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  • On Today's Family, "When little boys want to dress like little girls".

  • One mom's decision to share her experience with her son

  • is receiving a lot of attention.

  • I'm going to talk to them both in just a moment.

  • But first their story.

  • Dyson Kilodavis: I'm a princess boy and I love wearing dresses

  • and I love the colors of pink and red. I'm a princess in my castle.

  • Presenter: For little Dyson, now 5, this is part of his everyday play,

  • but for his mom Cheryl Kilodavis it took some getting used to.

  • Cheryl Kilodavis: My initial reaction was to redirect,

  • play with the truck or read certain books.

  • Presenter: When Dyson wanted to be a princess for Halloween

  • Cheryl initially resisted but soon changed her mind.

  • CK: My older son Toby said, “Mom, why can't you just let him be happy.

  • And at that moment I knew that this was more my issue

  • and if Toby could be a Ninja, why couldn't he be a princess?

  • Presenter: Since then they've allowed their youngest son

  • to explore his interest in all things dressy and sparkly.

  • Dean Kilodavis: He's not contagious, he's just like any other kid,

  • plays the checkers, he plays in the trees, he just likes to do it in a dress,

  • big deal.

  • Presenter: He likes pretty things, pink is his favorite color.

  • The experience led Cheryl to self-publish a book, “My Princess Boy”,

  • which she wrote as tool to encourage acceptance of Dyson and his dresses.

  • CK: A store clerk once said to me, “Are you really going to buy that for him?”

  • And I said, “Can you just read this book for 60 seconds?”

  • And after she read it, she apologized.

  • Presenter: Word spread, their story appeared

  • on the local TV talk show and in People magazine.

  • Soon a major publisher picked upMy Princess Boy”,

  • which landed in bookstores across the country just before Christmas.

  • Ken Corbett: I think it's fantastic and I think that what it tells us

  • is that these boys, their parents, and the social world is no longer the same.

  • There is an audience for this book and there are people

  • who need this kind of information and this kind of help.

  • CK: I haven't had that moment of regret yet, partly, that, I think is,

  • because of all of the people who are emailing me from all over the country

  • and internationally as well who are saying, “I'm so glad I'm not alone.”

  • (Applause)

  • CK: It's ironic that I stand here before you today.

  • I mean, after all, I am the woman in the video.

  • I'm a mother, I'm a wife, I'm a daughter, I have my MBA,

  • I run my own marketing company and yet I stand here before you today

  • to talk about the evolution of the male image.

  • Let's talk a little bit about the video. Some of the worldwide reactions.

  • On the positive side: this is a parent accepting their child;

  • this is a supportive book, it doesn't have negative terms in it;

  • and the best question of all: “What would I do?”

  • Notice how it's notwhat you should do”; it's asking the question: What would I do?

  • On the negative side: “too young to decide;”

  • children do what we tell them to do and they do it;”

  • exploitation;” “this woman's trying to get rich.”

  • Note to self: If you want to get rich, don't publish a children's book.

  • (Laughter)

  • And culturally wrong.

  • I'm biracial with African-American and Caucasian heritage

  • and in our culture my job is to raise strong black men.

  • But before we go into any of that, that's anecdotal,

  • let's stop going with opinions, let's do something we all understandmath.

  • Let's take this as an acceptance equation.

  • Let's say that every difference equals a level of discomfort.

  • Now there's ways that you can go high-level of discomfort

  • and low-level of discomfort.

  • But we're going to measure for that level.

  • Before we do this, we have to understand,

  • why does difference make us uncomfortable?

  • Well, it's tribal. Back in caveman days, if somebody was coming towards you,

  • that looked different than you, you could have lost your food,

  • your family, your life.

  • Differences equaled real threat in caveman days.

  • Fortunately, you realize all differences were equal in lifetime threats

  • and so basically communities began.

  • People started working together, figuring out, how can we make things better?

  • Let's take that further.

  • Okay, let's say you want to walk around in tribal times.

  • You are moving around in a horse and buggy.

  • And you can only go as far as you can see.

  • Imagine the people in the horse and buggy now looking at us

  • as we travel around in airplanes.

  • And let's take it a little bit further.

  • A CEO of a the company, white male, middle-aged, here's Ted Turner.

  • But now we have Xerox, we have PepsiCo, we have Yahoo and we have Merck;

  • look at all these different leaders

  • of these companies and how different they all look.

  • And let's take it one step further.

  • Here's Eisenhower and his wife, perfect first couple, right?

  • And then today our first African-American president.

  • So basically we see that although difference equals a level of discomfort,

  • it doesn't equal threat any more.

  • We have evolved, we continue to evolve, so now that we know that that's tribal,

  • and that it's really wired within us to have this feeling of discomfort,

  • when we see difference, let's now solve for acceptance.

  • There are two questions I think we need to answer.

  • One: Why am I uncomfortable? and: Is it harming anyone?

  • Let's go deeper. Of course we're uncomfortable,

  • look at the audience today, we don't see men in dresses,

  • we don't see a whole lot of pink, we don't see a whole lot

  • of different things that would be attributed to

  • the opposite gender, for men. So of course it's uncomfortable.

  • Then we look at the history, here's a picture of Louis XV in the 1770's,

  • a portrait of him in a pink dress. Here's a picture of FDR in the 1880's.

  • 1930's, uniforms for the air force USA are pink shirts.

  • And in the women's movement, the social movement that happened,

  • women started going during World War II to work and stayed at work.

  • People were concerned, “Oh my gosh, no one's going to parent the children.

  • Reproduction will end.”

  • I'm pretty sure we're still reproducing.

  • (Laughter)

  • Okay, so, we now know why we're uncomfortable.

  • Let's go to: is it harming anyone?

  • Well, I'm going to take you through a few celebrities.

  • Here's Usher in some hot pink boots.

  • Here's a fashion week that just happened

  • and the designer had all the male models in dresses.

  • Here's Spike Lee in a leather skirt. Janet Jackson in a suit and tie.

  • And we have P Diddy rocking a concert in a skirt

  • and Lady Gaga dressed as a male.

  • and then we have Mark Jacobs who designs skirts for men.

  • So I ask you, “Did anyone die from this?

  • Was anybody harmed?”

  • Now you may argue that yes, society was harmed,

  • we have serious, serious level of discomfort with this.

  • And I ask you to go back to cavemen times. Did you lose your family?

  • Were you threatened? This is about acceptance,

  • that's what this is about our fundamental need of acceptance.

  • So now that we know it's not harming anyone,

  • we need to accept the fact that the male image is evolving.

  • There are different rules for men

  • and we need to accept them for who they are.

  • Now, the level of discomfort will continue with us,

  • because we are wired to feel that difference equals a level of discomfort.

  • But I would say with acceptance being needed how do we do this?

  • Well, we become acceptance champions. I believe that the country got it wrong;

  • all of our organizations, all of our books, all of our training foundations,

  • we have anti-bullying in the name.

  • Why not acceptance? Why not acceptance curricula

  • versus anti-bullying curricula?

  • We're going to turn this around.

  • When we wanna tell someone, do something, say something,

  • we take it further than the level of the bystander,

  • we go to the acceptance champion who says, “Hey Usher, nice pink boots.”

  • That's what we do, we turn the negative to positive.

  • Those are acceptance champions and I guarantee you they're all over.

  • We are all of them.

  • It's time for us to stand up for differences.

  • And hopefully, we will learn to embrace those who feel different,

  • are different and express themselves differently.

  • As we come together,

  • we realize that acceptance champions have conversations

  • and conversations change society. That's a fact.

  • So what's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine.

  • We have to work together to build this world of acceptance.

  • As I leave I'm reminded of one of the shortest quotes

  • in the English language, by Muhammad Ali, “Me, we.”

  • Thank you very much.

  • (Applause)

On Today's Family, "When little boys want to dress like little girls".


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A2 初級

TEDx】私のお姫様男子。男性像の受容。TEDxSanJoaquinでのシェリル・キロダビス (【TEDx】My princess boy: Acceptance of the male image: Cheryl Kilodavis at TEDxSanJoaquin)

  • 720 27
    Huang Yu-Fen に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日