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- Hi.
So, sometimes in life
weird things happen. (laughs ghoulishly)
Now would be one of those times.
And sometimes the things that happen
occur in a series of events that seem like a pattern
that we like to call a coincidence.
But the coincidences that you and I have seen in our lives,
are nothing compared to some of the insanely freaky
coincidences that have gone down in the past.
So, this week I gathered the most astonishing ones
to share with you guys.
So here they are,
The 10 Freakiest Coincidences in History.
Number one is The Futility of the Titanic.
In 1898 writer Morgan Robertson
wrote a novel called "Futility" which describes
the maiden voyage of a luxury ship
called The Titan, that sinks.
The book was published just 14 years
before the Titanic sank, and the similarities
between the book and the actual event are mind boggling.
In the book, the Titan was called unsinkable.
So was the Titanic.
Both ships were British owned vessels
around 800 feet long and both hit an iceberg and sank.
In the book, the Titan sank at midnight in April,
400 miles from Newfoundland.
The Titanic sank at midnight on April 14th, 1912,
400 miles from Newfoundland.
The Titan had 3,000 passengers
and not enough life jackets.
The Titanic had 2,207 passengers and well,
you get the idea.
Man, that is ultra specific!
The only thing this book is missing
is a character named Leonardo who's an actor
that just can't win an Oscar.
Number two is The King's Double.
In the year 1900 in Monza, Italy,
King Umberto I went to a small restaurant for dinner.
The King immediately recognized the restaurant owner
because he was his exact double both in face and build.
After talking, the men discovered even more similarities.
They were both born on March 14th, 1844.
They were both born in the same town.
They both married a woman name Margherita.
And the owner opened the restaurant
the exact same day Umberto was crowned King of Italy.
And if that wasn't enough, on July 29th of that year
the owner of the restaurant was shot and killed
and shortly after, so was King Umberto.
Man that is crazy!
I mean it would never happen nowadays
because there's like seven billion people in the world
so meeting your exact twin is almost impossible.
But still--
- Hey Matt, I'm just gonna go borrow the car for a minute,
is that okay?
- Oh yeah, no, that's cool.
- Okay.
- Anyways yeah, it would freak me out to meet my exact twin.
Number three is The Ohio-Space Connection.
There's a really odd connection
between the State of Ohio and Space/Flight.
In 1903 the Wright Brothers demonstrated
the world's first functioning airplane.
They were from Ohio.
The first American ever shot into space was John Glenn,
who's from Ohio.
Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon.
Guess where he was from?
Mars, no Ohio.
In fact, a total of 25 astronauts have come from that state.
So many, that NASA actually has a page dedicated to them.
Well, if you wanna be an astronaut, you know where to go.
I'm serious, they'll accept anyone.
John Glenn was dangerously unqualified
when they accepted him.
So, it seems like all you need
is your ID to say Ohio and you're in!
Number four is King Louis' Bad Day.
Around 1760 when King Louis XVI was a child,
he was warned by an astrologist
to always be on guard on the 21st day of each month.
What followed was bizarre.
On June 21st of 1791, he and his queen were both arrested
following the French Revolution.
On September 21st of 1791
France abolished the institution of royalty
and proclaimed itself a Republic.
And finally, on January 21st of 1793,
King Louis the XVI was executed by guillotine.
Man, that's some really bad luck.
But surprisingly, despite all that,
he was reportedly still very good at Blackjack.
I guess you win some, you lose some.
Number five is The Cannibalized Boy.
In 1838 writer Edgar Allen Poe
released his only complete novel called
"The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket".
The story is about four men that survive a shipwreck
on a stormy sea and are forced
to kill and eat a boy named Richard Parker.
The disturbing coincidence is that 46 years later
there was a ship called the Migonette that was shipwrecked
with only four survivors and well,
you can see where this is going.
In order to survive, the three men were forced
to kill and eat the fourth survivor
who was a boy name Richard Parker.
That is crazy!
I mean if I were there I'm tellin' you right now
I would straight-up starve.
Because I don't know how anybody
could convince themselves to eat another human being.
(chewing sounds)
It's just veal, it's just veal.
It's just veal. (sobbing)
Number six is The Unlucky Major Summerford.
While fighting in Flanders Fields in 1918
there was a flash of lightening
and Major Summerford was knocked off of his horse
and paralyzed from the waist down.
Only six years later in 1924 he retired
and moved to Vancouver where one day he was fishing
and lightening struck directly beside him
paralyzing his entire right side.
Miraculously despite all that, just two years later
he fully recovered and was able to walk again.
Until just four years after that,
he was directly struck by lightening,
permanently paralyzing him.
I should also mention that just four years after his death,
lightening struck his tombstone destroying it.
Wow, you know the odds of all of that happening
are shockingly low.
In fact, if that sparks your interest,
you should Google it.
I think you'll find the topic electrifying.
Number seven is Twin Boys with Twin Lives.
In 1940 two identical twins were separated at birth
and adopted by different families.
Unknown to each other, both families
named each boy James.
Without knowing each other, both boys
grew up pursuing a job in law enforcement.
They both had skills in carpentry.
They both married a woman named Linda.
They both had boys they each named James Alan.
They both got divorced and remarried to a woman named Betty.
And they both had a dog named Toy.
This was all discovered when they
reunited 39 years later in 1979.
And as great as that must have been,
it must have been an awkwardly short conversation.
- So, we both had the exact same life.
- Yeah.
- So, I basically already know everything about you.
- Yep.
- (exhales)
You wanna go grab a beer. - Yeah.
- Number eight is The Lee Family Curse.
Bruce Lee died in 1973 following
the production of what would become his final movie,
"Game of Death".
The movie was based around an actor that gets shot
after a prop gun accidentally goes off.
What's creepy is that exactly 20 years later in 1993,
his son Brandon Lee, was shot and killed
when a prop gun accidentally went off
while shooting the movie "The Crow".
And as if that wasn't creepy enough,
Brandon Lee's death occurred just two months
before the release of "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story".
Which is a movie about a demon that battles Bruce Lee
and then goes after his son.
You know, this story is just all around unfortunate.
Not just for the Lee family, but also for the prop guy
that was responsible for that gun.
He's never working in Hollywood again.
Number nine is The Mysterious Monk.
Joseph Aigner was a well known painter in the 19th century
who was unhappy with life.
Because of this, at the age of 18 he attempted
to kill himself, but he was interrupted
by a mysterious Capuchin Monk that he did not know.
When he turned 22 he again attempted suicide,
only to again be interrupted by the same monk.
When he turned 68 he was finally successful
in ending his own life.
But surprisingly, the funeral was conducted by,
you guessed it,
the same mysterious Capuchin monk.
Some people might think this is the work of God,
but I think this guy might have just been a creep.
I mean seriously, would you want some random
mystery, Capuchin monk following you around?
Popping up out of nowhere?
And what the hell's Capuchin mean anyways?
I'm all flustered.
And finally number 10, Left-Handed Presidents.
There's a weird pattern that exists right now
related to American Presidents.
More than half of the last 14 US Presidents
have been left-handed.
Not impressed?
Well, what if I said over the past two decades
almost every single Presidential candidate
has been left-handed?
In 1992 Bill Clinton, George H. Bush and Ross Perot,
all left-handed.
In 2008 John McCain, left-handed.
And yes, the current
President of the United States of America,
Barack Obama, left-handed.
If you still don't think that's an odd coincidence,
keep in mind that only about 12% of men globally
are left-handed.
So, this pattern statistically is incredible.
Wait a minute, maybe left-handed people
are just naturally superior and smarter than the rest of us.
I mean I, oh.
Yeah, never mind.
Oh Bieber, what a little piece of (beep).
So that's all for this video guys.
I hope you enjoyed it and as always
if you wanna add me to Facebook and Twitter
the links to those will be in the description
along with all my other social networking sites.
And other than that, I will see you guys
back here next Saturday.
Same bat time, same bat channel (laughs).
- Oh hello, Eugene here.
Matt asked me to do the outro screen
because he's off taking a dump
and he asked me not to tell you that.
So, thank you for watching this video.
If you did enjoy it, please remember to click
the big red subscribe button below
to subscribe to Matt's channel.
He releases a new video every single Saturday
And while you're at it, maybe click the Like button
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Is that, is that normally what he says?
Yeah, let's go with that.
I am actually off to go play some Dungeons and Dragons
because that's what I like to do on my Saturday nights.
So, and no it's not because I'm a nerd.
It's just a coincidence.
You would think you would have learned that
after this video.
About coincidences and whatnot.
Anyways, goodbye now.