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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • We sail the seven seas and sing the ABCs Ye better not forget The Pirate Alphabet

  • A's for Avast, Avast ye scurvy dogs B is for Blast, C is for Cannon ball

  • D is for deck, me has to swab it clean E is for eel, F's fishies in the sea

  • G is for gold, me plunder and me hoard H is for heave ho, haul the loot aboard

  • I's an island where we hang our hat J is for jolly, like our jolly flag

  • K is a black powder filled keg and L is my wooden replacement leg

  • We sail the ocean deep, bringin' ABCs to ye Ye never will regret... the pirate alphabet

  • M is mutiny, N's for navigate O is for octopus, they taste really great

  • P is for Parrot, repeatin' all I say (repeatin' all I say)

  • Q's a quest, R's ransackin' the bay

  • We're sailin' all the time 'n eatin' lots of limes

  • Now let's get back to it... the pirate alphabet

  • S is for sword, T's treasure sparkly

  • U's an urchin, V is for victory

  • W's 'Walk the plank' and X is marked in red

  • Y is for 'Yo ho ho', a phrase us pirates said

  • Z's the last bit of the alphabet Then again, some say that it's "Zed"

  • Our singin's been real bad, but ye should be real glad,

  • We're all done, that is it... the Pirate Alphabet

We sail the seven seas and sing the ABCs Ye better not forget The Pirate Alphabet


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

ABCソング - 海賊のアルファベット - 子供のための海賊 (ABC Song - The Pirate Alphabet - Pirates for Kids)

  • 109 9
    QINGYU に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日