字幕表 動画を再生する
Translator: Jenny Zurawell
What I want to talk about is, as background,
is the idea that cars are art.
This is actually quite meaningful to me,
なぜならカーデザイナーは時に 付属的な職種だと思われがちなんです
because car designers tend to be a little bit low on the totem pole --
we don't do coffee table books with just one lamp inside of it --
and cars are thought so much as a product
that it's a little bit difficult to get into the aesthetic side
その美的魅力について 理解するのは難しいのです
under the same sort of terminology that one would discuss art.
また 車も芸術と同様に感情移入できるものだとするなら 芸術と同等に扱うべきでしょう
And so cars, as art, brings it into an emotional plane -- if you accept that --
また 車も芸術と同様に感情移入できるものだとするなら 芸術と同等に扱うべきでしょう
that you have to deal with on the same level you would with art with a capital A.
Now at this point you're going to see a picture of Michelangelo.
This is completely different than automobiles.
自動車は「自ら動く」ものです その意味でエレベータは「自ら動く」
Automobiles are self-moving things, right? Elevators are automobiles.
感情を揺さぶるものではなく 目的を達するものです
And they're not very emotional; they solve a purpose;
and certainly automobiles have been around for 100 years
and have made our lives functionally a lot better in many ways;
ただ 同時に頭痛のたねでもあった
they've also been a real pain in the ass,
公害や渋滞など 解決すべき問題を たくさん生み出してきましたから
because automobiles are really the thing we have to solve.
公害や渋滞など 解決すべき問題を たくさん生み出してきましたから
We have to solve the pollution, we have to solve the congestion --
but that's not what interests me in this speech.
お話しするのはクルマそのもの あなたの道具であると同時に
What interests me in this speech is cars. Automobiles may be what you use,
but cars are what we are, in many ways.
And as long as we can solve the problems of automobiles,
BMWが取り組んでいるように 燃料電池や水素の技術などでできると思いますが
and I believe we can, with fuel cells or hydrogen, like BMW is really hip on,
and lots of other things, then I think we can look past that
and try and understand why this hook is in many of us --
車が何を意味するのか 何を学べるのか 理解することができるでしょう
of this car-y-ness -- and what that means, what we can learn from it.
それについて触れたいのです 車は衣類ではない
That's what I want to get to. Cars are not a suit of clothes;
車はあなたの分身であり 拡張されたあなた自身であり
cars are an avatar. Cars are an expansion of yourself:
考え アイディア 感情を表現し 増幅する装置なのです
they take your thoughts, your ideas, your emotions, and they multiply it --
例えば怒りだったり それこそ分身ですよね
your anger, whatever. It's an avatar.
心の内側に湧き上がるもの あなたがセクシーさを重視すれば
It's a super-waldo that you happen to be inside of, and if you feel sexy,
その車はセクシーですし 渋滞にイラつくならば
the car is sexy. And if you're full of road rage,
you've got a "Chevy: Like a Rock," right?
Cars are a sculpture -- did you know this?
That every car you see out there is sculpted by hand.
多くの人は「コンピュータでデザインして 機械で製造する」と思う
Many people think, "Well, it's computers,
多くの人は「コンピュータでデザインして 機械で製造する」と思う
and it's done by machines and stuff like that."
確かに量産するのは機械ですが オリジナルは全て手作業です
Well, they reproduce it, but the originals are all done by hand.
It's done by men and women who believe a lot in their craft.
彼らは まるで美術館に収蔵されている
And they put that same kind of tension into the sculpting of a car
彫刻の傑作と同じ 絶妙な緊張感を車に与えるのです
that you do in a great sculpture that you would go and look at in a museum.
That tension between the need to express, the need to discover,
then you put something new into it,
and at the same time you have bounds of craftsmanship.
一般的に言って これが表面的な見方
Rules that say, this is how you handle surfaces;
意図的に表現できる部分であり 優れた職人であることを示せる部分です
this is what control is all about; this is how you show you're a master of your craft.
And that tension, that discovery, that push for something new --
and at the same time, that sense of obligation
to the regards of craftsmanship --
that's as strong in cars as it is in anything.
We work in clay, which hasn't changed much
since Michelangelo started screwing around with it,
and there's a very interesting analogy to that too.
「粘土の中に形態を見つける」と ミケランジェロは言ったとか
Real quickly -- Michelangelo once said he's there to "discover the figure within," OK?
これを見てください 自動車です
There we go, the automobile.
100年間の開き 感じますか?
That was 100 years right there -- did you catch that?
さっきのものとこれ 結構変わるものでしょう?
Between that one there, and that one there, it changed a lot didn't it?
マーケティングの分野でも とても面白い車の要素があります
OK, it's not marketing; there's a very interesting car concept here,
けれど ここでは特に触れません
but the marketing part is not what I want to talk about here.
I want to talk about this.
Why it means you have to wash a car, what is it, that sensuality
この触れたくなるような官能性は何なのか それこそ彫刻の本質です 官能性
you have to touch about it? That's the sculpture that goes into it. That sensuality.
そしてそれは自動車を制作する人たちによって 形づくられているのです
And it's done by men and women working just like this, making cars.
Now this little quote about sculpture from Henry Moore,
I believe that that "pressure within" that Moore's talking about --
at least when it comes to cars --
comes right back to this idea of the mean.
生きる意志 生き残る必要性 表現力
It's that will to live, that need to survive, to express itself,
それが自動車に現れて 車好きを魅了する
that comes in a car, and takes over people like me.
「ここをこうして、ああして」と それが表現されるまで指示を出し続ける
And we tell other people, "Do this, do this, do this," until this thing comes alive.
完全に病気ですね そしてその情熱の結果 美しくなる
We are completely infected. And beauty can be the result
of this infectiousness; it's quite wonderful.
This sculpture is, of course, at the heart of all of it,
and it's really what puts the craftsmanship into our cars.
そんな作業は実際こういうものを 制作するのと大きく変わらないんです
And it's not a whole lot different, really, when they're working like this,
そんな作業は実際こういうものを 制作するのと大きく変わらないんです
or when somebody works like this.
同じような取り組みであり 同じような「美」なのです
It's that same kind of commitment, that same kind of beauty.
さあ 本題ですが 芸術としての自動車についてです
Now, now I get to the point. I want to talk about cars as art.
観念的なレベルでは 芸術とは真実 美 そして愛であります
Art, in the Platonic sense, is truth; it's beauty, and love.
これがカー・デザイナーと技術者の 大きな違いなのです
Now this is really where designers in car business diverge from the engineers.
We don't really have a problem talking about love.
We don't have a problem talking about truth or beauty in that sense.
That's what we're searching for --
私たちは 作品を手がける際に 真実を探し当てようとしています
when we're working our craft, we are really trying to find that truth out there.
We're not trying to find vanity and beauty.
We're trying to find the beauty in the truth.
一方 技術者は物事を科学者のように捉えます
However, engineers tend to look at things a little bit more Newtonian,
instead of this quantum approach.
We're dealing with irrationalisms,
and we're dealing with paradoxes that we admit exist,
対して 技術者は 2+2は4であり
and the engineers tend to look things a little bit more like
その4が4.0なら 更に正確 そのように考えます
two and two is four, and if you get 4.0 it's better, and 4.000 is even better.
And that sometimes leads to bit of a divergence
in why we're doing what we're doing.
私たちはBMW内で 女性的な役割の部門だということも認めています
We've pretty much accepted the fact, though,
私たちはBMW内で 女性的な役割の部門だということも認めています
that we are the women in the organization at BMW --
BMWはとても男性的な会社なんですね 技術者主導の
BMW is a very manly type business, -- men, men, men; it's engineers.
And we're kind of the female side to that. That's OK,
大変結構 あなた方は男性的でやってください
that's cool. You go off and be manly. We're going to be a little bit more female.
私たちはもっと女性的になります ただの機能だけではなく形態に興味があるのですから
Because what we're interested in is finding form that's more than just a function.
外見上だけでなく 「美」そのものを見いだしたいのです
We're interested in finding beauty that's more than just an aesthetic;
it's really a truth.
そしてこの精神的な深みこそが 素晴らしい車の本質にも
And I think this idea of soul, as being at the heart of great cars,
当てはまります ご存知でしょう ご覧になってきた自動車は
is very applicable. You all know it. You know a car when you've seen it,
with soul. You know how strong this is.
まあ 私にとって 「愛の経験」と「デザインの経験」は
Well, this experience of love, and the experience of design, to me,
同じようなものだと言っていい そこで私の話です
are interchangeable. And now I'm coming to my story.
ディープブルーというプロジェクトを通じて 愛とデザインについて気がついたことがあります
I discovered something about love and design through a project called Deep Blue.
And first of all, you have to go with me for a second, and say,
社会の中で様々な形で使われている 「愛」という言葉は
you know, you could take the word "love" out of a lot of things in our society,
put the word "design" in, and it still works,
たとえばこの引用と同じように ほら 大丈夫でしょう?
like this quote here, you know. It kind of works, you know?
理解できる 自明のことなんです
You can understand that. It works in truisms.
"All is fair in design and war."
Certainly we live in a competitive society.
I think this one here, there's a pop song
これはフィリップ・スタルクについて 表現しているように思えます
that really describes Philippe Starck for me, you know, this is like
まるで幼い恋物語のようです これはいけてますよね
you know, this is like puppy love, you know, this is cool right?
歯ブラシ ん 格好いい
Toothbrush, cool.
It really only gets serious when you look at something like this. OK?
This is one substitution that I believe
all of us, in design management, are guilty of.
愛すべきもの デザインされるべきものが もっとある
And this idea that there is more to love,
more to design, when it gets down to your neighbor, your other,
it can be physical like this, and maybe in the future it will be.
But right now it's in dealing with our own people,
私が属するクリエーティブチーム これは私の実話です
our own teams who are doing the creating. So, to my story.
The idea of people-work is what we work with here,
BMWの車を制作する際 デザイン班と心の繋がりを持たなくてはならない
and I have to make a bond with my designers when we're creating BMWs.
親しい関係を保ち 考え方を共有する
We have to have a shared intimacy, a shared vision --
that means we have to work as one family;
we have to understand ourselves that way.
良いときもあれば 面白い瞬間もある一方
There's good times; there's interesting times;
and there's some stress times too.
車の仕事では 時に屋外に出ることもある
You want to do cars, you've got to go outside.
雨や雪の中 仕事をしなくては いけない時だってある
You've got to do cars in the rain; you've got to do cars in the snow.
たとえばこれは経営陣に プレゼンをした際のものです
That's, by the way, is a presentation we made to our board of directors.
雪の中に経営陣も引っ張り出しました 屋外でどう見えるかを知るには
We haul their butts out in the snow, too. You want to know cars outside?
Well, you've got to stand outside to do this.
そして彼らは芸術家だからこそ とても芸術的な気質を持っているものなのです
And because these are artists, they have very artistic temperaments.
いいですか さて 芸術とは発見なのです
All right? Now one thing about art is, art is discovery,
芸術を通じてあなた自身を発見する わかります?
and art is discovering yourself through your art. Right?
車に関して言えば我らデザイナーは 自らの理想を投影している
And one thing about cars is we're all a little bit like Pygmalion,
we are completely in love with our own creations.
これは大好きな絵なんですが 私たちの車との関係を表現しています
This is one of my favorite paintings, it really describes our relationship with cars.
This is sick beyond belief.
But because of this, the intimacy with which we work together as a team
新しい次元 新しい意味を 得ることができるのです
takes on a new dimension, a new meaning.
We have a shared center; we have a shared focus --
私たちは焦点や議論の軸を 共有するんです
that car stays at the middle of all our relationships.
そして競い合う中で 焦点を絞っていくのが私の役割です
And it's my job, in the competitive process, to narrow this down.
今日 細胞の再生を制御する 遺伝子の話を聞きました
I heard today about Joseph's death genes
今日 細胞の再生を制御する 遺伝子の話を聞きました
that have to go in and kill cell reproduction.
それと同じ事をする必要が 時にあるのです
You know, that's what I have to do sometimes.
10台から始め それを5台に絞り
We start out with 10 cars; we narrow it down to five cars,
そして3台 2台 最後に1台のデザインにする
down to three cars, down to two cars, down to one car,
そして私はそのある人の 愛の対象 宝物を
and I'm in the middle of that killing, basically.
Someone's love, someone's baby.
困難ですが スタッフと 強い絆も持たなくてはいけない
This is very difficult, and you have to have a bond with your team
絆があってこそ許される行為なのです そのような世界にいるわけですから
that permits you to do this, because their life is wrapped up in that too.
They've got that gene infected in them as well,
and they want that to live, more than anything else.
このディープブルー・プロジェクトは 想像もつかない形で
Well, this project, Deep Blue, put me in contact with my team
チームに関わる経験を与えてくれました それを伝えたいのです
in a way that I never expected, and I want to pass it on to you,
because I want you to reflect on this, perhaps in your own relationships.
私たちはBMWの本質を形にしたような車を デザインしたかったのです
We wanted to a do a car which was a complete leap of faith for BMW.
そしてこれまでのやり方とは無縁の チームを作り出したかった
We wanted to do a team which was so removed from the way we'd done it,
that I only had a phone number that connected me to them.
So, what we did was: instead of having a staff of artists that are just your wrist,
創造性豊かなデザイナーやエンジニアの 自由にさせることにしました
we decided to free up a team of creative designers and engineers
アメリカでSUVの次に流行る車を 探し当てる為でした
to find out what's the successor to the SUV phenomenon in America.
1996年のプロジェクトです チームにディープブルーという名をつけ送り出しました
This is 1996 we did this project. And so we sent them off with this team name,
IBMのディープブルーは ご存じの方も多いでしょう
Deep Blue. Now many people know Deep Blue from IBM --
we actually stole it from them because we figured
コンピュータの話と思い込むかと思い 拝借したのです
if anybody read our faxes they'd think we're talking about computers.
実際 良い選択でした
It turned out it was quite clever because Deep Blue,
社内でも「ディープ・ブルー へぇ、かっこいいな」 なんて感じでしたから。
in a company like BMW, has a hook -- "Deep Blue," wow, cool name.
皆夢中になりました デザイナーのチームを
So people get wrapped up in it. And we took a team of designers,
アメリカに送り込み 予算を与えました
and we sent them off to America. And we gave them a budget,
what we thought was a set of deliverables,
予定表 それだけ
a timetable, and nothing else.
私には彼らの電話番号しか ありませんでした
Like I said, I just had a phone number that connected me to them.
And a group of engineers worked in Germany,
and the idea was they would work separately
on this problem of what's the successor to the SUV.
アイディアを持ち寄り メモを見比べ 持ち帰り
They would come together, compare notes. Then they would work apart,
そしてまた持ち寄り 共に制作作業をする
come together, and they would produce together
お互いのアイディアに影響されない 多様な意見が集まり
a monumental set of diverse opinions that didn't pollute each other's ideas --
but at the same time came together and resolved the problems.
Hopefully, really understand the customer at its heart,
顧客の住むアメリカで生活をさせたい だから彼らを送り出しました
where the customer is, live with them in America. So -- sent the team off,
すると思いもかけないことが起きました 彼らは違う場所に行ったのです
and actually something different happened. They went other places.
They disappeared, quite honestly, and all I got was postcards.
Now, I got some postcards of these guys in Las Vegas,
and I got some postcards of these guys in the Grand Canyon,
and I got these postcards of Niagara Falls,
その直後はニューヨークにいたようです 他はどこだったか
and pretty soon they're in New York, and I don't know where else.
これは素晴らしい車になるぞ と思ったものです
And I'm telling myself, "This is going to be a great car,
彼らは思いもつかなかったような 場所でリサーチしている
they're doing research that I've never even thought about before."
そうでしょう 彼らはアトリエや
Right? And they decided that instead of, like, having a studio,
and six or seven apartments,
マリブのエリザベス・テイラーの 別荘を借りたんですから
it was cheaper to rent Elizabeth Taylor's ex-house in Malibu.
And -- at least they told me it was her house,
一度パーティを開いたことがあるって 程度でしょうね
I guess it was at one time, she had a party there or something.
とにかくこれがその家です で スタッフはそこに住んだ
But anyway, this was the house, and they all lived there.
四六時中あいているリビング 半ダースものスタッフが
Now this is 24/7 living, half-a-dozen people who'd left their --
some had left their wives behind and families behind,
and they literally lived in this house
プロジェクトの舞台である アメリカに住みついたのです
for the entire six months the project was in America,
中でも最初の3ヶ月は 非常に徹底していました
but the first three months were the most intensive.
And one of the young women in the project,
非常に熱心な女性で なんと浴室に自分の部屋を作りました
she was a fantastic lady, she actually built her room in the bathroom.
浴室がとても大きかったので バスタブの上にベッドを作ったのです
The bathroom was so big, she built the bed over the bathtub --
it's quite fascinating.
ところで私はこれらについて 何も知りませんでした
On the other hand, I didn't know anything about this. OK?
全く 色々進んでいるけど 手にするのは
Nothing. This is all going on, and all I'm getting is postcards
of these guys in Las Vegas, or whatever,
「クリス 心配ご無用 これは成功するよ」って
saying, "Don't worry Chris, this is really going to be good." OK?
So my concept of what a design studio was probably --
I wasn't up to speed on where these guys were.
However, the engineers back in Munich
例えばこういった 物理的な解決法を求めていました
had taken on this kind of Newtonian solution,
and they were trying to find how many cup holders
can dance on the head of a pin, and, you know,
これは現代的な消費者を相手にするときに 非常に大切な問題なんです
these really serious questions that are confronting the modern consumer.
And one was hoping that these two teams would get together,
and this collusion of incredible creativity,
under these incredible surroundings,
and these incredibly stressed-out engineers,
would create some incredible solutions.
ただ私の知らなかったこと 私たちがわかったのは
Well, what I didn't know was, and what we found out was --
そのような環境下では彼らが お互いに話すことすらできないことです
these guys, they can't even like talk to each other under those conditions.
定量的と物理的な考え方との 相違がここに見られます
You get a divergence of Newtonian and quantum thinking at that point,
議論がとても深く 果てしないものだったので
you have a split in your dialog that is so deep, and so far,
彼らはまとめることすら 全くできなかったのです
that they cannot bring this together at all.
そして3ヶ月の後 初めての会議をチバロンで開きました
And so we had our first meeting, after three months, in Tiburon,
ここからも近いです チバロン ご存じですね?
which is just up the road from here -- you know Tiburon?
And the idea was after the first three months of this independent research
they would present it all to Dr. Goschel --
who is now my boss, and at that time he was co-mentor on the project --
and they would present their results.
プロジェクトの進行具合 つまり
We would see where we were going,
we would see the first indication of what could be
引き継ぎ得るのか その最初のヒントを知ろうとしたのです
the successive phenomenon to the SUV in America.
素晴らしいものになる そんな事を考えていました
And so I had these ideas in my head, that this is going to be great.
成果がたくさん提出され しかも充実している
I mean, I'm going to see so much work, it's so intense --
たぶんラスベガスが すごく大きな意味を果たしていて
I know probably Las Vegas meant a lot about it,
and I'm not really sure where the Grand Canyon came in either --
but somehow all this is going to come together,
素晴らしい成果が見られるだろう と
and I'm going to see some really great product.
3ヶ月後 チバロンに行きました
So we went to Tiburon, after three months,
その1週間前 チームは集まったんです
and the team had gotten together the week before,
many days ahead of time.
技術者達もやってきて デザイナー達と合流しました
The engineers flew over, and designers got together with them,
and they put their presentation together.
それでですね 技術者は何もしていないことがわかったんです
Well, it turns out that the engineers hadn't done anything.
And they hadn't done anything because --
なぜなら自動車産業において技術者は 課題を解決する側なんですね
kind of, like in car business, engineers are there to solve problems,
それが今回は 課題を作り出すよう注文していた
and we were asking them to create a problem.
一方技術者はデザイン班が 「こんな課題を作りました
And the engineers were waiting for the designers to say,
さあ解決するのを手伝ってください」 と言いだすのを待っていたのです
"This is the problem that we've created, now help us solve it."
そしてそのことについて 話すことができなかった
And they couldn't talk about it. So what happened was,
the engineers showed up with nothing.
And the engineers told the designers,
「そんなことにつきあわせるなら ストライキするよ
"If you go in with all your stuff, we'll walk out,
we'll walk right out of the project."
私はそんなことを何も知らないまま プレゼンを受けました
So I didn't know any of this,
私はそんなことを何も知らないまま プレゼンを受けました
and we got a presentation that had an agenda, looked like this.
There was a whole lot of dialog.
We spent four hours being told all about vocabulary
ボキャブラリーについて 4時間聞かされたのです
that needs to be built between engineers and designers.
And here I'm expecting at any moment, "OK, they're going to turn the page,
次は車の写真か 次はスケッチか
and I'm going to see the cars, I'm going to see the sketches,
I'm going to see maybe some idea of where it's going."
単語の相関図についての話が続き やがて
Dialog kept on going, with mental maps of words, and pretty soon
自分が素晴らしさに 目がくらんでいるのではなく
it was becoming obvious that instead of being dazzled with brilliance,
I was seriously being baffled with bullshit.
And if you can imagine what this is like,
数ヶ月間 チームのすばらしさを 葉書が証明していて
to have these months of postcard indication of how great this team is working,
そのために予算を使い 学んでいたはずが
and they're out there spending all this money, and they're learning,
and they're doing all this stuff.
私はかんかんに怒りました 発狂しました
I went fucking ballistic, right? I went nuts.
きっと皆さんもチバロンを忘れないでしょうね こんな感じだったのです
You can probably remember Tiburon, it used to look like this.
4時間の後 立ち上がって チームと別室にいきました
After four hours of this, I stood up, and I took this team apart.
そこで叫び 怒鳴りつけました 「全くなにやってたんだ?
I screamed at them, I yelled at them, "What the hell are you doing?
がっかりだ デザイナーだろ?
You're letting me down, you're my designers,
you're supposed to be the creative ones,
what the hell is going on around here?"
手厳しい批評でした 部下を叱責することはよくありますが
It was probably one of my better tirades, I have some good ones,
このときは本当に辛辣に批判しました こう言ったのです
but this was probably one of my better ones. And I went into these people;
how could they take BMW's money,
3ヶ月間の休暇を楽しんで 何も成果が無い 何も?
how could they have a holiday for three months and produce nothing, nothing?
実は彼らは私が望んでいた スケッチや写真 模型を
Because of course they didn't tell us that they had three station wagons
full of drawings, model concepts, pictures -- everything I wanted,
技術者との団結を示すために 鍵をかけてしまい込んで
they'd locked up in the cars, because they had shown solidarity with the engineers --
and they'd decided not to show me anything,
in order to give the chance for problem solving a chance to start,
もちろん 彼らが課題を作り出すことが できないことには気がついていませんでしたが
because they hadn't realized, of course,
もちろん 彼らが課題を作り出すことが できないことには気がついていませんでしたが
that they couldn't do problem creating.
So we went to lunch --
And I've got to tell you, this was one seriously quiet lunch.
The engineers all sat at one end of the table,
the designers and I sat at the other end of the table, really quiet.
激怒 私は激怒してたんですよ
And I was just fucking furious, furious. OK?
皆がお楽しみの間 自分は違った
Probably because they had all the fun and I didn't, you know.
That's what you get furious about right?
で 誰かが私の妻について聞きました
And somebody asked me about Catherine, my wife, you know,
did she fly out with me or something?
「いいや」と答えた途端 妻について色々と思い浮かんできました
I said, "No," and it triggered a set of thoughts about my wife.
妻と結婚したときに 神父様が
And I recalled that when Catherine and I were married,
とても良い説教の中で 大切な事を言ってくれたのを思い出しました
the priest gave a very nice sermon, and he said something very important.
He said, "Love is not selfish," he said,
「何回 ”愛している” と口にするかを 数えることが愛ではない
"Love does not mean counting how many times I say, 'I love you.'
It doesn't mean you had sex this many times this month,
and it's two times less than last month,
so that means you don't love me as much.
愛は自己中心的ではない」 これについて考えながら思ったのです
Love is not selfish." And I thought about this, and I thought,
「私は愛を示していない 愛情を見せていない
"You know, I'm not showing love here. I'm seriously not showing love.
ここには 私がいる空間には 信頼関係がない
I'm in the air, I'm in the air without trust.
相当数のスケッチを期待していたが それではいけない
This cannot be. This cannot be that I'm expecting a certain number of sketches,
and to me that's my quantification method for qualifying a team.
This cannot be."
と 皆に今の話をして言いました 「なぁ 思うんだが
So I told them this story. I said, "Guys, I'm thinking about something here,
量ではかれるような関係なんて 正しくないよな
this isn't right. I can't have a relationship with you guys
量ではかれるような関係なんて 正しくないよな
based on a premise that is a quantifiable one.
”俺は上司だ 俺が言ったことをやれ 信頼がなくても” なんて指示の仕方は
Based on a dictate premise that says, 'I'm a boss, you do what I say, without trust.'"
I said "This can't be."
実際正直な話 皆で泣いたんです
Actually, we all broke down into tears, to be quite honest about it,
because they still could not tell me how much frustration they had built up
どんなにストレスがたまったか 私に言うこともできなかったのですから
inside of them, not being able to show me what I wanted,
そして単に私に信頼して待つようにしか 言えなかったのですから
and merely having to ask me to trust them that it would come.
And I think we felt much closer that day,
we cut a lot of strings that didn't need to be there,
本当のチームとなり 真の創造性を生み出したのです
and we forged the concept for what real team and creativity is all about.
もう一度車を考えの中心に据え 愛情を注ぎました
We put the car back at the center of our thoughts, and we put love,
I think, truly back into the center of the process.
ところで チームは 6つのコンセプトを作り上げました
By the way, that team went on to create six different concepts
for the next model of what would be the proposal
for the next generation after SUVs in America.
One of those was the idea of a crossover coupes --
階下でご覧頂けるXクーペです みな楽しんでいました
you see it downstairs, the X Coupe -- they had a lot of fun with that.
It was the rendition of our motorcycle,
カール・マグヌソンに言わせると 「野蛮かつ美的」
the GS, as Carl Magnusson says, "brute-iful,"
もしバイクを4輪にしたらどうなるか というアイディアを表現したものです
as the idea of what could be a motorcycle, if you add two more wheels.
結論として 私の教訓を皆さんにお伝えするために
And so, in conclusion, my lesson that I wanted to pass on to you,
was this one here. I'm also going to steal a little quote out of "Little Prince."
信頼と愛について 様々な事が言われてきました
There's a lot to be said about trust and love,
if you know that those two words are synonymous for design.
あの日に私はチームと とても有意義な関係を持ったことになります
I had a very, very meaningful relationship with my team that day,
and it's stayed that way ever since.
And I hope that you too find that there's more to design,
一個人の枠を突き破り デザインの芸術性に傾倒して欲しいのです
and more towards the art of the design, than doing it yourself.
信頼と愛がデザインを 価値あるものにしているのです
It's true that the trust and the love, that makes it worthwhile.
Thanks so much.