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  • bjbj A guide to Boston with Kathy Arnold I wasn t born in Boston but I

  • went to university here and its my favourite American city. And here in the Skywalk Observatory

  • we re 50 floors up in the Prudential Tower and it s a great place to start a visit to

  • the city because you can see the whole of the downtown, all of the historic area right

  • below you Boston is very much a city that moves with the times and, if you ve not been

  • here for a while, you ll certainly notice some changes This is the Rose Kennedy Greenway

  • and not so long ago there was an elevated expressway right above me the length of this

  • whole parkland. But thanks to a project called the Big Dig they put all that traffic into

  • tunnels underground. Now Bostonians can walk from the Financial District over to the harbour

  • its all connected the way it used to be Some things however don t change and for many visitors,

  • Boston s key role in America s Independence and its birth as a nation is a major draw.

  • Walking the Freedom Trail is the best way to get to grips with the city s past. You

  • can follow the trail on your own, (there are plenty of information points and free printed

  • guides) but, even better, you can walk a section of the trail in the company of a historical

  • character of the day. My name is Rachel Revere and I m the second wife of Mr Paul Revere.

  • Paul Revere was one of the leaders of the patriot movement. All the events that took

  • place in this colony are what led to the revolutionary war so that idea is very much embedded in

  • the Freedom trail itself. Let s walk the red line The full walk is some 2.5 miles long

  • and follows a red brick line that leads to 16 significant historic sites including landmarks

  • such as the gold domed State House, Park Street Church, Faneuil Hall and Quincy market place

  • and the Old Granary burying ground where famous sons of the revolution are buried This is

  • the old state house and from that balcony in 1776 they read the declaration of independence

  • here in Boston for the first time. And they still read it out, every year on the 4th July

  • from that balcony Boston is a very walkable city with lots of different areas to explore.

  • Beacon Hill right by Boston Common is a lovely area to stroll around with its gas lit cobbled

  • streets, beautiful homes and quaint shops To give your feet a rest, a fun way to see

  • the sights is to take a 90 minute guided Duck Tour. This convoy of amphibious vehicles (built

  • in WWII and nicknamed ducks) give you both the street tour and the thrill of a splash

  • down on the Charles River Its really fun on the Duck tour and best of all is getting down here on the water. You

  • ve got all the views of the landmarks and on one side is Boston and on the other side

  • is Cambridge, and that s the home of Harvard University My top tip in Cambridge is to sign

  • up for the Unofficial Harvard tour led by students. Matt and Nora are 2 of the regular

  • undergraduate guides and told me what makes their tour different Matt So basically we

  • try and make our tour experience from the student s perspective. We re kids, we re passionate,

  • into it, enthusiastic, and the more fun we re having we think the more fun the tourists

  • have too Kathy and Nora what s your favourite part of campus? Nora my favourite part of

  • campus is right behind us, its called Memorial Hall. It looks a lot like a church but its

  • not a church at all. Its serves as the Freshman s dining hall, that long part on the left

  • hand side which looks a bit like the dining hall from Hogwarts so I think that s pretty

  • awesome. Still in Cambridge at the Museum of Natural History I met up with Catherine

  • Peterson of the Arts Boston organisation to find out more about Boston s diverse cultural

  • attractions There s more than you could ever fit into one trip. There are some beautiful

  • fine art galleries from the Museum of Fine Arts to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum,

  • which is an Italian Palazzo a few blocks away to our very new institute of Contemporary

  • Art down by the waterfront Kathy: And if you are travelling with children, the Museum of

  • Science and the New England Aquarium are not just educational but great fun too There not

  • only great places to go but they are in great parts of the city. The museum of Science is

  • a great place to start off for a Duck tour and the Aquarium is a great place from which

  • to go for a Whale tour and explore the North End. And back here at Harvard, I mean you

  • could never get bored coming here looking at the incredible exhibits here When it comes

  • to places to stay, Boston s a major city so its got everything from bed and breakfasts

  • and small boutique hotels to all the major groups of hotels. And its got hotels with

  • history: the Omni Parker house had Charles Dickens as a guest and Ho Chi Min and Malcolm

  • X worked there and then here, at the Back Bay Hotel, this was once the headquarters

  • of the Boston Police.. And Boston also has those other essential ingredients for a US

  • city break there s great shopping and when it comes to food, Boston has it all. There

  • s the South End with lots of restaurants, the Italian North End and here, at the Top

  • of the Hub, its lunch with a view and a lobster roll. Lobster is a speciality of Boston Of

  • course I m biased but there s nowhere like Boston. Its got everything you want from a

  • city but its small enough to get a handle on it right away. You can spend a lot of time

  • here or you can see a lot in just a couple of days and come away thinking that you ve

  • really got a bit under the skin of one of America s best cities [Content_Types].xml

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  • kZo{Z g9g9c o{g9^ .o{V g9g9^ kZg9 TCA Travel Promotions A guide to Boston Title Microsoft

  • Word 97-2004 Document NB6W Word.Document.8

bjbj A guide to Boston with Kathy Arnold I wasn t born in Boston but I


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ボストン・シティガイド - (Boston City Guide -

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    Jack に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日