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  • Aah, the sound of shaking animal intestines.. I mean, strings which are traditionally

  • made out of cat gut but regardless of what it's made out of when a string

  • vibrates it does so with the ends fixed to the instrument. This means that it can only

  • vibrate in certain waves, sin waves. Like a jump rope with one bump or two bumps or

  • three or four or some combination of these bumps. The more bumps the higher

  • the pitch and the faster the string has to vibrate. In fact, the frequency of a

  • strings vibration is exactly equal to the number of bumps times the strings

  • fundamental frequency that is, the frequency of vibrations for a single bump.

  • And since most melodious instruments use either strings or air vibrating

  • pipes which has the same sinusoidal behavior it won't surprise you to hear

  • that musicians have different names for the different ratios between these pitches. In

  • the traditional Western scale, 1 to 2 bumps is called an octave; 2 to 3 is a perfect fifth;

  • 3 to 4 is a perfect fourth, then a major third, minor third some other things that

  • aren't on the scale and from 8 to 9 bumps is a major second or whole step. If you play a few of these

  • notes together you get the nice sound of perfect harmony. Hence the name for this band of

  • pitches, harmonics. In fact a sound that matches one of the harmonics of a string can cause

  • that string to start vibrating on its own with their resonant ringing sound. And a bugle

  • playing taps uses only the notes in a single

  • series of harmonics which is part of why the melody of taps rings

  • so purely and why you can play taps with the harmonics of a single guitar string.

  • Harmonics can also be used to tune string instruments. For example, on a

  • violin, viola or cello, the third harmonic on one string should be equal to the

  • second harmonic on the next string up. Bassists and guitarists can compare the fourth

  • harmonic to the third harmonic on the next string up but then we come to the piano or

  • historically the harpsichord or clavichord but either way the problem is

  • this: it has too many strings. There's a string for each of the 12 semi tones of

  • the Western scale times seven. If you wanted to tune these strings using

  • harmonics you could for example try using whole steps that is you could

  • compare the ninth harmonic on one key to the eighth harmonic two keys up which works fine for the

  • first few keys; but if you do it

  • six times, you'll get to what's supposed to be the original note an octave up

  • which should have twice the frequency.

  • Except that our harmonic tuning method multiplied the frequency by a factor of

  • nine eighths each time and 9 over 8 to the 6th is not two, its 2.027286529541 etcetera. If you tried

  • harmonically tuning a piano using major thirds instead, you'd multiply the

  • frequency by five fourths three times or 1.953125, still not two. Using fourths

  • you'd get 1.973 not two. Fifths gives 2.027 again. And don't even try

  • using half steps; you will be off by almost 10 percent and this is the problem. It's

  • mathematically impossible to tune a piano consistently across all keys using

  • perfect beautiful harmonics, so we don't. Most pianos these days use what's called

  • equal tempered tuning where the frequency of each key is the 12th root of two

  • times the frequency of the key below it. The 12th root of 2 is an irrational number

  • something you never get using simple ratios of harmonic tuning;

  • but its benefit is that once you go up 12 keys you end up

  • with exactly the 12th root of 2 to the 12th or, twice the frequency. Perfect octave!

  • However, the octave is the only perfect interval on an equally tuned piano. Fifths

  • are slightly; flat fourths are slightly sharp; major thirds are sharp, minor thirds are

  • flat and so on. You can hear a kind of "wawawawawa" effect

  • in this equal tempered chord; which goes away using harmonic tune. But, if you tuned an instrument

  • using the 12th root of 2 as most pianos, digital tuners and computer instruments are, you can play

  • any song, in any key, and they will all be equally and just slightly out of tune.

  • This Minute Physics video is brought to you in part by, the leading

  • provider of audio books across all types of literature including fiction

  • non-fiction and periodicals. If you go to physics you can try audible

  • out by downloading a free audiobook of your choice. I just read

  • 'The Name of the Wind' by Patrick Rothfuss. It's a fantasy novel with a very music

  • and scientifically oriented protagonist and I thoroughly enjoyed it. You can

  • download this audiobook or a free audiobook of your choice at

  • and I'd like to thank audible for helping me continue to make these

  • videos

Aah, the sound of shaking animal intestines.. I mean, strings which are traditionally


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ピアノの調律ができない理由 (Why It's Impossible to Tune a Piano)

  • 881 34
    簡簡哲 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日