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  • Okay.

  • This is the lecture on the singular value decomposition.

  • But everybody calls it the SVD.

  • So this is the final and best factorization of a matrix.

  • Let me tell you what's coming.

  • The factors will be, orthogonal matrix,

  • diagonal matrix, orthogonal matrix.

  • So it's things that we've seen before, these special good

  • matrices, orthogonal diagonal.

  • The new point is that we need two orthogonal matrices.

  • A can be any matrix whatsoever.

  • Any matrix whatsoever has this singular value decomposition,

  • so a diagonal one in the middle, but I need two different

  • -- probably different orthogonal matrices to be able to do this.

  • Okay.

  • And this factorization has jumped into importance and is

  • properly, I think, maybe the bringing together of

  • everything in this course.

  • One thing we'll bring together is the very good family of

  • matrices that we just studied, symmetric, positive,

  • definite.

  • Do you remember the stories with those guys?

  • Because they were symmetric, their eigenvectors were

  • orthogonal, so I could produce an orthogonal matrix -- this is

  • my usual one.

  • My usual one is the eigenvectors and eigenvalues

  • In the symmetric case, the eigenvectors are

  • orthogonal, so I've got the good -- my ordinary s has become an

  • especially good Q.

  • And positive definite, my ordinary lambda has become a

  • positive lambda.

  • So that's the singular value decomposition in case our matrix

  • is symmetric positive definite -- in that case,

  • I don't need two -- U and a V -- one orthogonal matrix will do

  • for both sides.

  • So this would be no good in general, because usually the

  • eigenvector matrix isn't orthogonal.

  • So that's not what I'm after.

  • I'm looking for orthogonal times diagonal times orthogonal.

  • And let me show you what that means and where it comes from.

  • Okay.

  • What does it mean?

  • You remember the picture of any linear transformation.

  • This was, like, the most important figure in

  • And what I looking for now?

  • A typical vector in the row space

  • -- typical vector, let me call it v1,

  • gets taken over to some vector in the column space,

  • say u1.

  • So u1 is Av1.

  • Okay.

  • Now, another vector gets taken over here somewhere.

  • What I looking for?

  • In this SVD, this singular value

  • decomposition, what I'm looking for is an

  • orthogonal basis here that gets knocked over into an orthogonal

  • basis over there.

  • See that's pretty special, to have an orthogonal basis in

  • the row space that goes over into an orthogonal basis --

  • so this is like a right angle and this is a right angle --

  • into an orthogonal basis in the column space.

  • So that's our goal, is to find -- do you see how

  • things are coming together?

  • First of all, can I find an orthogonal basis

  • for this row space?

  • Of course.

  • No big deal to find an orthogonal basis.

  • Graham Schmidt tells me how to do it.

  • Start with any old basis and grind through Graham Schmidt,

  • out comes an orthogonal basis.

  • But then, if I just take any old orthogonal basis,

  • then when I multiply by A, there's no reason why it should

  • be orthogonal over here.

  • So I'm looking for this special set up where A takes these basis

  • vectors into orthogonal vectors over there.

  • Now, you might have noticed that the null space I didn't

  • include.

  • Why don't I stick that in?

  • You remember our usual figure had a little null space and a

  • little null space.

  • And those are no problems.

  • Those null spaces are going to show up as zeroes on the

  • diagonal of sigma, so that doesn't present any

  • difficulty.

  • Our difficulty is to find these.

  • So do you see what this will mean?

  • This will mean that A times these v-s, v1,

  • v2, up to -- what's the dimension of this row space?

  • Vr.

  • Sorry, make that V a little smaller -- up to vr.

  • So that's -- Av1 is going to be the first column,

  • so here's what I'm achieving.

  • Oh, I'm not only going to make these orthogonal,

  • but why not make them orthonormal?

  • Make them unit vectors.

  • So maybe the unit vector is here, is the u1,

  • and this might be a multiple of it.

  • So really, what's happening is Av1 is some multiple of u1,

  • right?

  • These guys will be unit vectors and they'll go over into

  • multiples of unit vectors and the multiple I'm not going to

  • call lambda anymore.

  • I'm calling it sigma.

  • So that's the number -- the stretching number.

  • And similarly, Av2 is sigma two u2.

  • This is my goal.

  • And now I want to express that goal in matrix language.

  • That's the usual step.

  • Think of what you want and then express it as a matrix

  • multiplication.

  • So Av1 is sigma one u1 -- actually, here we go.

  • Let me pull out these -- u1, u2 to ur and then a matrix with

  • the sigmas.

  • Everything now is going to be in that little part of the

  • blackboard.

  • Do you see that this equation says what I'm trying to do with

  • my figure.

  • A times the first basis vector should be sigma one times the

  • other basis -- the other first basis vector.

  • These are the basis vectors in the row space,

  • these are the basis vectors in the column space and these are

  • the multiplying factors.

  • So Av2 is sigma two times u2, Avr is sigma r times ur.

  • And then we've got a whole lot of zeroes and maybe some zeroes

  • at the end, but that's the heart of it.

  • And now if I express that in -- as matrices, because you knew

  • that was coming -- that's what I have.

  • So, this is my goal, to find an orthogonal basis in

  • the orthonormal, even -- basis in the row space

  • and an orthonormal basis in the column space so that I've sort

  • of diagonalized the matrix.

  • The matrix A is, like, getting converted to this

  • diagonal matrix sigma.

  • And you notice that usually I have to allow myself two

  • different bases.

  • My little comment about symmetric positive definite was

  • the one case where it's A Q equal Q sigma,

  • where V and U are the same Q.

  • But mostly, you know, I'm going to take a matrix like

  • -- oh, let me take a matrix like four four minus three three.

  • Okay.

  • There's a two by two matrix.

  • It's invertible, so it has rank two.

  • So I'm going to look for two vectors, v1 and v2 in the row

  • space, and U -- so I'm going to look for v1, v2 in the row

  • space, which of course is R^2.

  • And I'm going to look for u1, u2 in the column space,

  • which of course is also R^2, and I'm going to look for

  • numbers sigma one and sigma two so that it all comes out right.

  • So these guys are orthonormal, these guys are orthonormal and

  • these are the scaling factors.

  • So I'll do that example as soon as I get the matrix picture

  • straight.

  • Okay.

  • Do you see that this expresses what I want?

  • Can I just say two words about null spaces?

  • If there's some null space, then we want to stick in a

  • basis for those, for that.

  • So here comes a basis for the null space, v(r+1) down to vm.

  • So if we only had an r dimensional row space and the

  • other n-r dimensions were in the null space --

  • okay, we'll take an orthogonal -- orthonormal basis there.

  • No problem.

  • And then we'll just get zeroes.

  • So, actually, w- those zeroes will come out

  • on the diagonal matrix.

  • So I'll complete that to an orthonormal basis for the whole

  • space, R^m.

  • I complete this to an orthonormal basis for the whole

  • space R^n and I complete that with zeroes.

  • Null spaces are no problem here.

  • So really the true problem is in a matrix like that,

  • which isn't symmetric, so I can't use its

  • eigenvectors, they're not orthogonal -- but

  • somehow I have to get these orthogonal --

  • in fact, orthonormal guys that make it work.

  • I have to find these orthonormal guys,

  • these orthonormal guys and I want Av1 to be sigma one u1 and

  • Av2 to be sigma two u2.

  • Okay.

  • That's my goal.

  • Here's the matrices that are going to get me there.

  • Now these are orthogonal matrices.

  • I can put that -- if I multiply on both sides by V inverse,

  • I have A equals U sigma V inverse, and of course you know

  • the other way I can write V inverse.

  • This is one of those square orthogonal matrices,

  • so it's the same as U sigma V transpose.

  • Okay.

  • Here's my problem.

  • I've got two orthogonal matrices here.

  • And I don't want to find them both at once.

  • So I want to cook up some expression that will make the Us

  • disappear.

  • I would like to make the Us disappear and leave me only with

  • the Vs.

  • And here's how to do it.

  • It's the same combination that keeps showing up whenever we

  • have a general rectangular matrix, then it's A transpose A,

  • that's the great matrix.

  • That's the great matrix.

  • That's the matrix that's symmetric, and in fact positive

  • definite or at least positive semi-definite.

  • This is the matrix with nice properties, so let's see what

  • will it be?

  • So if I took the transpose, then, I would have -- A

  • transpose A will be what?

  • What do I have?

  • If I transpose that I have V sigma transpose U transpose,

  • that's the A transpose.

  • Now the A -- and what have I got?

  • Looks like worse, because it's got six things now

  • together, but it's going to collapse into something good.

  • What does U transpose U collapse into?

  • I, the identity.

  • So that's the key point.

  • This is the identity and we don't have U anymore.

  • And sigma transpose times sigma, those are diagonal

  • matrixes, so their product is just going to have sigma

  • squareds on the diagonal.

  • So do you see what we've got here?

  • This is V times this easy matrix sigma one squared sigma

  • two squared times V transpose.

  • This is the A transpose A.

  • This is -- let me copy down -- A transpose A is that.

  • Us are out of the picture, now.

  • I'm only having to choose the Vs, and what are these Vs?

  • And what are these sigmas?

  • Do you know what the Vs are?

  • They're the eigenvectors that -- see, this is a perfect

  • eigenvector, eigenvalue, Q lambda Q transpose for the

  • matrix A transpose A.

  • A itself is nothing special.

  • But A transpose A will be special.

  • It'll be symmetric positive definite, so this will be its

  • eigenvectors and this'll be its eigenvalues.

  • And the eigenvalues'll be positive because this thing's

  • positive definite.

  • So this is my method.

  • This tells me what the Vs are.

  • And how I going to find the Us?

  • Well, one way would be to look at A A transpose.

  • Multiply A by A transpose in the opposite order.

  • That will stick the Vs in the middle, knock them out,

  • and leave me with the Us.

  • So here's the overall picture, then.

  • The Vs are the eigenvectors of A transpose A.

  • The Us are the eigenvectors of A A transpose,

  • which are different.

  • And the sigmas are the square roots of these and the positive

  • square roots, so we have positive sigmas.

  • Let me do it for that example.

  • This is really what you should know and be able to do for the

  • SVD.

  • Okay.

  • Let me take that matrix.

  • So what's my first step?

  • Compute A transpose A, because I want its

  • eigenvectors.

  • Okay.

  • So I have to compute A transpose A.

  • So A transpose is four four minus three three,

  • and A is four four minus three three, and I do that

  • multiplication and I get sixteen -- I get twenty five -- I get

  • sixteen minus nine -- is that seven?

  • And it better come out symmetric.

  • And -- oh, okay, and then it comes out 25.

  • Okay.

  • So, I want its eigenvectors and its eigenvalues.

  • Its eigenvectors will be the Vs, its eigenvalues will be the

  • squares of the sigmas.

  • Okay.

  • What are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this guy?

  • Have you seen that two by two example enough to recognize that

  • the eigenvectors are -- that one one is an eigenvector?

  • So this here is A transpose A.

  • I'm looking for its eigenvectors.

  • So its eigenvectors, I think, are one one and one

  • minus one, because if I multiply that matrix by one one,

  • what do I get?

  • If I multiply that matrix by one one, I get 32 32,

  • which is 32 of one one.

  • So there's the first eigenvector, and there's the

  • eigenvalue for A transpose A.

  • So I'm going to take its square root for sigma.

  • Okay.

  • What's the eigenvector that goes -- eigenvalue that goes

  • with this one?

  • If I do that multiplication, what do I get?

  • I get some multiple of one minus one, and what is that

  • multiple?

  • Looks like 18.

  • Okay.

  • So those are the two eigenvectors,

  • but -- oh, just a moment, I didn't normalize them.

  • To make everything absolutely right, I ought to normalize

  • these eigenvectors, divide by their length,

  • square root of two.

  • So all these guys should be true unit vectors and,

  • of course, that normalization didn't change the 32 and the 18.

  • Okay.

  • So I'm happy with the Vs.

  • Here are the Vs.

  • So now let me put together the pieces here.

  • Here's my A.

  • Here's my A.

  • Let me write down A again.

  • If life is right, we should get U,

  • which I don't yet know -- U I don't yet know,

  • sigma I do now know.

  • What's sigma?

  • So I'm looking for a U sigma V transpose.

  • U, the diagonal guy and V transpose.

  • Okay.

  • Let's just see that come out right.

  • So what are the sigmas?

  • They're the square roots of these things.

  • So square root of 32 and square root of 18.

  • Zero zero.

  • Okay.

  • What are the Vs?

  • They're these two.

  • And I have to transpose -- maybe that just leaves me with

  • ones -- with one over square root of

  • two in that row and the other one is one over square root of

  • two minus one over square root of two.

  • Now finally, I've got to know the Us.

  • Well, actually, one way to do -- since I now

  • know all the other pieces, I could put those together and

  • figure out what the Us are.

  • But let me do it the A A transpose way.

  • Okay.

  • Find the Us now. u1 and u2.

  • And what are they?

  • I look at A A transpose -- so A is supposed to be U sigma V

  • transpose, and then when I transpose that I get V sigma

  • transpose U transpose.

  • So I'm just doing it in the opposite order,

  • A times A transpose, and what's the good part here?

  • That in the middle, V transpose V is going to be

  • the identity.

  • So this is just U sigma sigma transpose, that's some diagonal

  • matrix with sigma squareds and U transpose.

  • So what I seeing here?

  • I'm seeing here, again, a symmetric positive

  • definite or at least semi-definite matrix and I'm

  • seeing its eigenvectors and its eigenvalues.

  • So if I compute A A transpose, its eigenvectors will be the

  • things that go into U.

  • Okay, so I need to compute A A transpose.

  • I guess I'm going to have to go -- can I move that up just a

  • little?

  • Maybe a little more and do A A transpose.

  • So what's A?

  • Four four minus three and three.

  • And what's A transpose?

  • Four four minus three and three.

  • And when I do that multiplication,

  • what do I get?

  • Sixteen and sixteen, thirty two.

  • Uh, that one comes out zero.

  • Oh, so this is a lucky case and that one comes out 18.

  • So this is an accident that A A transpose happens to come out

  • diagonal, so we know easily its eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

  • So its eigenvectors -- what's the first eigenvector for this A

  • A transpose matrix?

  • It's just one zero, and when I do that

  • multiplication, I get 32 times one zero.

  • And the other eigenvector is just zero one and when I

  • multiply by that I get 18.

  • So this is A A transpose.

  • Multiplying that gives me the 32 A A transpose.

  • Multiplying this guy gives me

  • First of all, I got 32 and 18 again.

  • Am I surprised?

  • You know, it's clearly not an accident.

  • The eigenvalues of A A transpose were exactly the same

  • as the eigenvalues of -- this one was A transpose A.

  • That's no surprise at all.

  • The eigenvalues of A B are the same as the eigenvalues of B A.

  • That's a very nice fact, that eigenvalues stay the same

  • if I switch the order of multiplication.

  • So no surprise to see 32 and

  • What I learned -- first the check that things were

  • numerically correct, but now I've learned these

  • eigenvectors, and actually they're about as

  • nice as can be.

  • They're the best orthogonal matrix, just the identity.

  • Okay.

  • So my claim is that it ought to all fit together,

  • that these numbers should come out right.

  • The numbers should come out right because the matrix

  • multiplications use the properties that we want.

  • Okay.

  • Shall we just check that?

  • Here's the identity, so not doing anything -- square

  • root of 32 is multiplying that row, so that square root of 32

  • divided by square root of two means square root of 16,

  • four, correct?

  • And square root of 18 is divided by square root of two,

  • so that leaves me square root of 9, which is three,

  • but -- well, Professor Strang,

  • you see the problem?

  • Why is that -- okay.

  • Why I getting minus three three here and here I'm getting three

  • minus three?

  • Phooey.

  • I don't know why.

  • It shouldn't have happened, but it did.

  • Now, okay, you could say, well, just -- the eigenvector

  • there could have -- I could have had the minus sign here for that

  • eigenvector, but I'm not happy about that.

  • Hmm.

  • Okay.

  • So I realize there's a little catch here somewhere and I may

  • not see it until Wednesday.

  • Which then gives you a very important reason to come back on

  • Wednesday, to catch that sine difference.

  • So what did I do illegally?

  • I think I put the eigenvectors in that matrix V transpose --

  • okay, I'm going to have to think.

  • Why did that come out with with the opposite sines?

  • So you see -- I mean, if I had a minus there,

  • I would be all right, but I don't want that.

  • I want positive entries down the diagonal of sigma squared.

  • Okay.

  • It'll come to me, but, I'm going to leave this

  • example to finish.

  • Okay.

  • And the beauty of, these sliding boards is I can

  • make that go away.

  • Can I,-- let me not do it, though, yet.

  • Let me take a second example.

  • Let me take a second example where the matrix is singular.

  • So rank one.

  • Okay, so let me take as an example two, where my matrix A

  • is going to be rectangular again -- let me just make it four

  • three eight six.

  • Okay.

  • That's a rank one matrix.

  • So that has a null space and only a one dimensional row space

  • and column space.

  • So actually, my picture becomes easy for

  • this matrix, because what's my row space for this one?

  • So this is two by two.

  • So my pictures are both two dimensional.

  • My row space is all multiples of that vector four three.

  • So the whole -- the row space is just a line,

  • right?

  • That's the row space.

  • And the null space, of course, is the perpendicular

  • line.

  • So the row space for this matrix is multiples of four

  • three.

  • Typical row.

  • Okay.

  • What's the column space?

  • The columns are all multiples of four eight,

  • three six, one two.

  • The column space, then, goes in,

  • like, this direction.

  • So the column space -- when I look at those columns,

  • the column space -- so it's only one dimensional,

  • because the rank is one.

  • It's multiples of four eight.

  • Okay.

  • And what's the null space of A transpose?

  • It's the perpendicular guy.

  • So this was the null space of A and this is the null space of A

  • transpose.

  • Okay.

  • What I want to say here is that choosing these orthogonal bases

  • for the row space and the column space is, like,

  • no problem.

  • They're only one dimensional.

  • So what should V be?

  • V should be -- v1, but -- yes, v1,

  • rather -- v1 is supposed to be a unit vector.

  • There's only one v1 to choose here, only one dimension in the

  • row space.

  • I just want to make it a unit vector.

  • So v1 will be -- it'll be this vector, but made into a unit

  • vector, so four -- point eight point six.

  • Four fifths, three fifths.

  • And what will be u1? u1 will be the unit vector

  • there.

  • So I want to turn four eight or one two into a unit vector,

  • so u1 will be -- let's see, if it's one two,

  • then what multiple of one two do I want?

  • That has length square root of five, so I have to divide by

  • square root of five.

  • Let me complete the singular value decomposition for this

  • matrix.

  • So this matrix, four three eight six,

  • is -- so I know what u1 -- here's A and I want to get U the

  • basis in the column space.

  • And it has to start with this guy, one over square root of

  • five two over square root of five.

  • Then I want the sigma.

  • Okay.

  • What are we expecting now for sigma?

  • This is only a rank one matrix.

  • We're only expecting a sigma one, which I have to find,

  • but zeroes here.

  • Okay.

  • So what's sigma one?

  • It should be the -- where did these sigmas come from?

  • They came from A transpose A, so I -- can I do that little

  • calculation over here?

  • A transpose A is four three -- four three eight six times four

  • three eight six.

  • This had better -- this is a rank one matrix,

  • this is going to be -- the whole thing will have rank

  • one, that's 16 and 64 is 80, 12 and 48 is 60,

  • 12 and 48 is 60, 9 and 36 is 45.

  • Okay.

  • It's a rank one matrix.

  • Of course.

  • Every row is a multiple of four three.

  • And what's the eigen -- what are the eigenvalues of that

  • matrix?

  • So this is the calculation -- this is like practicing,

  • now.

  • What are the eigenvalues of this rank one matrix?

  • Well, tell me one eigenvalue, since the rank is only one,

  • one eigenvalue is going to be zero.

  • And then you know that the other eigenvalue is going to be

  • a hundred and twenty five.

  • So that's sigma squared, right, in A transpose A.

  • So this will be the square root of a hundred and twenty five.

  • And then finally, the V transpose -- the Vs will

  • be -- there's v1, and what's v2?

  • What's v2 in the -- how do I make this into an orthonormal

  • basis?

  • Well, v2 is, in the null space direction.

  • It's perpendicular to that, so point six and minus point

  • eight.

  • So those are the Vs that go in here.

  • Point eight, point six and point six minus

  • point eight.

  • Okay.

  • And I guess I better finish this guy.

  • So this guy, all I want is to complete the

  • orthonormal basis -- it'll be coming from there.

  • It'll be a two over square root of five and a minus one over

  • square root of five.

  • Let me take square root of five out of that matrix to make it

  • look better.

  • So one over square root of five times one two two minus one.

  • Okay.

  • So there I have -- including the square root of five --

  • that's an orthogonal matrix, that's an orthogonal matrix,

  • that's a diagonal matrix and its rank is only one.

  • And now if I do that multiplication,

  • I pray that it comes out right.

  • The square root of five will cancel into that square root of

  • one twenty five and leave me with the square root of 25,

  • which is five, and five will multiply these

  • numbers and I'll get whole numbers and out will come A.

  • Okay.

  • That's like a second example showing how the null space guy

  • -- so this -- this vector and this one were multiplied by this

  • zero.

  • So they were easy to deal with.

  • Tthe key ones are the ones in the column space and the row

  • space.

  • Do you see how I'm getting columns here,

  • diagonal here, rows here, coming together to

  • produce A.

  • Okay, that's the singular value decomposition.

  • So, let me think what I want to add to complete this topic.

  • So that's two examples.

  • And now let's think what we're really doing.

  • We're choosing the right basis for the four subspaces of linear

  • algebra.

  • Let me write this down.

  • So v1 up to vr is an orthonormal basis for the row

  • space. u1 up to ur is an orthonormal

  • basis for the column space.

  • And then I just finish those out by v(r+1),

  • the rest up to vn is an orthonormal basis for the null

  • space.

  • And finally, u(r+1) up to is an orthonormal

  • basis for the null space of A transpose.

  • Do you see that we finally got the bases right?

  • They're right because they're orthonormal, and also -- again,

  • Graham Schmidt would have done this in chapter four.

  • Here we needed eigenvalues, because these bases make the

  • matrix diagonal.

  • A times V I is a multiple of U I.

  • So I'll put "and" -- the matrix has been made diagonal.

  • When we choose these bases, there's no coupling between Vs

  • and no coupling between Us.

  • Each A -- A times each V is in the direction of the

  • corresponding U.

  • So it's exactly the right basis for the four fundamental

  • subspaces.

  • And of course, their dimensions are what we

  • know.

  • The dimension of the row space is the rank r,

  • and so is the dimension of the column space.

  • The dimension of the null space is n-r, that's how many vectors

  • we need, and m-r basis vectors for the left null space,

  • the null space of A transpose.

  • Okay.

  • I'm going to stop there.

  • I could develop further from the SVD, but we'll see it again

  • in the very last lectures of the course.

  • So there's the SVD.

  • Thanks.



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Lec 29|MIT 18.06 線形代数 2005年春学期 (Lec 29 | MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra, Spring 2005)

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