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  • A mutation of a gene called the HOXB13 was recently found

  • to be associated with prostate cancer but untested in

  • the real world. This gene is related to how the prostate grows

  • and can certainly affect how cancer can grow within the prostate gland.

  • What we did in our study was we took 4,000 subjects

  • We had biopsied them to determine if they had prostate cancer or not

  • and we tested this mutation.

  • What we found was some very striking

  • data. Number one it is a rare mutation but,

  • although it's very rare, it has a highly powerful effect

  • on the patients with the mutation, and that patients who

  • do have it, have up to a fourteen-fold increase in

  • risk of developing prostate cancer, especially in the younger men

  • and especially in the men with a family history of the disease. So it's a ---

  • it'll become a very important tool in

  • detecting and screening for prostate cancer using a genetic test.

  • So in the future, we hope to incorporate

  • this genetic test, and other tests that we're working on

  • in our Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator, at

  • and what that risk calculator will do, will take

  • the PSA value, which is still a good test for prostate cancer

  • we'll take other risk factors, and in addition

  • it will take your genetic make-up, with the HOXB13 being

  • one of them, and we'll be able to better evaluate and estimate

  • an individual's risk for prostate cancer.

A mutation of a gene called the HOXB13 was recently found


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B2 中上級

新しい前立腺がん遺伝子検査 (New prostate cancer genetic test)

  • 58 9
    Chou Jasper に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日