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  • There are a variety of different baseball pitching grips that pitchers can

  • utilize to throw off hitters' timing. The most common grip that all

  • position players use and pitchers, commonly, is the four seam fast ball grip.

  • This grip will throw the baseball in the straightest, fastest fashion.

  • It's important with all of these grips that pitchers keep the same

  • arm speed and arm slot as they deliver the pitch so, as not to tip off the

  • batter as to what pitch is coming.

  • The second grip that can be used on the baseball is the two seam fast ball

  • grip as the two fingers are held across the two laces. And this creates a downward, sinking motion.

  • Thrown from a left-handed pitcher's arm,

  • the ball will drop down and away from a right-handed batter and vice versa for a right-handed pitcher.

  • Another pitch that can be thrown is known as the cut fast ball.

  • The cut fast ball is effective in that's it's a combination of the fast ball and the slider

  • and that it runs away from the batter. So a right-handed pitcher

  • like Mariano Rivera, who mastered the cut fast ball, throws pitches that

  • run away from a right-handed batter and into a left-handed batter as a right-handed pitcher.

  • The cutter, as it's known, has been Rivera's only pitch his entire career as the greatest relief pitcher of all time.

  • Another effective pitch, which more young players should be focusing on, is the change up.

  • The change up can be thrown with two different grips.

  • The three finger, or trophy change up, in which three fingers are on top of the

  • baseball and the thumb and the pinkie fingers are attached below the baseball.

  • And the circle change up, where the player will make an okay symbol

  • with his pointer finger and thumb and drape the other three fingers around the baseball.

  • As with all change ups, it's imperative that pitchers

  • not slow down their delivery when delivering a change up. Otherwise, the batter will be tipped off.

  • Another pitch that's an effective pitch to use at higher levels is the

  • split finger fast ball. The split finger fast ball, which was mastered by Mike Scott in the late 1970s,

  • early 1980s, has been used by many players since, including Roger Clemens.

  • The split finger fast ball is held between

  • the pointer finger and the middle finger, and it is thrown just two to

  • three miles an hour slower than a fast ball. The batter perceives that it's

  • a fast ball approaching, and then the ball drops right out from under.

  • And he swings over it quite commonly.

  • The fork ball is a similar pitch to the split finger fast ball, except that

  • it's held deeper in the hand. As a result, it goes slower than a split finger fast ball

  • and it has a tumbling action. The fork ball has been

  • perfected by a couple of pitchers in history, namely, Jack Morris, in the mid-1980s and early '90s

  • and most recently, Tim Lincecum of the San Francisco Giants.

  • Another pitch that's become very popular is the knuckle ball.

  • R.A. Dickey of the New York Mets has had a Cy Young-level season by perfecting the knuckle ball.

  • He has the fastest knuckle ball in history.

  • The curve ball is a pitch thrown with the two fingers next to each other

  • along one of the seams on the baseball. This ball will break from nose to

  • toes or 12 to 6 as hands on a clock. An effective curve ball is thrown with

  • the fingers leading the way and the back of the hand being thrown towards the catcher.

  • Dwight "Doc" Gooden was known to throw an excellent nose to toes curve ball.

  • And in modern times, Stephen Strasburg of the Washington

  • Nationals has a very sharp, breaking curve ball.

  • The slider is another effective which pitchers can use to throw off

  • hitters' timing. The slider is a combination fast ball and curve ball, and

  • it's thrown much more like a fast ball. And the pitcher will put his

  • fingers together against the seam and really focus on that middle finger as he delivers the pitch.

  • C.C. Sabathia is a modern-day pitcher who throws an effective slider.

  • Decades ago, Bob Gibson was known for having a wicked slider.

  • And perhaps most famously, David Cone, in July of 1999, threw a

  • perfect game by throwing a very sharp, nasty slider.

There are a variety of different baseball pitching grips that pitchers can


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9 ピッチンググリップ|野球のピッチング (9 Pitching Grips | Baseball Pitching)

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    周育謙 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日