's in a dream, Cassia.
Again, I think that's very simple for him. See girl, get girl. You know, he's that type
of a bloke. He's very simple. Very simple character. He's a bit of a lad, yeah.
What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
Oh God, that's hard. So many.
I don't know. I flew halfway across the world for a girl once to try to get her back.
-Did it work? -It did, actually. Yeah.
-Well done. -Expensive, but yeah.
-Good value. -Good value, yeah.
And before I go, have you yet formulated a response to when people say you know nothing?
What do you say?
I just like- You're right, I don't. I don't know what that means. I still don't know what
'You know nothing, Jon Snow' means. It's completely confusing to both him and me 'cause it just-
it doesn't make any sense. So, yeah, I haven't really formulated- I just go 'Yeah, thanks. Great.'
I think Jon Snow seems to know quite a lot to be honest, but, yeah, He gets a raw deal.
He know some things.
Anyway, it's been a pleasure speaking to you and congrats on the film.
-Thank you. -Very entertaining.
- Thank you, lovely to meet you. - I'm like, edge of my seat. You too.