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  • LiDAR can be considered an acronym for Light Detection and Ranging. It is a remote sensing

  • technology that's used to measure distances, and it doesn't act on its own. It actually

  • -- LIDAR typically includes three independently operating technologies. There's LiDAR, which

  • is essentially a giant laser ranging device. The laser-ranging device sends out millions

  • of pulses. Today, they can send out over 400,000 pulses in one second. That technology gives

  • you the distance or the range to the target and there are two other technologies: GPS,

  • which is Global Positioning System, or global navigations system that gives you the location

  • of the instrument that's holding that LiDAR sensor. The third technology is the initial

  • measurement unit, which is an IMU system and that system is used to measure the pitch,

  • roll, and heading of, for example, an airborne platform.

  • It can also be installed on a mobile platform

  • like a car or vehicle on the road, or it can be a terrestrially mounted LiDAR system such as those mounted

  • on a tripod. The reason why sometimes LiDAR is the preferred technology to use is that

  • it can map the bare earth beneath vegetation better than most other technologies can.

LiDAR can be considered an acronym for Light Detection and Ranging. It is a remote sensing


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LiDARとは? (What is LiDAR?)

  • 124 13
    alex に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日