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  • We the people are being cajoled, fightened, and bullied into surrendering our democracy

  • and freedom. This film is a rallying cry.

  • We must fight for our independence - for the right to determine ourselves the laws under

  • which we live, and for the freedom to shape our own future.

  • This is the most important voting decision that any of us is gonna make in our lifetime.

  • With general elections it doesn’t really matter who you vote for, Conservative or Labour,

  • because you know that in four yearstime you can change your mind. This time you can’t

  • change your mind, this time is for keeps.

  • In this film well see how the EU works It’s like heaven for the politician or bureaucrat,

  • because it’s power without accountability. It was devised to make sure that the great

  • mass of the people could not control government, ever again.

  • The EU is turning into a dictatorship- this is not overstating it.

  • We will see what the EU had done to Britain.

  • The EU has just obliterated the English fishing industry altogether.

  • The European policies that we face are really the single biggest threat to our competitiveness.

  • Well see why fortress Europe has been such a calamity for the European economy

  • What we see is the EU bringing up the drawbridge

  • The European Union has become an economic basket case.

  • Certainly it is not in our economic interests to remain within the European Union - no way

  • We will look at the risks of tying our fate the failing EU.

  • Extremism at both ends is being fostered by the anti-democratic nature of the European Union.

  • Far from it being safer for us to be in the

  • EU there are dangers that go along with us being members of the EU being dragged into

  • situations we don’t want to get in. And we look at how independence could transform

  • Britain We have huge, huge scope for creating vast

  • number of new jobs Outside of Europe we could have prosperity

  • on a level that we can’t even imagine now. We are being asked to give up the right to

  • govern ourselves. What we are being offered in return. That could possibly be worth it?

  • It just shows utter contempt for what they think people are like, because they really

  • do believe that these little trinkets are going to buy us off.

  • What really matters is that you should have the power to remove the people who govern you.

  • Were about to choose how we wish to live our lives.

  • This is the single most important political decision any of us will make in our lifetime.

  • It’s been more than 40 years since we were last asked. It could be half a century before

  • were asked again, if were ever asked at all.

  • I think this is the last chance that well be able to vote on EU membership when we still

  • have a recognizable identity as Britons, and what makes it scary is that if we go the wrong

  • way, were in it for certainly my lifetime and probably my kidslifetime.

  • I’m on my way to Brussels to better understand the deal that’s on offer:

  • This is about our ability to say to ourselves that we are a genuinely democratic and free

  • people. That’s how important this is. In return for our democratic rights weve

  • been promised prosperity and security. Are these promises convincing?

  • The choice before us is all about democracy, and how highly we value it.

  • The worddemocracycomes from the ancient Greek. The demos is the people. The people

  • are meant to be in charge, not politicians or bureaucrats. Theyre meant to serve us,

  • not rule us. We have given them some power, but only temporarily, and we can take it away

  • from them if they displease us. That’s the theory.

  • Uh, the EU, s’il vous plait.

  • Straight off there’s a snag. On my quest to understand the EU, my first challenge is

  • to find it. There are over 90 EU buildings here in Brussels,

  • and load more Strasbourg and Luxembourg. As impressive as the modernist buildings is the

  • number of directorates, councils, commission and ministries which occupy them.

  • But here, the EU slips its first cog. For a democracy to function, there needs to be

  • transparency. We the people need to know how the system works.

  • People might not understand exactly how the functions of the British constitution work,

  • but they get the gist of it. Once every five years, we go down the school hall or to a

  • church, we put a cross in a ballot paper, theyre all counted up and the chap with

  • the most votes wins. We get that. You try working out how a European Commissioner is

  • appointed. It’s positively Kafka-esque. You can’t actually get your head around

  • who does what, why and who is answerable to who.

  • The European Union, which imposes laws on 28 countries, is made up of 7 main institutions,

  • which include the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the Court of Justice

  • of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Parliament.

  • Do you know the difference between the European Council, the Council of the European Union

  • and the Council of Europe? It’s a very good question.

  • *European parliament translator chatter* Tell me how many presidents there are in the

  • European Union. How many presidents?

  • Yeah. I’d guess at one.

  • There’s two presidents for goodness sake, I don’t know what the difference between

  • the two- -Four

  • -presidents is, there’s four presidents you say?

  • There are squads of committees and presidents of this and commissioners of that.

  • The expression I really hate ispooled sovereignty’. It’s bollocks- the people

  • of Slovenia have no more idea than the people of the UK and the people of Sweden or the

  • people of Spain what in fact is going on. I wouldn’t profess to understand the detail

  • of how it all works and I think part of that is deliberate.

  • One side knows, if one side is a priesthood and knows how it all works and the rest of

  • us ordinary citizens don’t know how it works, a massive transfer of power takes place.

  • It was devised to make sure that the great mass of the people could not control government

  • ever again.

  • Problem #2: for a democracy to work/ function?, you need to know who’s running it.

  • A democracy only works if you know who your representatives are.

  • David Cameron? Toff, tries to hide it, probably quite a nasty piece of work. Tony Blair: oily,

  • if there’s only room for 1 in the life boat: Tony Blair.

  • The ordinary voter, who’s gonna hand them all this power, can make up their mind whether

  • they like them, dislike them, ‘cause they see them in the papers, they hear them on

  • the radio, they watch them on the telly. Do you recognise this man?

  • No Do you recognise that man?

  • No I challenge you to name almost any of them.

  • Do you recognize this guy? No.

  • Well, there’s that chap Juncker, is he one of them?

  • I didn’t know whether it was just the British being a bit thick, so I thought I’d ask

  • some folk in Brussels. Ah yeah, uh, that’s uh, oh

  • MartinMartin?? Martin Sch

  • Can you tell who that is? No

  • No No

  • Who are all of these eurocrats? Who are they answerable to?

  • Ah but here we come to Problem #3: Accountability. Would it help if you knew who they werebecause

  • you don’t have any power over them, so what’s the point?

  • In the EU there’s a thing called a parliament, but it’s not a parliament in the sense that

  • we know it. In the EU, the parliament isn’t in charge.

  • Have you ever known anyone know who their MEP is? Nobody does. It’s because we know

  • that theyre not actually being voted into a meaningful position of law making.

  • This is the only parliament the world’s ever invented where you cannot initiate legislation,

  • propose legislation or even the repeal of legislation. All of that comes from the unelected

  • European Commission. So you can’t propose a law and try and get

  • it passed? No, absolutely not.

  • With parliamentary democracy, once every five years you can throw everything out the window

  • and start again, with this, once something is European law there is nothing through the

  • democratic process the voter can do to change it.

  • The people whom we elect to go to Brussels have almost no power at all. They do what

  • theyre told. Theyve got even less power than the House

  • of Lords for goodness sake. Our votes for these people are pointless.

  • They are fundamentally pointless. The European parliament is an irrelevance.

  • The European Union bureaucratic structures who are appointed not elected have all the

  • real power. The real power in the EU, including the power

  • to legislate resides not with the parliament but with EU officials.

  • They debate their laws in secret. We are not allowed to hear or read their deliberations.

  • Do you know the name of Britain’s European Commissioner?

  • No

  • Have you heard of Jonathan Hill?

  • No.

  • No.

  • No.

  • Did you vote for him?

  • Did I vote for him?

  • No

  • (laughs) No.

  • The curious thing is that only last year we

  • were celebrating the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, the founding charter of English

  • Freedom. The history of democracy in Britain has been the history of taxpayers demanding

  • the right to determine themselves how much tax should be taken from them, and how it

  • should be spent. If I’m going to be asked to pay taxes, I

  • want to be told where theyre going, and if theyre spent badly or stupidly, I want

  • to be able to remove from power the people who are spending them.

  • What made Britain rather different from most other countries was that at an early stage

  • we said that no government could pass any law or impose any tax without first getting

  • the authority of the British people. So it’s a major thing that we can be taxed by other

  • people without our say. We are now subjects of a vastly complex state

  • machine, run by anonymous officials who we didn’t elect, but who have the power to

  • impose on us laws that we haven’t debated and have no democratic means of repealing.

  • People who say to you that the European Union is undemocratic fundamentally misunderstand

  • the European Union: It is anti-democratic.

  • But to EU officials and politicians

  • It's like a warm bath.

  • It’s like heaven for the politician or bureaucrat, because it’s power without accountability.

  • The reason why all the major political parties are massively in favour of Europe, is because

  • when their careers are blown out of the water heretheyre stumbling around for a

  • jobno commercial organisation is going to hire them. They know what a collection

  • of shits they arethere’s only one place that will hire them.

  • They can get a job there which gives them a freedom not to have to face the electorate.

  • It’s extremely well paid, it’s more or less permanent, they don’t have any constituents

  • and they don’t have any worry about being thrown out at elections

  • So they saystay with the European Project, I’ll be making myself two, three hundred

  • grand a year, itll be fantastic, and at the end of it I get a peerage, it’s great.’

  • Since theyre not directly accountable to the taxpaying public, EU politicians and bureaucrats

  • have understandably been more than generous to themselves in pay and perks. This is the

  • much talked-about Brussels gravy train, and here’s my handy guide:

  • This is the shopping centre But this is all for politicians and bureaucrats

  • - it's not for members of the public No

  • So you get your own hair salon, and your nail bar

  • - get your nails done There's a sauna, there's a massage parlor

  • here as well Yeah

  • Why would they not want to stay here, living a life of luxury?

  • There are a number of people here who are paid more than the British prime minister.

  • Ah, you might say, but how many? Four? Ten? A hundred? Ten thousand. There are ten thousand

  • people here paid more than David Cameron, that’s 1 in 5 of everyone who works for

  • the EU. If youre an EU official, There’s the

  • relocation allowance, the household allowance, the family allowance, the entertainment allowance

  • , the private healthcare allowance , the private education for your kids allowance . The healthcare

  • allowance includes free Viagra - you would have thought would come under entertainment….

  • If youre an MEP you get an extra 250 pounds a day for being good enough to turn up , another

  • 41,000 pounds a year on top of that to cover phone bills and computers, and another 225,000

  • pounds a year on top of that to cover staffing costs , which in years gone by often meant

  • spouse or children. To cap it all theyve decided to charge

  • themselves a special low rate of tax.

  • But it’s not just officials and politicians who benefit

  • The EU also diverts rivers of taxpayerscash to the tax-munching middle class intelligentsia

  • in our sprawling publicly funded establishment. The European Union is very good at purchasing

  • the loyalty of powerful and articulate interests in all the member states

  • When we hear the heads of great public institutions, quangos, museums, campaign groups, waxing

  • lyrical about the EU, we have to remember, the EU gives them vast amounts of our money.

  • The EU gives shed loads of our money to local authorities and to universities and to art

  • groups and opera companies. And that then provides this chorus of noise

  • in favour of the European project. Every charity over a certain size is getting

  • money from Brussels, every NGO. We see EU largess effectively buying opinion.

  • You know what we see here is really a racket, it’s become a very good way of taking money

  • from the general population and handing it to people who are lucky enough to be working

  • for the system. The EU likes to advertise it’s generosity,

  • here in the North East for example. “European Union investing in your future”,

  • isn’t that good of them! I wonder where they got the money?

  • The SAGE arts centre at Gateshead were often reminded was built with the help of

  • EU money But what youre not told is that if you

  • live in the North East for every £1 that comes from the EU you have to pay the EU £2.30

  • in tax

  • But that’s not the only price the Geordies have paid for EU membership. I’m heading

  • down the river to the mouth of the Tyne The reward for giving up our sovereignty,

  • were told is greater influence in Europe. To see how much influence we have I’ve come

  • to the place I grew up. For centuries fisherman’s huts called Shields

  • lined the River Tyne, from them came the names of the towns that straddled the mouth of the

  • river, North and South Shields. The seas here are rough but the water’s rich

  • in mackerel haddock , salmon , herring , cod , skate , and shrimp.

  • By the early 20th Century 14 thousand tonnes of fish a year was being landed here at North

  • Shields. There is a daily fish auction here still,

  • in a building part-funded by the EU.

  • 24 in, 25, 25 pounds…30 pounds, 31, 31, 32…37 pounds

  • In a corner of one of the halls sits fewer than a hundred boxes part filled with fish,

  • a dozen or so fishermen and merchants surround them.

  • 74 year old fish merchant John Ellis has been buying at this auction since the 1950s

  • When I started working down here there was about 200 firms working on the quay, there

  • was haulage firms on the quay who had 30 and 40 wagons that used to ship the fish away.

  • And how many boxes would there be in the market then?

  • In them days there’d be…..8, 10, 12 and then you’d get also-

  • Martin: -twelve- - thousand-

  • -twelve thousand boxes a day- -so a different place

  • -Oh, you couldn’t get moved. Now this, well I think the average for the year would just

  • be about two hundred boxes a day , so it’s practically nothing isn’t it?

  • When Britain joined the common market it lost control of its fishing grounds.

  • When quotas were imposed several other European countries lobbied the EU for Britain’s fishing

  • rights to be divided up between them. The British government was powerless to stop this.

  • The EU has just obliterated the English fishing industry altogether. The quota system theyve

  • got now is just , it’s just mad. Local fisherman were now banned from fishing

  • in waters they’d fished successfully for centuries.

  • Oh! Just beyond the pier over there. In fact it might be there today, this great big Dutchman,

  • well that Dutchman’s got 25% of the whole quota of all of England, it’s only 3 or

  • 4 miles off the Tyne catching herring and mackerel. The local fleet can’t catch herring

  • and mackerel and it’s right on our doorstep. There is still a prospering North Atlantic

  • fishing industry but only in countries that have retained their independence.

  • Well look at the Icelandics and the Faroes and the Norwegians . They sell millions of

  • pounds worth of fish to us . And theyre outside the common market - will you tell

  • me a common market country that buys fish off us, but theyve had the fishing boats

  • in the North Sea, they catch our fishit’s just madness

  • The EU has been paying British fishermen to destroy their boats

  • They say to fishermen if you want to get out the industry, well give you a lump sum.

  • This here looks like an old boat that’s been destroyed. You just watchem with

  • chainsaws, cutting the old wooden boats up and burning them.

  • The EU pays fishermen to leave an industry and to destroy their boats?

  • That’s right. While at the same time giving rights to people

  • elsewhere to fish the same waters. Aye, that’s right, uh-huh

  • For the fisherman here, being in the EU does not mean that Britian has greater influence over European

  • affairs, it means Europe has taken control of our affairs. We have not gained power,

  • weve lost it. Over the last couple of decades, Britain has

  • voted against 72 measures in the European Council and been defeated 72 times.

  • How will you be voting in the referendum? Oh, definitely Out. Definitely Out. I’ve

  • known that as soon as I ever got the chance I’d vote Out.

  • For many in Britain, the EU sticks in the craw. EU regulation seems absurd and intrusive.

  • We don’t like being bossed around by a bunch bureaucrats. For the British it seems to go

  • against the grain. There’s a huge cultural difference , I’ve

  • seen it for myself when I was in government - when I went to meetings of the council of

  • ministers, they thought I came from another planet.

  • There is still in many parts of the continent a notion that the way that society should

  • be organised is to have a class of wise, experienced, public-spirited experts who will run things

  • in the best interests of all. The British historically have been deeply sceptical of

  • this kind of approach. Britain I think does stand out within Europe

  • and one of the odd things is why they want to keep us in the club given that theyre

  • always complaining about us. Why are the British the cussed ones in Europe.

  • Why are we so attached to our independence and freedom? Why do we take so badly to regulation?

  • Where does it all come from? The British freed themselves from suffocating

  • feudal regulation, centuries before the Europeans. While serfdom still existed in large parts

  • of Europe, the free British were carrying out the great commercial and industrial revolutions

  • that gave birth to the modern world. In the 19th Century, unregulated Britain was

  • the pioneer of global free trade, workshop of the world, dominating the world economy

  • like a leviathan. Even on the eve of the First World War, Britain

  • was building around 60% of the world’s commercial ships, and owned almost half the world’s

  • cargo-carrying ocean-going steamers. But the 1st World War changed everything.

  • New ministries were set up, as the government extended its control over every aspect of

  • British life. Industry became heavily regulated, first shipping, then the collieries, railways,

  • canals and agriculture. The Great War is in this as in many other

  • respects a great watershed in British history. During the war there’s incredibly detailed

  • state control of a whole range of industries, by the end of the war there’s a feeling

  • that there needs to be much more permanent regulation and control of society by the state.

  • A company was no longer private property, it was a national asset to be directed from

  • above. The government increasingly thought that it

  • should plan, it should control, it should regulate.

  • When the war was over, so was the excuse for government regulation, and many were scrapped,

  • but not all of them, and not for long. British governments sought to deliberately

  • cartelise and control the major sectors of the British economy, by basically checking

  • the spirit of initiative and innovation that had been such a dominant feature of the British

  • manufacturing sector in the 19th century. With World War II regulation increased still

  • further. War planning gave politicians and administrators

  • unprecedented control over our lives. And after the war they were unwilling to hand

  • back their power. We won the war, so we think that governance

  • must be pretty good, and as a result everything is then planned.

  • How we build houses, what the houses should look like, how they should be decorated, who

  • should live in them, virtually every area of life. We had boards of experts working

  • out the best way to do things. ‘A young couple has dropped in for advice

  • on setup homes…’ First, theyre shown how to avoid overcrowding

  • a room. Always allow at least 18 inches between chairs and other furniture

  • Everything from heavy industry down to clothes and food and children’s toys were regulated.

  • If you didn’t manage a doll at Christmas, this is probably why. All restrictions on

  • toy-making have been lifted, but export has the first claim.’

  • Britain became perhaps the most state controlled and regulated economy in Europe. The regulation

  • of business, trade, commerce of all kinds was much, much greater than anywhere else.

  • Regulations, price-fixing, protectionism, supporting failed industries

  • A heavily regulated economy ordered from above, the politicians assured us would be a screaming

  • success. But the very opposite happened.

  • The purpose of regulation was to end wasteful competition. But it was competition that had

  • kept industry efficient and innovative. Nimble entrepreneurs, who were rewarded for

  • success and punished for failure, were now replaced by plodding bureaucrats, ticking boxes.

  • Productivity and output plummeted. Shortages pushed up prices

  • The buying power of the average wage, 5-6 pounds, has shrunk at an alarming rate, but

  • first among offenders in increasing prices was the government itself. Coal rose, affecting

  • other industries, electricity charges went up.’

  • As soon as we get more money, everything goes up, don’t it?’

  • It must be this inflation theyre all talking about.’

  • For ordinary British consumers life was grim, goods were either unavailable, unaffordable

  • or heavily rationed. ‘Good news came with a sticky end to sweet

  • rationing. For nine years mouths had watered for this

  • great day, and it was too much of a tummy ache for the country’s economy, and soon

  • personal points came back.’ (child screams)

  • Over in Germany, it was a different story. The war had left Germany little more than

  • smoking rubble. West Germany would receive some Marshall Aid, but only less than half

  • the amount sent to Britain. At the end of the 2nd World War, Germany was

  • a ruin. If you see the old footageit was absolutely flattened.

  • Germany needed a miracle, and this was the man who performed it.

  • In the first free elections after the war, Ludwig Erhard, the son of a shop keeper became

  • Minister of the Economy, a post he held until 1963.

  • Ludwig Erhard began the Wirtschaftwunder - the economic miracle by completely scrapping all

  • of the controls that he’d inherited from the Third Reich, and he did this against the

  • strong advice from his British superiors you might sayin the occupied zone.

  • Erhard revolutionised the German economy because he just got rid of regulations on a massive

  • scalehe got rid of production controls, price controlshe got rid of trade barriers

  • They were happy to have open and free trade, a deregulated economy, they want to see industries

  • stand on their own two feet, and those that can’t must make way for those that can.

  • Germany was open to the world, had much more free and easy entry into business and commerce

  • and the professions in Germanyand the result was that the German economy became

  • much more dynamic, much more innovative and ultimately much, much more successful.

  • Just look how quickly Germany pulled itself off the floor

  • Industrial production soared. In Britain there were shortages and rising

  • prices. In Germany goods were abundant and wages rose steeply.

  • The result for the ordinary person in Germany was sensational, because the production of

  • all consumer goods rose, the prices came downBritain - who won the war, was still rationed

  • for year after year after year, whereas Germany, who lost the warrationing was abolished.

  • Before you know it, just a decade or two of this approach, and it’s a powerhouse of

  • Europe. Contemporaries described it as a ‘miracle’.

  • By the time Erhard left office he had transformed Germany from a pile of smoking ruins to the

  • 3rd biggest economic power in the world.

  • Then came something called The Common market. In the greatest free trade experiment of modern

  • timesthe barriers are going up between 6 European countries. Barriers up, tariffs

  • down. That is the meaning of the common market, formed by France, Italy, Western Germany with

  • Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg. They will reduce and eventually abolish trade barriers

  • between themselves and at the same time maintain a common tariff against the world outside.”

  • Joining the EEC seems like a great ideait meant escaping the dismal, dreary confines

  • of post war Britain. In the 70s we had terrible problems, we had

  • double digit inflation , the three-day week , prices and incomes policies , and we looked

  • across the Channel and we thoughtthese chaps are doing something right’.

  • At that time Britain was a very centralised place, a very ove- bureaucratic and regulated

  • place, Europe was a much more competitive and free trading place and it looked like

  • the future. Europe was the future. Europe meant sun, and wine, and fancy food

  • like pasta. It meant going out into the world and opening

  • up, and hopefully becoming more like power house Germany .

  • But the architect of the EEC was not German, he was French

  • Jean Monet was steeped in the French bureaucratic big state tradition

  • Indeed, he had spent the 2nd World War in Britain helping to create the very regulations

  • which all but destroyed the post-war British economy.

  • When Britain joined in 1973, we should have seen what was comingwhen the documentation

  • was brought in for signing, it took two strong men to carry it.

  • Of a new and a greater united EuropeIt soon became clear that the common market

  • was so much more than a trade deal. Shiny new buildings kept appearing, the administration

  • grew - and the price of membership kept going up, as the EU assumed greater powers and demanded

  • more money from member states. Inevitably, this burgeoning bureaucratic machine

  • reflected the values of the University educated people who ran it and who benefited from its

  • generous funding Staying in the EU is the right kind of thing

  • because it’s what civilised, sophisticated people do. If you believe in the EU you believe

  • in the arts and arts funding. I think there is a mind-set amongst the cultural

  • and political elite that their role on the planet is to direct the lives of the rest

  • of us. They think that ordinary people need to be

  • controlled and looked after, they think the world needs to be ordered from above and that

  • they should be the ones doing the ordering. There’s a tremendous snobbery built into

  • the whole project, the idea that you are part of the elite which should decide how the little

  • people live their lives. These people up here, the intellectuals looking

  • down on the plebs, and saying you aren’t bright enough to decide the future of your

  • country. As the EU’s power steadily increased, so

  • did the number of regulators, and the volume of regulation

  • The bureaucratic class can find no area of human life that they don’t want to write

  • a rulebook about. What vacuum cleaner youve got , where you

  • get your hair cut , what kind of size your shoes are.

  • And those rule books stack up one on top of the other, such that no reasonable human being

  • could now possibly have an understanding of all the rules they need to obey.

  • Youve got thousands and thousands of bureaucrats, civil servants and administrators, and their

  • job is to push paper, write on paper, have rules on paper, pile up more and more paper

  • you just get a mass of growing telephone directory-sized rules and regulations, one

  • after the other. Ceaselessly, endlesslythat is actually

  • what the bureaucracy sees itself as there to do.

  • If the list of EU rules could be put into one document today it would take more than

  • 2 men to carry it on. Such a document would reach as high as Nelson’s Column.

  • Regulation is so vast and complex even the EU is unable to tell us how many laws there

  • are covering different areas of our lives. So weve used some helpful EU databases

  • to make the best estimate we can….. Here is regulated EU man, waking from his

  • regulated slumber to start his regulated day. You wouldn’t think you’d need a law for

  • pillowcases but the EU has 5 - but that’s nothing, the pillow inside is subject to 109

  • different EU laws. As far as we can tell there are only 11 EU

  • laws pertaining to radio alarm clocks. There’s around 400 governing the other stuff

  • on Jo Citizen’s beside table. You can’t be too careful with duvets and

  • sheets, so there’s around 50 laws governing those.

  • There are 65 laws covering bathrooms - but that doesn’t include the contents.

  • How they managed to think up 31 laws for toothbrushes is beyond me, but let’s face it toothpaste

  • is a bit weird so 47 laws sounds about right. Mirrors have been known to crack and get dirty

  • so theyre covered by 172 laws. As for the showerwell, weve all seen Psychomurdering

  • girls like that is now strictly prohibited. Shampoo can get in your eyes and cause discomfort

  • – 118 laws. EU bureaucrats seem terrified by towels for some reason- slightly more relaxed

  • about radiators. There are 1246 laws relating to bread, but

  • just 52 covering the crazy anarchic toaster. Just 84 laws covering fridges, but an impressive

  • 12,000 laws covering milk - after all it might go off. Bowl 99 laws, Spoon more than 200

  • laws , same for the orange juice, but the coffee - whoa, stand back grandma! This toxic

  • jungle juice can keep you up all night. The best dog in Britain is unaware of the

  • odourless fog of canine legislation - but careful Ruby, ignorance is no excuse.

  • Our regulated man leaves his regulated house .

  • There are only 92 laws about pavements - after all, theyre just pavements - but you get

  • the idea. EU regulation surrounds us like invisible

  • barbed wire. When were frustrated in our daily lives

  • by needless stupid EU laws it’s infuriating, but it’s much worse than infuriating if

  • youre thinking of starting a new business. It’s like entering a regulatory minefield.

  • For small and medium sized businesses and start-upsit’s perilous. Complying with

  • regulation imposes huge costs, and falling foul of regulation can put you out of business.

  • Big established firms don’t mind regulation so much. For a start, it means less competition.

  • Big corporate interests tend to love the EU- it suits their purposes perfectly

  • All the corporations love the European Union because what it does it creates the regulations

  • which destroy their smaller rivals Big business loves regulationdon’t

  • forget that! Big companies can lobby in Brusselsthe

  • amount of money they spent there is staggeringly large.

  • One of the first things that stuns you are the number of invitations on your desk to

  • lunch, breakfast, dinner, champagne receptions, and invariably they come from lobby groups.

  • There are people who make their entire livelihoods out of being professional lobbyists in Brussels.

  • This is where a lot of the lobbying goes on. So you will see the lobbyists from different

  • companies, from NGOs. The returns they get by stifling competition

  • and framing regulations in a way which suits them and keeps other people out is very, very

  • striking. It used to be called a Rich Man’s Club,

  • and that is by and large what it is.

  • But Regulation doesn’t just stifle competition at hometo illustrate this, let us imagine

  • a less-than efficient European manufacturer. This firm was great back in the day, but over

  • the years theyve let things slip a bit. The factory’s a bit shabby, but its homely,

  • and they like to do things the traditional way. What they lack in efficiency and new

  • ideas, they make up for in old world charm. Oh crikeywhat’s this – a pesky new

  • rival firm somewhere in Asia. Theyve got lab coats, and just look how

  • good he is at maths. His mate too, not quite as good.

  • And theyre checking all the productsthe big swots.

  • At our Euro firm the products haven’t changed much in a while. And what’s the point of

  • a fancy new machine when you can give customers the hands-on personal touch.

  • It seems to have worked alright in the past. Oh, but look at these Asian fellas. Their

  • umbrellas have clever sci-fi buttons to make them open. Oh what? The buttons make them

  • come down too! How do they even do that? Our Euro firm faces a tough choice. Do they

  • tidy up the factory, buy some lab coats and give everyone calculators?

  • Or, do they get the next train to Brussels? Over at the EU Directorate of External Relations

  • Commission Council, a sympathetic official hears the problem. These blasted Asian brollies

  • are better and cheaper. Aha! This was just the kind of abuse the EU

  • was set up to tackle. The official comes up with three brilliant solutions

  • One: Tariffs. Let’s slap a tax on all those fancy Oriental brollies.

  • Two: Quotas. Let’s limit the number of Asian brollies coming in.

  • Three: Cleverly drafted complex regulations, saying you have to wear braces and eat spaghetti

  • to make brollies. With protectionism you are basically trying

  • to protect industries that otherwise wouldn’t do very well in a competitive environment

  • . Otherwise you wouldn’t bother to protect them.

  • You only create a trade barrier because someone else has got a better, cheaper productotherwise

  • why would you create a barrier? What we have here is something that portrays

  • itself as a free trade area, but is actually erecting barriers and walls to the rest of

  • the world. Our inefficient manufacturer is delighted,

  • but how about the rest of us? If you are propping up and sustaining inefficient

  • ways of doing business, then the people who suffer are the customers.

  • You are preventing your citizens from accessing better, cheaper products.

  • You name it, TVs, laptops , sofasEU regulation and trade barriers pushes up the price of

  • everything. The cost of living goes up, Europeans get

  • poorer.

  • But it wasn’t just manufacturers who sought protection, farmers like it when food prices

  • are high. So when a French farmer say, finds that African farmers are beginning to sell

  • their produce in Europe, he’s not happy. Our EU commissioner knows the routine.

  • Tariffs, quotas and regulations saying you need to wear berets and drink Ricard to grow

  • food. This is particularly pernicious for African

  • producers of food who find that they face a big tariff barrier when trying to export

  • to Europe. Now that’s bad for them because they can’t earn money , and it’s bad for

  • British consumers because their food costs more.

  • But not content with trade barriers, farmers wanted the EU to drive food prices still higher.

  • To that end the EU bought gigantic amounts of agricultural produce and simply allowed

  • it to rot, creating an artificial shortage which pushed up prices.

  • These were the famous wine lakes and butter mountains.

  • In Northern Francepart of the so calledbutter mountain’. The British say that

  • heaps of butter like this are indefensible follies, the French say theyre necessary

  • and completely sensible. It didn’t take long for people to wise up

  • to the absurdity of it - and not just its absurdity, its immorality quite frankly.

  • All this is rotten for us consumersbecause of the EU, for decade food and drink has cost

  • far more than it should. It adds between 10 and 20% to the cost of

  • food

  • But it gets worse, protectionism hurts industry too.

  • Let’s look at the steel industry. If youre a steel producer you don’t like

  • the idea of cheap steel coming in from America or Asia. You’d much rather the EU shove

  • up some trade barriers, great for steel producers, but what if youre a steel consumer?

  • Suppose you make bridges or railway lines or cranes or robots or ships or trains or

  • cars or space shuttles or a thousand other things made of steel.

  • YOU now have to pay more for your steel than your competitors, say, in South Korea or Brazil.

  • Protecting one producer has raised costs for other producers.

  • The disease spreads. Instead of one uncompetitive industry we now have many.

  • I’ve come to Tate and Lyle sugar refinery in London. For centuries raw sugar has been

  • coming into the Thames in huge quantities to be refined in factories like this.

  • In the Raw Sugar Shed over 60,000 tonnes of raw cane sugar stands ready for processing.

  • Outside is Tate and Lyle’s own dock. In years gone by this was crowded with boats

  • from countries like Brazil and Australia and India queueing up to offload their cargo.

  • The European Union is the biggest drag on the competitiveness of our business.

  • And what precisely are they doing which is the problem?

  • Well you can see behind me on the jetty today that there’s no boat here with raw sugar

  • and that’s precisely our problem. The boats that deliver our raw sugar here to London,

  • the sugar on them, the cost of that is inflated by the fact that the European Union restricts

  • who we can buy that sugar from. And on much of the sugar they also charge us import tariffs.

  • When inefficient European beet sugar producers asked the EU for protective barriers against

  • cane sugar producers around the world, it was a blow to refiners like Tate and Lyle.

  • Some of the boats of sugar we bring in we can be paying anywhere between 2 to 3.5 million

  • Euros in extra costs- because of the European policies.

  • As costs have risen so has the price of sugar for consumers, while Tate and Lyle’s turnover

  • and profits have been hit. It threatens the 850 jobs here in East London,

  • and it’s meant that weve had to downsize the refinery by about 50% since 2009.

  • How strong is the feeling against the EU at the moment here?

  • Walk around the refinerytalk to the people herethey absolutely know, that no matter

  • how hard they work no matter how productive they are, the regulations that the European

  • Union set can still crush us. Protecting inefficient producers ends up dragging

  • down good producers. Whereas up to 2009 we were exporting 300,000

  • tonnes of sugar, because the European regulations have made us uncompetitive not only have we

  • stopped exporting that sugar but we also now face around 250 thousand tonnes of imports

  • into the UK, to compete with as well so it’s a double whammy.

  • And we estimate that probably costs the UK economy 80-90 million Euros a year, just for

  • this one factory.

  • Instead of looking out to the whole world what we see is the EU bringing up the drawbridge.

  • The EU has slid from free trade to into crony capitalism and protectionism.

  • Protection hurts consumers who have to pay more for inferior products, it hurts industries

  • whose costs are forced higher - Iin the end, it even hurts the firms who are protected.

  • Protecting a firm from competition does not make it more competitive. Suddenly you can

  • relax and put the kettle on. Competition forces you to be sharp and buck up your ideas. Remove

  • that and it’s like pulling the plug out. By protecting more and more industries year

  • after year Europe has ended up with a moribund ailing economy.

  • If you prop up failing, antiquated businesses that can’t naturally compete, you get stagnation

  • in the economy, not growth Protectionism impoverishes all of Europe,

  • it makes all of us worse off

  • Then the shock came when the World Trade Organisation, or WTO was set up.

  • The walls of fortress Europe began to crumble. From the developed world, to the developing

  • world, the tariff reductions are expected to sow the seeds of global economic growth,

  • The World Trade Organisation, where both we and the European Union are members, has made

  • huge progress in sweeping away other tariffs and barriers .

  • We have begun to see an opening up of the markets - thanks largely to The World Trade

  • Organisation. Every major country in the world is now bound

  • by its rules . Tariffs and other trade barriers were shredded-

  • as you can see. The World Trade Organisation has driven down

  • most of the tariffs . In the EU, the average tariff on agricultural

  • products has fallen to 12 percent, and on manufactured goods just 4 percent.

  • Europe’s industries now face the challenge of international competition.

  • I think the European Union is learning a very hard lesson, but if youre insulated from

  • competition decade after decade, it comes as a bit of a shock when it arrives.

  • Growth in the EU, already feeble, has more or less ground to a halt, with youth unemployment

  • reaching staggering proportions. The EU badly needs its own post-war, German-style

  • economic miracle. But far from slashing regulation, the mountainous burden keeps growing.

  • It constantly wants to achieve growth through harmonisation , top-down control and central

  • direction , and we know those don’t work. It militates against precisely the kind of

  • individual initiative and innovation that is at the heart of economic growth.

  • Regulation is the enemy of competition and competition is the engine of growth. Therefore

  • it is no surprise that the European Union has become an economic basket case.

  • Every continent now is out growing Europe . When you think of the growth rates in China,

  • and then you look at the growth rate of the European Union, that tells me that we are

  • in the wrong place. We joined the European Union and it’s become

  • the world’s only declining trade block. Far from hitching our wagon to a dynamic economic

  • locomotive, weve shackled ourselves to a corpse.

  • The people have never given a bigger vote of no confidence in Brussels

  • Today world markets were nervously watchingthe stock markets have not been reassured….

  • What the EU has become in the 21st Century is what Britain was when it wasthe sick

  • man of EuropeDespite decades of economic decline, but the

  • EU Elite carries on regardless. They are unmoved by criticism, untroubled by popular discontent.

  • But the frustration of ordinary people is beginning to show.

  • We now have to focus on constructing a fire wall to prevent contagion within the Eurozone

  • What you can see everywhere is a conflict between the visions of a rather narrow kind

  • of professional middle class which is dominate in European politics and the reaction against

  • it by the larger bulk of the European population. Eventually if you stuff dictatorship down

  • the throats of people who don’t want itthey will rebel.

  • [European Rallies] Unfortunately, in many places it’s taking

  • a very unpleasant form of right-wing populist nationalism.

  • Extremism at both ends is being fostered by the anti-democratic nature of the European

  • Union . What do we see? Far-right parties, Ultra nationalist

  • parties We don’t know what the future of Europe

  • is going to look like but at the moment it’s not looking good. We don’t know what political

  • forces are going to rise in the future, we don’t know what conflicts we might be dragged

  • intoFar from it being safer for us to be in the

  • EU there are dangers that go along with us being members of the EU being dragged into

  • situations we don’t want to get in. Marie LePenn’s far right party came first,

  • winning 25% of the vote Given the shocking lack of growth in the EU,

  • the promises of prosperity and security seem empty.

  • But if we left, could we cope? Are we too small? If were outside the EU,

  • will anyone trade with us? To find out I’m heading to a European country

  • which has steadfastly refused to join the EU. Switzerland.

  • It’s very pleasant arriving in Zurichthe station’s lovely, the bit round it’s lovely

  • in fact everything’s lovely. But then this is the wealthiest city in the world,

  • and is ranked as having the highest quality of life in the world.

  • All the clichés are true: everything is so neat and efficient, the people are so polite

  • and obliging, and the buildings are beautiful. This place is wealthy, and it’s obviously

  • been wealthy for centuries. I want to know how the Swiss are managing

  • to cope without the glorious benefits of EU membership.

  • So I’ve come to one of Zurich’s many lovely coffee houses to meet the veteran Swiss economist

  • and writer Beat Kappeler. So Switzerland is not in the European Union

  • is that a problem for you? No, because Switzerland has free trade agreements

  • with many countries in the rest of the world, with Japan, China, Latin America

  • Were told we need to be in the EU for trade, but Swiss exports per head are five times

  • higher than oursin fact, theyre about the most successful exporting nation in the

  • world . Then were told we need to be in the EU

  • for jobs We have a very high labour market participation

  • – 83% of all people of working age work. That’s much higher than the rest of Europe.

  • Switzerland has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world, lower than any country

  • in the EU. Don’t be fooled by the mountains the cows

  • and the cuckoo clocks, which are German by the way.

  • Switzerland is an industrial giant. You might have heard of Nestle and Novartis and Roche,

  • the mining firm Glencore , Liebherr Cranes , the high tech engineering firm ABB, and

  • of course every posh watch firm you can think of, from Rolex and Omega and Tag Hauer , to

  • Patek Philippe and Zenith and Breitling. These are all world-beating giants.

  • Just look at the most valuable companies in Europe, Novartis, Roche, Nestle - theyre

  • all Swiss, yup Europe’s biggest companies aren’t even in the EU.

  • Zurich’s also one of the world’s largest financial centres , despite having a population

  • of less than 2 million, with global firms like UBS and Credit Suisse

  • Per million of inhabitants Switzerland has more multinationals than I think all other

  • countries. No surprise then that Switzerland is about

  • the richest country in the world with a GDP per head around twice as high as ours.

  • To make the point that if we left the EU we’d be just like another Switzerland I think is

  • totally bizarre. It is one of the most prosperous countries in the world.

  • Switzerland doesn’t just do a bit better than us it does fantastically better than

  • us. Needless to say the Swiss are better paid

  • than us. With average wages again, around twice as high as ours.

  • What’s more there is far greater income equality here.

  • Labour incomes are about as equally distributed as in Scandinavia.

  • If you think high tax rates lead to equality look at Switzerland. They have far lower tax

  • rates than we do, but very high levels of income equality .

  • So, without the EU’s help, it seems to be scraping along just fine. But how do we account

  • for Switzerland’s truly staggering success? I have come to the offices of the Swiss magazine,

  • Die Weltwoche , orThe World this Week’. The reason why Switzerland is successful economically

  • is that Switzerland is not a member of the European Union. In the EU it’s politicians

  • and bureaucrats determining what the people have got to do, I meanit’s a top down

  • system in the EU, and Switzerland I would say is the epitome of a bottom-up system.

  • Switzerland is the perfect opposite to the European Union’s crumbling model.

  • Switzerland is a kind of super-democracy: far more democratic than Britain let alone

  • the EU. Switzerland has one of the oldest constitutions

  • in the world and it’s one of the most democratic. It’s not up to the Prime Minister whether

  • a referendum should be heldit’s up to the people. You get 50,000 signatures and

  • they have to hold one. . The people in Switzerland decide everything .

  • It’s very different to the elite conception of politicswhere an enlightened elite

  • decides and knows betterhere the people know better and the politicians have to conform.

  • Why is the Swiss state successful? Because our politicians are forced to fulfil the interests

  • of the people The key to their success is the fact that

  • their class of bureaucrats and politicians, if you will, is kept on a much tighter rein,

  • a much greater control by the public. You simply cannot get away with the kind of grandiose

  • plans that you find, say, in France. In Switzerland, the Swiss public, simply will not tolerate

  • that. The Swiss economy ranks as one of the least

  • regulated in the world, and according to the EU itself, Swiss industry is also Europe’s

  • most innovative. Too much regulation stifles innovation, limits

  • creativity and so we think this should be foremost endeavour of politicians to eliminate

  • regulations and not to create them. Switzerland is one of the least regulated

  • economies in the world, and it’s also one of the richest country in the world. This

  • is no coincidence. Do it like the Swisshave some arrangements

  • with Europe but be independent and look to the world.

  • To trade with Europe, won’t we need a trade deal?

  • No, there’s so much nonsense talked about trade agreements, the EU is a trade deal and

  • it’s very bad for us There’s an old fashioned view among politicians

  • that trade is something that politicians organiseit’s not!

  • Trade was all about the great and the good from one country signing a treaty with the

  • great and the good of another country. But real life is starting to leave that behind.

  • I’ve headed back to South Shields to visit John Mills, one of the Labour Party’s biggest

  • donors . His company, JML, has hundreds of products

  • manufactured for them in countries all around the world, and exports thousands of container-loads

  • of products every year to every corner of the planet.

  • This business is truly global. Well we export to about 85 countries at the

  • last countthe majority of these countries are not in the European Unionbut it’s

  • actually no more difficult for us to sell to the United States or to Australia or even

  • China than it is to sell to the EU . The idea that you have to be in the EU to

  • trade with the European Union is a total absurdity. Wander into any shop in Britain and youll

  • find goods from all over the worldcameras and TVs from Japan computers and phones from

  • America - but we have no trade deals with these countries.

  • You don’t need a trade deal with a country to be able to trade with it . If you go shopping

  • what do you dowell you buy Chinese goodsyou buy Korean goodsyou buy

  • American goods and yet none of those countries are part of the European Union.

  • China doesn’t have a trade deal with the European Union, nor does the United States,

  • nor does Indiayou don’t need trade dealstrade involves having a product

  • or a service which other people are prepared to buy at whatever price you can produce it

  • for. Though we don’t need a trade deal to trade

  • with Europe, it’s highly likely they will want one for one simple reason:

  • The EU is desperate to keep its goods flowing into the UK

  • You go outside, you countdon’t take my word for ityou count the amount of

  • Audis, BMWs Mercedes, Volkswagens, youll find it’s over 30% of our market. The Germans

  • biggest industry needs us to the tune of 16 billion plus every year .

  • We are actually the biggest market for the rest of the European Union - We are not a

  • supplicant, we need a bit of self-belief and a bit of self confidence

  • Even though were EU members, since the turn of the century the proportion of British

  • trade with the EU has been in steep decline, while trade with the rest of the world has

  • been rising sharply. There’s no trade deal at the moment with

  • China, the EU does not have one . But if you look at Anglo-Chinese trade over the last

  • ten years, say, that has been growing several times faster than Anglo-EU trade where of

  • course there is a trade deal. Our percentage of trade with the EU is falling

  • virtually by the minute, I mean it’s tumbling even as we conduct this interview.

  • Every single year that goes by, the percentage of British overseas business done outside

  • the EU grows at double the rate of the business we do inside the EU.

  • They need us more than we need them. Ah, but what if the EU proposes a trade deal

  • which forces on us open borders, and other stuff we don’t like?

  • If a proposed trade deal is unacceptable to us, whether it’s the EU or anybody else,

  • we just don’t sign it.

  • It’s true that British companies who export to the EU will have to comply with EU regulations,

  • but it’s also true that EU companies wanting to export to Britain will have to comply with

  • ours. Germans who export to America must abide by

  • American regulations, likewise for American exporters to China, and Chinese exporters

  • to Brazil, and Brazil to the EU; every exporting company in the world has to comply with the

  • laws of the place theyre exporting to. Trade deals make no difference.

  • One of the arguments put by thein crowd’ –theremainers’ - is oh well you know

  • it takes a long time for Europe to come up with a free trade agreementit’s taken

  • 9 years to come up with a free trade agreement with Canadawell, that’s a very good

  • reason to leave. In the globalised 21st century, you don't need a trade deal

  • to trade, and yet theyre still useful. The question is: are we more

  • likely to have bigger and better trade deals inside the EU, or outside?

  • Let’s add up the GDP of all the countries which have trade deals with the EUit

  • comes to 5. trillion pounds Golly, that sounds a lot!

  • But look Switzerland – 29 trillion. And what about tiny Singapore? Theyve got

  • trade deals worth 7 times as much as the EU’s And South Korea? 9 times!

  • Chile- population 80 million, its got 50 trillionUnbelievable!

  • But let’s cheat let’s add to the EU pile the value of its own internal market, as if

  • it had a trade deal with itself. It’s still rubbish!

  • You can’t throw a shipping container without hitting a country with better trade deals

  • that the EU.

  • In fact if youre trying to avoid trade deals, joining the EU is probably the best

  • thing you can do. The EU has got no trade agreement with China

  • or India or Russia or the United States . I mean it’s staggering that they haven’t

  • managed to achieve that. Of Britain’s top 10 non-EU trading partners,

  • the EU has trade agreements in place with only 2

  • As far as trade deals go, being part of the EU cuts you off from the rest of the world.

  • Our history is a trading, buccaneering historyyou know, back to Drake and beyond, and

  • that’s what were good at. At the moment our hands are shackled by being

  • in the European Union. Weve got a much, much better opportunity

  • really for striking good trade deals if were outside the EU than if were inside.

  • If we left the European Union we could very quickly establish free trade deals with the

  • most dynamic parts of the world economy.

  • Today, Europe doesn’t look like the future; the future consists of nations in Asia, and

  • America and Africa. Getting stuck in Fortress Europe is the worst thing that could happen

  • to us. The idea that we have to stay in the EU for

  • our prosperity is wrong-headed. Why do we need to attach ourselves to the one part of

  • the world that is doing really badly? Within Europe we know what our future’s

  • going to be to some extentit’s going to be pretty stagnant while the rest of the

  • world roars ahead. We have huge scope, huge scope, for creating

  • vast numbers of new jobs. Being obsessed with just this corner of the

  • World is being a ‘Little European’. Outside Europe we could have prosperity on

  • a level that we can’t even imagine now. Escaping fortress Europe could be a new start

  • for Britain; a return at last to the global commercial and trading giant we were in the

  • 19th Century If we embrace free trade and escape the stultifying

  • restrictions of EU over-regulation, there’s the potential for an extraordinary economic

  • renaissance in Britain is a great country and I think our

  • economy is poised for much greater things. something really interesting’s happened

  • in this country. Weve changed, weve embraced entrepreneurialism, young people

  • now want to go it alone, they want to run their own businesses, they want to be self-employed.

  • They don’t want to work for these big multinationals anymore, they want to build their own multinationals.

  • Were being asked to trade in our freedomand look what were being offered in

  • return. It’s about bread and circuses, isn’t it?

  • Bread and circuses for the little people, the political class say to us, ‘you needn’t

  • worry about sovereignty or any of that stuff, youre going to get better mobile phone

  • rates and that’s the good news and youre gonna get slightly cheaper holidays, and those

  • are the things that really matter to you aren’t they, because youre one of the little people.’

  • I mean would you really trade in your national identity for cheaper mobile phone calls when

  • youre abroad? Theyre treating us like natives in the

  • 18th century, when Captain Cook lands on the shore and he starts handing out these, these

  • beads and trinkets and were gonna be happy with that and were going to sell them our

  • country for them It just shows utter contempt for what they

  • think people are likebecause they really do believe that these little trinkets are

  • going to buy us off.

  • In the referendum we will be asked to choose. Do we want to be governed by an organisation

  • which we don’t understand, run by people we don’t know and haven’t elected, who

  • have the power to impose on us laws that we haven’t debated, and have little or no chance

  • of blocking or repealing. We need to regain the right for British people

  • to make British laws. If people believe that the best way to strengthen

  • the United Kingdom is to hand over every year more money, and more power, to an unaccountable

  • bureaucratic elite in Brussels, then what they should do is campaign to stay in the

  • European Union. Kelvin: it comes down to the essential issue,

  • the working man and woman of this country against people who think we have a better

  • plan and a better mind than you, and if you don’t like it, what are you going to do

  • and the answer is, were going to vote leave so… *BLOWS RASPBERRY*

  • There are a number of issues where I believe that we should be leaving

  • This is people vs the establishmentpeople vs the elite – I just hope that the mass

  • of people who may not go around being interviewed much, may never get a look in on any of the

  • media or television, come June 23rd will be out there saying this is our chance to get

  • our own back. Give us back control of our country

  • With general elections it doesn’t really matter who you vote for, Conservative or Labour,

  • because you know that in four yearstime you can change your mind.

  • This time you can’t change your mind, this time is for keeps.

  • This referendum is the most important political act that has happened in my lifetimethis

  • is about our future, our freedom, our democracyour right to govern ourselves.

  • What really matters is that you should have the power to remove the people who govern

  • you. The reason why the suffragettes went to all

  • that trouble to get the vote was because they wanted to they themselves be treated as grownups

  • and decide their own destiny If I was told I’d be stewing grass to feed

  • my own family in 5 years time if we left the European Union – I would still do it!

  • It’s time to regain our freedom and independencethe right to decide ourselves how we live

  • our lives There’s a lot at stake herewhat we

  • want is democracy. We the people should determine our own destiny. We have the capacity to shape

  • our own futures. So, my question is: what price freedom?

We the people are being cajoled, fightened, and bullied into surrendering our democracy


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