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  • Hello everyone!

  • Welcome to Idiom 100, where we learn 100 commonly used idioms by native English speakers.

  • All of the explanations are in English, so it might be challenging for you,

  • but just try to imagine the meanings in your head and study hard and soon you'll be able to use these idioms in your conversations.

  • Is everyone ready? Let's begin.

  • Today's idiom is: rain cats and dogs.

  • Rain cats and dogs.

  • Hmm, what's this idiom mean?

  • Well, let's imagine a picture in our heads and you go outside and you see dogs and cats falling or raining from the sky.

  • And these cats and dogs are very big and you put your umbrella up, but it's so hard to use, because the cats and dogs are so big.

  • So, you're having trouble.

  • So, let's listen to 2 examples.

  • The first one is:

  • How's the weather today? It looks pretty bad!

  • Yes, it’s horrible. It’s raining cats and dogs.

  • Okay, did you understand?

  • Let's listen to the second example.

  • Did you hear the thunder rolling this morning?

  • Yes, the weather forecast said it’s going to rain cats and dogs today. Don’t forget your umbrella.

  • Could you understand what 'rain cats and dogs' might mean?

  • Well, if you guessed it, it means it's raining very heavily

  • and maybe in a typhoon or a strong storm, you might go outside and the rain is so heavy and you want to go back inside.

  • So, maybe if you have plans to go to the park for a picnic, you might call your friend and say,

  • 'Mmm, it's raining cats and dogs. Let's cancel the picnic.'

  • Okay, so let's try using this some time soon.

  • I'll see you again next time! Good-bye!

Hello everyone!


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A2 初級

イングリッシュイディオム1/100:「雨の猫と犬 (English Idiom 1/100:"Rain cats and dogs")

  • 620 84
    Jjli Li に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日