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Is your liberal professor giving you problems because you oppose same-sex "marriage?"
If so, you need some quick rebuttals that show how same-sex "marriage" doesn't work.
Keep watching because we're going to help you Fight Back!
"You will write, 100 times, on the blackboard"
'I will be politically correct in class.'
"We don't say 'traditional marriage' in this class- that is bigoted!"
"The Bible is not history! Ha, ha ha!"
"The work of Darwin is irrefutable!"
"A fetus is just a clump of cells!"
We are all equal: plants, animals, people!
All right, that's it! Enough is enough!
("Fight Back" theme song)
Before jumping into the topic,
I want to say that we have no intention to defame or disparage anyone.
by intellectually opposing individuals or organizations that promote the homosexual agenda,
our only goal is to defend the sacred institution of marriage and the family,
and protect the treasures of Christian civilization.
You and I have every right to defend the truth in charity.
Okay, let's go to our first reason.
#1. It's not marriage
Calling something marriage does not make it marriage.
Marriage has always been the covenant between a man and a woman.
That's how children come into the world. That's how families are formed.
"A man and a woman has nothing to do with it"
"Shame on your definition of marriage!"
Same-sex unions are not marriages,
because they deny the self evident distinction between male and female,
between mother and father.
It's very simple: two entirely different things cannot be called the same thing.
#2. It violates natural law
Marriage is not just any relationship between two people.
It's deeply rooted in human nature itself,
which is governed by natural law.
Now, natural law’s most basic precept is this: “Do what's good, and avoid what's evil."
By reason we know what is morally good or bad.
Thus, we understand the purpose of our actions.
In marriage, the procreative act of husband and wife has a primary purpose: procreation.
To intentionally circumvent that purpose violates natural law
and the objective norm of morality.
Every child should be raised by his natural father and mother.
this rule is confirmed by the obvious difficulties faced by orphan children.
A child who lives in a same-sex union environment
is never going to have his biological mother or father.
He will always be missing a mother or father role model.
Through this, we can see that the homosexual movement
downgrades and discards motherhood and fatherhood
as something necessary for a child, even when children themselves
naturally crave for a mother or father.
And there are single parents, like my mom, all across the country
who do a heroic job raising terrific kids,
but I still wish I had a dad who was
not only around but involved.
In the name of the "family"
same-sex "marriage" serves to validate
the homosexual lifestyle in all of its bisexual and transgender variants.
You see, civil laws are structuring principles that guide society.
Laws shape the life of society, and as such
can mold the perception right and wrong.
That's why I oppose the legal recognition of homosexual "marriage:"
because it obscures basic moral values, devalues natural marriage
and weakens public morality.
A moral wrong can never be a civil right.
Homosexual activists say that same-sex “marriage”
is a civil right, just like the struggle for racial equality in the 60's.
This is not true!
Sexual behavior and race are two completely different things!
A man and a woman who want to get married can be:
black or white, rich or poor, short or tall.
None of those differences are obstacles to true marriage
because nature is still respected.
Same-sex unions, on the other hand, oppose nature.
"It's about Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."
If God wanted it to be that way,
he would've made Adam and Steve, or two females. He didn't, people!
He made man and took the ribs and made woman!
Not the other way around. People, come on! It's simple! It's simple!
Two individuals of the same sex can never be married because its biologically impossible.
No matter how hard a man tries, he can never be a mother.
One cannot compare genetic racial traits
to non-genetic behavior.
Homosexual Unions are 100% Sterile
A man and a woman who get married are naturally able to have children and form a family.
But homosexual unions, on the other hand, are 100% sterile.
The sexual acts of two men or two women will never produce a child!
If two men want to have a child, they have to use artificial means and employ surrogates.
There always has to be a woman involved!
Their unions cannot form families.
Someone could object and say, "Well, you're saying that couples who can't have children shouldn't get married?"
The answer to the objection is this: procreation is connected to the
to the essence marriage and family.
While man and a woman may accidentally not be able to conceive a child
their union is still in accordance with nature.
In contrast, homosexual unions are sterile and not natural.
Alan Keyes gives the great analogy of an apple.
If the apple has a warm inside of it or is rotten- it's still an apple.
Whereas, an orange will never be an apple
no matter what you do to it.
It's the same thing with homosexual unions- they will never beget families.
It defeats the state's purpose of benefiting marriage.
One of the reasons why the state gives benefits to true marriage is this:
by nature and by design, marriage provides children
with the normal conditions for a stable, beneficial, affectionate and moral atmosphere.
This helps perpetuate the nation and strengthen society.
Homosexual unions don't provide that!
Their primary purpose, objectively speaking, is the personal gratification of two individuals.
That's why homosexual unions are not entitled to the same protection that the state gives to natural marriage.
By legalizing same-sex "marriage," the state becomes its official promoter.
In every situation where marriage affects society,
the state will expect good people, like you, to betray your conscience,
to betray the natural order and to betray Christian morality.
This new type of persecution is already hitting bakers, photographers, and flower shops
that choose not to serve same-sex "weddings."
For example, in Massachusetts, the father of a 6-year-old boy
was arrested and put in jail. Why?
Because he objected to the pro-homosexual curriculum being taught in his son's school.
Unfortunately, more and more children are being exposed to the homosexual lifestyle in school,
even though parents don't want it.
Today, the sexual revolution is telling society to accept unnatural vice.
This explains why homosexual activist Paul Varnell wrote:
If homosexual "marriage" is accepted,
what logical arguments can be used to oppose, let's say,
two men and three women from getting married?
It's shocking but elements of certain subcultures are already advocating
incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and other forms of unnatural behavior.
In the Book of Genesis, we read:
Marriage is not the creature of any State.
It was established by God in Paradise for our first parents, Adam and Eve.
Whenever we violate the natural moral order established by God, we sin.
That's why same-sex “marriage” is wrong. And that's why it must be opposed.
Natural marriage is on the right side of history! Stand on the right side of history!
Defend God's marriage and be on the right side of history!
I hope you enjoyed this episode of "Fight Back."
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God bless you!