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  • Let the games begin!

  • What I just- I- It's just such a confusing menu and I- Don't you find when you're at

  • your hungriest it's impossible to- I can't think straight so I just want anything. Anything.

  • Just to, yeah. Cobb salad.

  • Also there's an element of panic because if you make a wrong choice and you're really

  • hungry, you get really upset.

  • Yeah, I know, yeah. I'm now panicking over it but you just have to put it to the back

  • of your head. There are worse things-

  • You can't go that wrong.

  • -You can't go that wrong with a Cobb salad. -No.

  • I'm getting worried about it.

  • I mean, I wouldn't not worry, but I reckon you could get- maybe reorder because you're on the poster, so...

  • -Yeah. -You're kind of a big deal.

  • Yeah, I didn't want to go for the caviar and lobster, I thought that might be taking the

  • piss a bit.

  • -No, be that guy! -I nearly did.

  • -Do it! -But I didn't want to see Matt's face go...

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, he's changed. So, sorry, first of all, congratulations on the film and on the abs.

  • -What's you name? -My name is Milo.

  • Slaves that live earn their freedom.

  • -Yes. -What are you more proud of? Or both?

  • Well, I don't know. I mean, I'm proud of both I'd say. I think I- it was a body transformation

  • that I wanted to do. Erm, I think- I did actually look at pictures of- Stone pictures of gladiators,

  • you know, statues of gladiators. They're always very muscular. They're very ripped and that's

  • how we- and they were incredibly well fed individuals. They were prized animals, really.

  • They were forced to fight and they need to be strong so I kind of wanted to step into

  • that role and get very very fit, which I did and it was a lot of work.

  • -Is it method abs we're talking about here? -Method abs, yeah.

  • Fantastic! And you've had a lot to do in this film.

  • Whatever is happening here, find freedom my friend.

  • -We have to get to the harbour. -We will go together.

  • Here there and everywhere, what was your biggest challenge? Because, you know, you're fighting

  • and you've got special effects.

  • It was a full on job this one because any scene that you're not in, which is not that many...

  • In those days, I was in the stunt room learning fights, so there was a four

  • month period. As an actor, you hope that you maybe get a few days off here. You know, a

  • few days off there just to kind of get down time to get your head straight. We didn't

  • have that in this film because it was so action heavy that any time I wasn't on screen, I

  • was rehearsing fights. Quite often, if I was on screen, I'd be coming off and rehearsing fights.

  • It was a lot. That was the biggest challenge. Physically, it was a very demanding film.

  • Did your work over at Castle Black with those guys help you out to be the action guy in this film?

  • I think it was why I was chosen for this film. You know, I stepped into a quite physical

  • heroic role in Thrones, and Paul Anderson saw me in that and thought that I might be

  • good as his kind of quite silent brooding character in this, so I think one did help

  • the other of course, but this was far more physically demanding than Thrones has ever

  • been. And you know, in Thrones we film over six months. I probably, because of the expansiveness

  • of the story. I probably only filmed two months of those six months. You get a lot of time

  • off actually. In this, it was four months solid without a break.

  • It must have been intense.

  • It kind of is because most people's jobs are nine to five, five days a week. This was nine

  • to nine six days a week.

  • -A lot less demanding. -Yeah.

  • Obviously you make a great action man, but your character's a bit of a romantic, isn't he?

  • Yes, he is. He falls in love. He's got that kind of... He's not a modern man in any way,

  • shape or form. It's very... He's not connected to his emotions really at the start of the

  • film. He just knows how to kill and fight, and his whole family had been murdered and

  • that's very simple. That's the kind of plain that he lives on, and then what ignites in

  • him, what sort of sparks a kind of a human side to him is meeting Cassia his love interest.

  • That slave looks at you as if he's in a dream, Cassia.

  • Again, I think that's very simple for him. See girl, get girl. You know, he's that type

  • of a bloke. He's very simple. Very simple character. He's a bit of a lad, yeah.

  • What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?

  • Oh God, that's hard. So many.

  • I don't know. I flew halfway across the world for a girl once to try to get her back.

  • -Did it work? -It did, actually. Yeah.

  • -Well done. -Expensive, but yeah.

  • -Good value. -Good value, yeah.

  • And before I go, have you yet formulated a response to when people say you know nothing?

  • What do you say?

  • I just like- You're right, I don't. I don't know what that means. I still don't know what

  • 'You know nothing, Jon Snow' means. It's completely confusing to both him and me 'cause it just-

  • it doesn't make any sense. So, yeah, I haven't really formulated- I just go 'Yeah, thanks. Great.'

  • I think Jon Snow seems to know quite a lot to be honest, but, yeah, He gets a raw deal.

  • He know some things.

  • Anyway, it's been a pleasure speaking to you and congrats on the film.

  • -Thank you. -Very entertaining.

  • - Thank you, lovely to meet you. - I'm like, edge of my seat. You too.

Let the games begin!


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A2 初級

キット・ハリントン インタビュー。アブス、愛、そして新作映画『ポンペイ (Kit Harington Interview: Abs, love and new film Pompeii)

  • 47 3
    s7003122 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日