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  • ♪ (old-school video game music) ♪

  • ♪ (mellow hip hop theme) ♪

  • Oh no. (chuckles)

  • I am not for tattoos.

  • Let's go get a tattoo.

  • (woman) Just need to find a man

  • that will shut the [bleep] up for two seconds.

  • - (chuckles) - (man) That's all right.

  • This is too much like real LA.

  • - (Finebros) Do you have any tattoos? - No.

  • I have freckles. Do they count?

  • Okay. Gonna get a tattoo. So how are we gonna do that?

  • "Choose a design to suit your style and budget."

  • Is it zero? Oh, it's this one.

  • (cackling laugh)

  • Oh.

  • Okey-dokey, smokey.

  • Handsome son of a bitch.

  • Left arm.

  • Okay, try again.

  • Let's do "Whiskey Life."

  • "Michael and Amanda."

  • - (Finebros) Amanda is your wife. - That's my wife.

  • No, I don't do that.

  • What if I get a divorce?

  • That one's gonna have to hurt. I'll go with that.

  • I don't know what that one is.

  • (tattoo artist) That's-a hurt right there.

  • Okay, there we go. I'm done.

  • (tattoo artist) I'm using this money for drugs.

  • Awesome.

  • Is that it?

  • I wanted to see him screaming and going, "Oh, hey man!"

  • Now I want to get my clothes back on.

  • I don't remember getting my clothes off,

  • so whatever they gave me must have been pretty good.

  • Oh, I'm all dressed. Cool. Thank you.

  • Okay. I want to go somewhere more uplifting.

  • ♪ (mellow hip hop theme) ♪

  • Oh, "Happy Girls." Let's go see what's in there.

  • That looks like fun.

  • Oh no, "Horny Girls."

  • Oh, it's a [bleep] bar.

  • (singsong) Oh, we're going to the strip club.

  • So we're gonna go watch girls stripping.

  • Okay. That's exciting.

  • Oh, here we go. I can get a drink.

  • Do I have to pay her or I shoot her?

  • $10 for a drink? Oh my.

  • (Michael gulps)

  • (Finebros) Okay, I think you've had enough.

  • I'm drinking right now. Do you mind?

  • Oh, the place is starting to spin. What'd they put in my drink?

  • Last time I was in a strip club, I was 18

  • (chuckling) in Germany, in Hamburg.

  • "Toss a dollar." Let's see.

  • How do you, uh, press X?

  • - (in game) Hell yeah! - Yeah, there you go.

  • Okay, let's make it rain.

  • (stripper) I'm getting so horny.

  • Because of all that money I'm throwing at you, that's why.

  • All right, that's enough of that.

  • (stripper) You want me to get naked for you?

  • Um... no.

  • "To accept a dance" or "turn her down."

  • Okay, well, never mind.

  • (stripper) Oh, please, I was gonna grind you good.

  • (chuckles) Well, that's one way to get your exercise.

  • (in game) Bring that [bleep] over here, baby!

  • - (in game) Oh, that's what's up! - Oh...

  • Okay, I'm-- that's enough for me.

  • I don't really want to be in a strip club.

  • Never have been and never will be.

  • Not my style. Not my style, no, no.

  • Here we go.

  • (stripper) You want me to get naked for you?

  • Yeah.

  • How do I push "yes"?

  • Oh, press to accept a dance.

  • (stripper) Come on. Follow me sweet [bleep].

  • Oh. Oh.

  • "Premium L--" oh.

  • Now she's a professional.

  • (chuckles) These graphics are pretty real-looking, man.

  • Oh. Oh! My-- oh my god.

  • Could you get me five minutes alone?

  • You sure it's an auto theft, uh... (cracks up)

  • No wonder this game has gotten such a reputation.

  • "Hold R2 to touch"?

  • (stripper moans) I feel all sweaty.

  • YOU do?

  • I'm done.

  • I want to go, uh, like, do something else now.

  • I'm, like, bored of this place.

  • I was hoping the women in this might be more

  • interesting and less stereotyped.

  • ♪ (mellow hip hop theme) ♪

  • It kinda-- is that Venice Beach?

  • This is like really seedy Venice bad part of town we're in.

  • (in game) You [bleep] ese.

  • People are cursing. I don't know. I don't like the area.

  • Look at that fancy car there.

  • Ooh, that's a nice one, that Corvette.

  • Let's take it. Take it. Take the damn thing.

  • Okay, let's go, and then let's go to the right.

  • Okay, right. Ooh, now I'm going down Veni--

  • Ooh, man. This is dangerous. I could hurt people.

  • Well, I want to-- I don't want to--

  • Ooh, I just hit somebody. Oh, I hit two people.

  • Now I want to go right and get out of here.

  • There's too many people here. I gotta go this way.

  • (chuckles)

  • It's a (whispering) marijuana shop.

  • It's a liquor store, I think.

  • No, a pot store. I didn't know they had those in Venice.

  • (in game) I'm hoping it's gonna be a nice weekend.

  • Muscle Beach? Is that the muscle people?

  • - (in game) I could do you some real harm. - Oh, that's nice.

  • (in game) I don't wanna have to do this.

  • - Oh, well, don't then. - (punches landing)

  • (chortles) Oh my god.

  • Well, okay, a powerful woman-- that's not a bad thing.

  • I'm gonna whack one of these guys.

  • (in game: grunting)

  • One more. Oh!

  • Don't screw with The Man.

  • - (in game: commotion) - (snickering)

  • - (in game: groaning) - (snickering)

  • - (woman grunts) - (snickering)

  • (in game) Help me, someone!

  • It's a, whatchamacallit, a boat.

  • (chuckles excitedly)

  • Woo! Ha ha!

  • Oh, wow! This is great!

  • Whee! That's fun! Now, that's fun! Whee!

  • No wonder people get hung up with this stuff,

  • 'cause it's more exciting than their own world.

  • ♪ (mellow hip hop theme) ♪

  • Oh, a helicopter.

  • Oh, this might be kinda trippy.

  • Oh my gosh. Here we go.

  • Get that guy out of the way.

  • (gunfire, people screaming)

  • (snickering)

  • - Now it's-- - (gunfire)

  • Oh my god. What is he doing?

  • He's shooting instead of flying?

  • - (gunfire) - No, no, come on.

  • What is going to make him fly?

  • No, no, no, no. Come on.

  • - (explosion) - Oh my god.

  • Okay. What will make him fly?

  • (Finebros) You need to hold the right trigger.

  • Now he's dead.

  • There we go.

  • Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, this is so cool!

  • Oh, [bleep].

  • - (crash) - Aah!

  • I like flight simulator stuff.

  • Oh yeah.

  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. (chuckles)

  • I can't get it to come up.

  • - (boom) - (laughs)

  • - (crash) - Ay-yai-yai-yai-yai.

  • I pushed the wrong button.

  • Oh, oh, oh. Oh, I crashed.

  • Oh jeez, let's not crash on the building.

  • Ohp! Here we can land.

  • Let's see if we can do this.

  • That wasn't too good.

  • Uh-oh. The helicopter's damaged.

  • - (Michael) Piece of [bleep]. - Uh-oh.

  • That's right. Take no respon--

  • Oh, oh, oh, oh...

  • Ooh. Tsk.

  • That's what happens when you steal helicopters.

  • Look at me, I'm flying, I'm flying!

  • Oh, h-ahh!

  • Oohhh!

  • Oh. Oh my goodness, that was so neat.

  • I'm looking for somebody to kill.

  • Oh, [bleep].

  • - (crashing) - Oh.

  • (crashing, people screaming)

  • Oh, you're gonna die, buddy.

  • Press what now?

  • (people arguing, gunshots)

  • (groans)

  • (chuckles)

  • I'm glad I didn't eat before I came here,

  • because I'd be getting seasick.

  • (Michael screaming)

  • (wheezing) Oh my god.

  • (laughs)

  • I just killed myself.

  • I had a lot of fun today,

  • more fun than I did the last time.

  • If somebody in my family had one, I'd probably play it.

  • You can do almost anything.

  • If you choose something, you don't like it,

  • you just go to something else.

  • This is a really big world,

  • and I didn't know there were so many options.

  • I bet people just get on this and they're on all the time.

  • And it must just make the parents crazy.

  • It does perpetuate violence.

  • I'd like it better if I was feeling like

  • if I was on the side of the law and I was preventing crimes.

  • I didn't see anything good on there to do.

  • It's not like you could

  • rush to a person that's been hit by a car

  • or save a puppy and take him to the shelter.

  • It's not a good game to play.

  • I finally went to the strip club and had a couple shots

  • and left immediately.

  • I don't like that it's in there,

  • but it's real life, and I know people want to see that.

  • But for me, there was so much else you could do.

  • I want to play it some more.

  • I'm gonna stay here and play, and you guys can go.

  • Thanks for watching us play Grand Theft Auto V

  • on the React channel.

  • Let us know in the comments what game we should play next.

  • New shows every week. Don't miss out. Subscribe!

  • Bye!

  • See ya! Oh, wait, wait.

  • Can we go back to that strip club? (chuckles)

  • ♪ (old-school video game music) ♪

♪ (old-school video game music) ♪


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A2 初級

エルダーズプレイ グランド・セフト・オートV #2 (エルダーズリアクト:ゲーミング) (Elders Play Grand Theft Auto V #2 (Elders React: Gaming))

  • 464 11
    Ho Siu Ming に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日