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Sleep is really, really important,
and unfortunately, we just don't get enough of it.
And I think one of the reasons for that
is that our lives our increasingly dependent
on time tables and schedules,
and things that tend to start early in the day,
at a specific time,
which makes us subject our lives to the
tyranny of evil alarm clocks.
Unfortunately, we don't use these same alarm clocks
to tell us when to go to bed often,
so for a lot of us,
getting to bed on time to get adequate sleep
is tough.
I know I've had this problem and if you're watching
this video,
you've probably had this problem as well.
But this is not a pity party,
this is not an empathy video,
this is a solution video.
And today, I'm hoping I can give you some tips
for building the habit of getting to bed on time
and thus, getting adequate sleep.
But before I can get into those tips,
we do have to answer the question,
"What time should you go to bed?"
Well, everyone has individually different sleep needs,
but we can use two main pieces of information
to establish a kind of baseline rule,
if you will.
Number one.
According to the National Sleep Foundation,
people between the ages of 18 and 25
want to get between seven to nine hours of sleep a night,
on average.
Also, we know that when you're sleeping,
your brain goes through multiple iterations of
what's called the sleep cycle.
It starts off at a higher level of brain activity
and then kind of comes down to a really low level
for a while,
before shooting up into a very high level of activity,
called REM,
or Rapid Eye Movement.
Now in a perfect ideal world,
where every alarm clock had long since been
smashed to tiny, tiny pieces,
you would naturally wake up at the end of
one of these sleep cycles.
And these sleep cycles take on average
about 90 minutes.
But, when you're using an alarm clock,
you run the risk of waking up in the middle of one,
which is going to make you feel like a truck hit you.
So, you want to try to time when you fall asleep
to wake up at the end of one of these sleep cycles.
And if you want to make this really, really easy,
head on over to a website called
where you can input when you need to wake up,
and it will give you some times where you should
aim to fall asleep.
Now keep in mind that the average adult takes about
14 minutes to fall asleep after the lights go out,
so pick the window that works for you,
add about 15 minutes to it,
and that should be your established bedtime.
And the key word there is established.
You really want to precommit to going to bed at this time,
instead of just being real casual about it.
A lot of people just go to bed when they feel tired,
which would work in a perfect ideal world
without those alarm clocks,
but it doesn't really work in the modern world.
And the reason for that,
well to explain that,
we're going to have to get into some science.
Basically, your sleep is regulated by two
biological mechanisms.
One is called the "Sleep-Wake Homeostaic Process,"
and this works kind of, sort of, like an internal timer.
It basically records when you slept last,
how long you slept,
and then it creates this internal desire to sleep,
which increases in intensity as time goes on.
And this process is complemented by what's called the
"Circadian Clock,"
which is a mechanism that basically syncs your
biological processes with the day and night cycle.
Basically keeps you awake and active during the day,
and wanting to sleep at night.
Unfortunately, in the modern world,
we have a lot of artificial light that we expose
ourselves to,
and this can actually dampen the secretion
of a hormone in the brain called melatonin,
which makes you feel tired.
So, when you're up at night staring at screens
and having all these bright lights on you,
your brain thinks basically that it's daytime,
and you don't feel tired until it's too late.
So, number one tip here,
if you're getting up at a specific time,
then go to bed at that pre-established bedtime
you've set for yourself.
And I've found that when you stick to this
and you do it for a while,
it actually becomes a habit and your
body responds in kind.
It will start feeling tired when it's supposed to.
Now, the main impediment to progress in
building this habit is the fact we tend to do stuff
that's really highly mentally active late at night,
whether it's homework, or Netflix, or video games,
or whatever it is,
we tend to do stuff that causes us to push our bedtimes
off further and further.
Which is why I think one of the most important things
you can do to increase your chances of going to bed on time,
is to create what I like to call a "wind-down ritual."
Basically, a sequence of activities that sort of bring
down your brain activity,
calm you,
relax you,
and get your brain to the context of knowing
that the day's about over and it's time to
start going to bed.
Now if you can structure your wind-down ritual
in a number of ways.
A lot of people like to get ready for bed early,
brush their teeth,
have a shower.
A lot of people like to do some light reading or journaling,
or maybe even have a cup of tea and meditate.
You can basically do whatever you want,
but I have a few tips for making it as effective
as it can possibly be.
Number one.
Have an alarm for it.
Have something on your watch or your phone
that tells you, "Hey bro, it's time to start
winding down.
It's time to stop playing video games
or finish up the episode of TV you're on,
or stop working and start winding down."
Number two.
You're building a habit, just like with any other,
there are certain things you can do to increase
your success in building that habit,
and one of those is to track your progress.
So us a tool like "Habitica," or "Coach.me,"
or you can use something like Excel or a journal
to record the time that you start your routine
and the time when you go to bed.
So you've got data and you can actually see your progress,
and that will in turn increase the likelihood
that it will become a strong habit.
Finally, I think the first step to your wind-down routine
should be to stop using the internet for the day.
Either turn off your computer or maybe use a Chrome
extension, like Stay Focused,
to set a time where your internet access gets shut off,
because I know that personally the internet is the
worst offender among the host of distractions
that can keep me pushing my bedtime off.
It's so easy to say,
"Oh, it will only take 30 seconds to check this email,"
or "30 seconds to look at this stat thing,"
and then an hour's gone by.
So the internet has to go.
So now we've got a set bedtime,
we've got the wind-down ritual,
we're building that as intelligently as possible,
and there's one last tip I wanted to share with you
which comes from the author Gretchen Rubin,
who wrote, "The Happiness Project,"
and also the book, "Better than Before,"
and she says,
"Remind yourself how great it feels
to wake up naturally,
before the alarm goes off,
without that sickening jolt into wakefulness."
Then, when you're surfing the internet
at 11:30 p.m., ask yourself,
'Am I making a good trade-off?'"
I really like this tip because it's all about
pausing and deliberately doing the cost benefit
analysis and asking yourself, "Is the goal I want
a little bit later more important than the thing
I can get right now?"
Because remember, as humans, we're wired to
discount the value of future rewards
and increase the value of what we can get now.
But, I think the value of waking up and feeling well-rested
is a little bit more important than being able
to check one more Facebook post.
And if you tell yourself that deliberately,
I think you're going to get your brain to agree as well.
So that is what I've got for you today in terms of tips
on getting to bed on time.
Hopefully, you've found them helpful and I do know
that this is only one part of the equation.
Once you've actually gotten into bed,
you do need to fall asleep,
and I know most of us have a pretty easy time of that,
but I know some people don't,
so in a future video,
I'm going to have some extra tips on falling asleep
on time and getting better quality sleep.
Before I go, I wanted to update you on my reading progress,
because in the video I did a couple of weeks ago on how to
read more books,
I told you I was committing to read 25 pages a day
without fail for at least the next three months,
and I can tell you that now it is 19 days into the challenge
and I have done it,
and so far I've read 472 pages,
which is awesome for me.
I've never read that much nonfiction before
on a consistent basis,
and I've picked books that had a lot of like
crazy science in them,
they were pretty dense,
and I'm finding that as I've built this habit,
as I'm doing it every single day,
my mind is more easily able to slip into a flow state.
It's more easily able to stay focused and not
get distracted or bored.
So, there's definitely a lot of merit in building a
daily reading habit beyond just the accumulation of pages.
And to give you a bit of an update on the books
I've been reading,
I did finish the first book that I chose to read,
which was "Spark,
The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain."
And let me tell you,
I love this book.
I knew exercise was really important before it,
but I never knew how it affected
all the parts of the brain and solves
a lot of the different problems our brains can have.
I like this book so much that I actually invited the author,
Dr. John Ratey,
onto my podcast and the episode with him will be
coming out in a couple of weeks,
so subscribe to the podcast if you haven't,
and keep your eyes peeled for that one.
I actually finished that book when I was out in Colorado
and, of course, I had to stop at multiple different
bookstores when I was in Boulder and Denver.
And when I was at the Boulder one,
I picked up a book called, "Good Calories, Bad Calories,"
by Gary Taubes,
and I've heard this is one of like the best nutrition
books out there and I wanted to really dig into
the science of nutrition,
so I've started reading this one.
It's very dense.
It's very, very detailed, and I'm about halfway
through so far.
It's pretty good.
And while I'm not tracking fiction,
I did want to tell you guys about the fiction
book I'm reading,
because I got my hands on an early copy of a book
written by a good friend of mine.
It's called, "Mr. Fahrenheit,"
which was actually written by my good friend,
T. Michael Martin,
who you may be familiar with if you happen
to watch the channel, "How to Adult."
And if you don't,
you should definitely go check it out and subscribe,
it's an awesome channel.
But yeah, Mike is,
in addition to being a YouTuber,
he's a fiction author.
In fact, I had him on my podcast recently
about how to become a published author,
to get your work on bookshelves,
so check that out if you're curious,
but this book has been really cool so far.
I'm really excited to finish it.
But it's basically kind of like "Super 8,"
mixed with that movie, "Chronicle,"
mixed with "Friday Night Lights."
The basic premise is these four high school students
accidentally shoot down an alien spaceship
and then smartly decide to try not to tell
anyone about it.
So fun things happen from there.
But, I'm really enjoying it so far and if you want to
check it out,
I've got a link down in the description
where you can preorder it,
because it comes out on April 19th,
it's not out yet,
so I have the super secret,
uncorrected proof copy,
and Mike's also doing some cool giveaways
and preorder bonuses,
and I've got a video that he has made explaining
all that stuff down in the description as well.
Hopefully, you enjoyed this video overall
and found it useful,
and if you did and you want to support this channel,
you can give it a like.
And also, if you want to get new tips
on being a more effective student every single week,
you can click that big red "Subscribe" button down below.
If you want to get even more study tips,
I wrote an entire book on how to improve your grades
and it is free.
So if you want to get a copy,
click the picture of the book and I will
send you one.
Last week I was actually out in Boulder, Colorado,
with my girlfriend hiking,
and I decided to make a fun little vlog about it,
so if you'd like to be entertained, hopefully,
then you can check it out right there.
And if you want to find the full article for this video,
along with extra tips and resources,
you can click the "Full Article" button right there.
Lastly, if you want to connect with me,
I'm on Twitter and Instagram @TomFrankly,
or you can leave a comment down below.
Thanks for watching.