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  • My name is Michaela DePrince.

    私は ミケーラ・デ・プリンスといいます

  • When I first started to write my speech,


  • I thought, maybe, I could give it a fairytale kind of twist.

    おとぎ話みたいなひねりを 利かせられるかもと思いました

  • But only because most people tell me that my life is a fairytale.

    私の人生はおとぎ話のようだと よく言われるからです

  • But I have to say I strongly disagree.

    でも 私自身はまったくそうは思いません

  • Yes, I got what I've always dreamed of, but I have to fight for it.

    確かに夢は叶いましたが 闘わねばなりませんでした

  • I wasn't always called Michaela DePrince.


  • My original name is Mabinty Bangura,


  • and I was born in Sierra Leone, West Africa in 1995,

    1995年 西アフリカのシエラレオネで生まれました

  • four years after the bloody civil war.


  • This war would displace thousands of men,


  • it would cause thousands of women and children to be raped,


  • and over 50,000 people would be killed.


  • My parents were among them.


  • I was born with vitiligo, a skin condition.

    私は生まれつき 白斑という皮膚病を患っており

  • It left white patches all over my body.


  • I was different.


  • In Sierra Leone, they didn't understand


  • the fact that just because I had white patches on my skin,


  • that I was just born this way,


  • they thought I was a curse.


  • They started to call me "the devil's child,"


  • because anybody who would look like this would be the child of the devil.

    こんな見た目ならば 悪魔の子に違いないからです

  • I was ridiculed and harassed,


  • because I looked different.


  • My parents tried to defend me as much as they could,

    両親は私をできる限り 守ろうとしてくれましたが

  • but they understood I'd never get married


  • because of the way I looked.


  • They tried to educate me, they taught me to read,

    私に教育を受けさせようと 読み方を教えてくれ

  • and they started to save money for my education.


  • But when my parents passed away, I was defenseless and alone.

    しかし 両親が亡くなると 私は無力で孤独になりました

  • I've never been so scared in my life.


  • My uncle took me to the orphanage,


  • knowing that he could never get a good price for me as a bride,


  • and never came back for me.


  • In the orphanage we were taken care of by aunties,

    孤児院ではおばさんたちが お世話をしてくれました

  • not like the aunties you have at home, the aunties who love you.

    といっても 家庭にいる 愛情あふれるおばさんではありません

  • They care about you no matter what you do.

    そういうおばさんは 何をしても大切にしてくれます

  • These aunties were uneducated women,


  • who only take care us to bring food home for their kids.

    自分の家族を養うために 私たちの世話をするのです

  • They would wash our clothes and give us food.

    私たちの洋服を洗濯し ご飯を作ってくれます

  • But these aunties had their favorites.

    しかし そんな彼女らにも「お気に入り」がいました

  • There were 27 kids in the orphanage.


  • Number 1 got the biggest portion of food and the first choice of clothes.

    「1番」が1番たくさん食べ物をもらい 洋服も1番最初に選べます

  • Number 27 got the smallest portion of food and the last choice of clothes.

    「27番」がもらえる食べ物は1番少なく 洋服も1番最後に選びます

  • I was number 27.


  • Everyday in the orphanage, I was starving.


  • I have never felt so alone before.


  • How could this happen to me?


  • This is when I realized it was much easier to not care about anybody

    この時 誰のことも大切に思わない方が 楽だと悟りました

  • because they always ended up leaving me.

    なぜなら 結局みんな 私を置き去りにするからです

  • But then I made a friend in the orphanage.


  • Her name was Mabinty, Mabinty Suma.


  • Number 26 was always in ill health, sick, but she always had a kind heart.

    「26番」は病気がちだったけれど いつも優しくて

  • And she was always [full of good cheer].


  • Number 26 would always listen to all my fears, and all my dreams.

    「26番」はいつも私の心配事や 夢に耳を傾けてくれました

  • Whenever I was scared, she would sing to me.

    私が怖がると 歌を歌ってくれました

  • When I couldn't fall asleep, she would tell me a bedtime story.

    眠れない時は お話を聞かせてくれました

  • And Number 26 is still doing that 15 years later, as my sister Mia.

    そして「26番」は 15年経った今でも 妹 ミアとしてそばにいてくれます

  • And one day,


  • the big wind threw a magazine right onto the gate at the orphanage.

    強風で1冊の雑誌が 孤児院の門の前に吹き飛ばされてきました

  • I reached out, and I grabbed it.

    手を伸ばし 掴んでみると

  • And I saw something.


  • This amazing creature, this person I have never seen before,

    それはとても美しく 今まで見たことのないような人でした

  • she is on her tippytoes, and in this beautiful pink costume.

    彼女はつま先立ちで ピンクのチュチュに包まれていました

  • But what really struck me the most was the fact that she looked so happy.

    しかし 何より私の心を打ったのは 彼女がとても幸せそうに見えたことです

  • I hadn't been happy in a long time.


  • So I thought to myself, if she is happy because this is what she is doing,

    そこで こう思ったのです 「もし彼女が幸せなのは やっていることのおかげなら

  • then, maybe, I could be happy too someday.


  • I had to be this person, I just had to be,


  • in order to become something.

    何が何でも この人にならなくちゃ」

  • So I ripped the cover off the magazine, and put it in my underwear

    私はその雑誌の表紙をちぎって 下着の中に入れました

  • because I had nowhere else to put it.


  • Because as number 27, I didn't have anything to do,


  • they would never give me toys or any clothes,


  • so where else could I put it?

    下着の中以外 どこへ隠せたでしょうか?

  • And then, a teacher came to the orphanage to teach us English.

    それから 英語を教えるために 孤児院に先生がやってきました

  • She was also pregnant at that time.


  • I showed teacher Sarah the magazine cover,


  • and she explained to me this person was dancing ballet.


  • She was a ballerina.


  • I was going to be this ballerina, I just had to be.

    このバレリーナにならなくちゃ 何が何でも

  • I'd always go onto my tippytoes everyday and practice just like the ballerina.

    バレリーナのように 毎日 つま先立ちになって練習をしました

  • I thought, maybe, one day, with everything going so well,

    すべて順調で 私を気にかけてくれる人も現れたので

  • I finally had somebody who cared about me,

    もしかしたら いつか

  • maybe one day I could be this ballerina.


  • Teacher Sarah cared about me so much,


  • and she knew how important it was for me to get a good education,

    彼女はよい教育を受けることが いかに大切か知っていたので

  • so she would always give me extra lessons.


  • After a few extra lessons, teacher Sarah and I started to walk towards the gate.

    何回目かの特別レッスンの後 サラ先生と私は二人で門へと向かいました

  • Me twirling around, trying to be the ballerina on the magazine.

    私は雑誌のバレリーナのように くるくる回りながら歩いていました

  • And all of a sudden, two rebels come towards the gate,

    すると突然 二人の反乱軍兵士と 後ろから遅れて少年兵が1人

  • [with] a little rebel lagging behind them.


  • And around the corner, a truck full of them.


  • They were laughing and cheering.


  • They must have been drinking a lot or under some type of drug.

    きっと彼らは酔っていたか 薬をやっていたかでしょう

  • And they saw us.


  • They saw that teacher Sarah was pregnant.


  • They started betting on whether or not it was a girl or a boy.

    彼らはお腹の子が 男の子か女の子かで賭けを始め

  • And so they decided to find out.


  • They took their machetes out and cut her stomach.

    ナイフを取り出して 先生のお腹を切り裂いたのです

  • It was a baby girl.


  • If it was a boy, maybe she would have lived

    もし男の子だったら 大きくなってから

  • because they would taught him to become a rebel when he was older.

    反乱軍になるよう教えこめるから 生きられたかもしれません

  • But it was a girl, so they cut her arms and legs off in front of me,

    実際は女の子だったので兵士は 私の前でその子の腕と足を切り落としました

  • and I tried to go save her so I went underneath the gate.

    私は赤ちゃんを助けようと 門の下をくぐろうとしました

  • The little boy thought he should try to copy the older rebels.

    すると 少年兵が大人のまねをしようと

  • He took his machete out and cut my stomach.

    ナイフを取り出して 私のお腹を切ったのです

  • Now that you've heard my story, the beginning of my life,

    さて ここまでの 私の人生の始まりの話を聞いて

  • do you think it's a fairytale?


  • But soon, my life would turn around.

    でも やがて私の人生に転機が訪れます

  • Soon, I would have positivity in my life.

    まもなく いいことが私の人生に起きるのです

  • I would find out I was going to be adopted by an American family.

    私はアメリカ人の家族に 引き取られることを知りました

  • It took me a while to get to my adopted family.


  • We had to walk, all the orphanages, all the orphan kids had to walk

    孤児院の子供はみな 歩かなければいけません

  • from Makeni, Sierra Leone, all the way to Guinea,

    シエラレオネのマケニから はるばるギニアまで

  • and from Guinea we took a plane to [Accra, Ghana].

    そしてギニアからは 飛行機でガーナのアクラまで行きました

  • I was very sick when I got off the plane, and just miserable, and you know...

    飛行機から降りた時 私はかなり気分が悪く 惨めなだけでした

  • How could my life get any better?


  • I was a devil's child; of course nothing good could happen to me.

    私は「悪魔の子」であり いい事がある訳がないのです

  • And also I was miserable because I thought I would never see my best friend again.

    惨めに感じた もうひとつの理由は 親友にもう会えないと思ったからです

  • But then I saw her, the lady in the bright red shoes.

    でも その時あの人に会ったのです 真っ赤な靴をはいて

  • With the bright white, white, white hair; I have never seen anything like it before.


  • She was my new mamma.


  • She reached out and said, "I'm your new mamma."

    彼女は手を差し伸べ 「私があなたの新しいママよ」と言いました

  • She grabbed my hand, and my best friend's hand,


  • and walked us away.


  • I was getting adopted with my best friend.


  • We got to the hotel,


  • and once my mum put her luggage down, I looked through everything,


  • I looked through every nook and cranny

    私は隅から隅まで くまなく

  • trying to find my pointe shoes, my tiara, and my tutu,

    トゥシューズとティアラと チュチュがないか探しました

  • because isn't that what always happens in a fairytale?

    おとぎ話だったら いつだって そうなるはずでしたから

  • But they weren't there.

    でも 何もありませんでした

  • I didn't speak any English,


  • so I thought the only way I could show her was to show her the magazine.


  • I took it out of my underwear, and I showed her,

    下着から雑誌の表紙を取り出し 彼女に見せました

  • and she understood right away.


  • She said: "You will dance."


  • When I got to the U.S., I started taking ballet classes.

    アメリカに着くと バレエのクラスを受け始めました

  • My mum drove me every single day.


  • Except before my first ballet class,


  • I was so scared to show my spots for the kids to make fun of me.

    肌にある斑点を見て クラスの子にからかわれるのが怖くて

  • I begged my mamma to please buy me a leotard to hide all my spots.

    斑点が隠れるレオタードを買ってと ママにお願いしました

  • It was a long sleeved leotard that went all the way up to my neck.


  • It was so hot in it she had to take it off right away.

    とっても暑苦しく すぐに脱がされました

  • And I put on my pink leotards and tights.


  • I went to class once a week, twice a week,

    週に1回通っていたのが 2回になり

  • and then, eventually, by the time I was 10 years old,


  • I was dancing five times a week.


  • I worked as hard as I possibly could because I had to be this ballerina;

    あのバレリーナになるため 一生懸命に練習しました

  • it was the only way for me to be happy.


  • But while I was working hard, I lost somebody.

    しかし私はその間に ある人を亡くしました

  • I lost my 24-year-old brother, Teddy.

    24歳の兄 テディーです

  • He was the person who made me be able to trust men again,


  • to not be scared of black men who were shouting,


  • to not be scared of men in general, to not be scared of my own father.


  • And again, this is what always happens when I care about people.

    また誰かを大切に思ったがゆえに 起こってしまったことでした

  • They always die and leave me.

    大切な人は死に 私の元から去っていきます

  • I decided to push my family away

    家族が死んで ひとりになったら

  • because if they died and left me I don't know what I could do.

    どうしていいかわからないので 家族と距離を置くことにしました

  • I didn't want them to die because I cared about them.

    大切に思うがゆえに 彼らを死なせたくなかったのです

  • But my parents were able to convince me

    しかし 両親はこう言いました

  • that even though the people I love may die,


  • their love will always stay with me.


  • Their love is a part of who I am today.

    愛する人々の愛があってこそ 今の私があります

  • I worked hard for many, many years. and then, finally, my hard work paid off.

    何年もの間 練習を頑張り ついにその努力が報われました

  • I got accepted into a professional ballet company.


  • I had become the ballerina that I've always dreamed of.


  • I couldn't believe it.


  • How could this happen to me? Again, I was the devil's child.

    どうして私にこんなことが起こりうるのでしょう? 「悪魔の子」だった私に

  • With all this hard work going on,


  • I didn't think that any dream like this could ever come true.

    まさかこの夢が叶うなんて 思いもしませんでした

  • I was very happy, finally. For once.

    私はついにとても幸せになりました 初めて幸せをかみしめました

  • But the reason why I am here today, the reason why I am telling you my story

    今日私がここに立っている理由― 私の物語をお話しする理由は

  • is because I want to encourage young people to aspire to dream.


  • I want people to understand

    人と違ってもいい― 目立ってもいいのだということを

  • that it is OK to be different, it is OK to stand out.


  • I'm different.


  • And I want you to understand to believe in yourself,


  • to believe that you have talent even if you don't think you do.

    才能を秘めている自分を 信じてほしいのです

  • No matter what circumstances you are under,


  • no matter how poor, or how sad you are at any given moment,


  • believe.


  • And dare to dream. Dare to push boundaries.

    大きな夢を抱き 自分を超えていくのです

  • Dare to be different, dare to stand out, and all above.

    あえて他の人とは違うあなたになって 周りを気にせず あえて目立っていいのです

  • And last but not least, don't be afraid of living and loving.

    最後に1番大切なのは 生きることと人を愛することを恐れないことです

  • And this is how I express myself.

    私が自分自身を表現する方法 それがバレエです

  • (Ballet dancing)


  • (Applause)


My name is Michaela DePrince.

私は ミケーラ・デ・プリンスといいます


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