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Eric (Moderator): From The Hundred: Jason Rothenberg,
Eliza Taylor,
Lindsey Morgan,
Devon Bostick,
Christopher Larkin,
and Richard Harmon.
Male Fan: I love you, Lindsey!
Eric (Moderator): So Eliza, let me ask you, because the storyline has huge implications...
Eric: We got a look there at how Clarke has to deal...
with all of this and she clearly is dealing with this loss.
At the same time she has to worry, yeah, whoever...
is the new Commander could be heading straight for my people.
And now the worst possible person is in that role.
So can you talk about going forward...
How much is the loss of Lexa weighing on her...
while she has to deal with so much else?
Eliza: Well, I think, firstly...
Clarke has always been very good at compartmentalizing.
She's always been very good at pushing forward in even the worst situations.
But this one's different. This is her love.
It's gonna be really, really, tricky for her.
I think it changes her. It really changes her for good.
But in true Clarke fashion, she will somehow get through it.
But, it really is such a hard situation for her.
Eric: Now, Bob, Bellamy has gone to some very dark places.
Eric: He now is secretly working against Pike, but...
not even his sister can trust in him at this point.
Bob: Wow, I mean, you're reaching there.
Eric: Can he earn back that trust with the people he worked so closely with in the past?
Bob: I think he's going to have to prove himself.
And he's going to have to learn some pretty tough leffons.
Yeah, leffons, whatever.
Lessons, with that.
I'm sorry, this lady with sign language is doing great things.
And 'leffons' isn't a word.
Now she's going to sign that.
But I think it's going to take some work to prove his worth to them.
Bob: I don't think that he can't be redeemed.
He still has a lot of qualities that are an asset to the Skaikru.
Hopefully, he'll end up changing his mind and making them see that.
Eric: Lindsey...
Same Male Fan: I love you, Lindsey!
Eric: He really loves you.
Eric: Raven was under the sway of the City of Light.
She is now rejecting that, but will it be that easy?
She did take the chip, and we see that Jaha has some other plan brewing.
So can she so easily say: "I'm out on this deal"?
Lindsey: That answer is definitely coming up.
As far as in the next episodes that follow.
I think you really get to see the hold the chip can put on people and what it can do to one's mind.
And how scary that is and how one could utterly lose control.
You see Raven really put her mentality to the test and also...
Her... her friends! Come to her rescue.
Crowd: Aww.
Lindsey: [laughs] It's good. Keep watching the next episodes. You'll get all your answers.
Eric: Meanwhile, Devon, for Jasper, he's been trying to join the City of Light.
Now that he's seeing, because he was with Raven, he saw the memories she was missing.
Has that sufficiently altered his path? Is he sufficiently out now on trying to take that chip?
Devon: I don't know if it sufficiently alters it.
Yeah. I mean, Jasper's been suffering major PTSD since Maya melted in his arms, and...
Crowd: [laughter]
I think he wants to do anything to forget that memory, but...
Seeing that Raven has forgotten about all of the good memories with Finn, it may change his mind a little bit?
But, you know, having someone melt in your arms is still pretty traumatic.
So it's kind of like a balancing act here.
Do I take it? Do I not take it? We'll see!
Eric: Flip of the coin.
Eric: Christopher...
Crowd & Richard: [cheering]
Eric: Monty, recently, it was good news bad news situation.
Because he was reunited with his mom!
But she kinda sucks.
Crowd: [laughter]
Eric: What does he do now that his loyalty is going to be very tested?
He's clearly trying to help save the lives of these people, but his mom is diehard Team Pike.
Christopher: Hey, quick show of hands, who hates my mom?
Crowd: [cheering]
Christopher: Okay, to everyone who just raised their hand:
Don't forget that before he came to the ground -- He spent four or five months with these fine people.
Before that, I think he had a pretty loving relationship with his parents on the Ark.
And so his mom is alone on the ground, she's lost her husband...
and if Monty turns his back on her then she has nobody.
So I think the issue isn't as black and white as that may initially seem.
He is very conflicted, but I think he's always trying to do the right thing, so we'll see which direction he goes.
Eric: So Richard, with...
Crowd: [cheering]
Richard: If this was season one you would've booed.
Crowd: [laughter]
Richard: I'll be glad I get a couple cheers now.
Eric: There's eight episodes left this season.
How many more times will Murphy get beat up?
Richard: Oh boy. I like how that's my question too.
Eric: I'll let you think on that.
Richard: Well, I mean, I can't spoil anything, but I think consistency is the key.
Crowd: [laughter]
Richard: So, I think, probably, you're guaranteed a few more times at least.
Eric: On a more serious note, Murphy, he was taken to Polis.
He really was thrown into this situation.
How is he reacting to everything happening around him?
Because he was really thrown in there, and there's so much, so many huge events happening.
Richard: I mean, for Murphy being thrown into the fire, that's not anything new to him.
That's kind of been his MO since being on the ground. He's gone from one bad situation to another.
So I think he's taking it the same way he takes all situations for him.
Which is just -- He analyzes the situation to see what he can do to survive.
Then he makes sure that's what he does. So far he's had a pretty good record of that.
Eric: What I think is incredible about the Murphy experience this season...
is that he somehow has found himself as the only person who knows everything.
He knows everything about what happened to Jaha... Richard: It's true.
Eric: He knows everything about what happened with Lexa and the flame.
And so he becomes the accidental hero in many ways that I think people would not have guessed...
in season one, certainly. Which is incredible.
Jason: In large part a testament to how great Richard is.
Bob: We get it, Jason. You love Murphy.
Crowd: [laughter]
Jason: I like too many one-liners from Murphy. I always have to cut them out.
Richard: I like saying them.
Eric: The "Murphy Experience" would be an amazing band name, by the way.
Bob: Sounds like a ride at Universal.
Lindsey: That Bob wants to go on.
Bob: Oh yeah. Twice.
Eric: As I was mentioning here, Jason, we've just got the worst case scenario as the new commander.
What can you say about what will the next move be for Clarke and also for someone like Roan, who is there?
Jason: Well, I mean, she's not the commander yet. She doesn't have the flame yet.
Eric: That's true.
Jason: The process is you win the conclave, i.e. kill all the other initiates.
Which she did, and there are no rules, so you can cheat like she did.
And then you have to ascend. The ascension ceremony is the ceremony in which the flame is put into...
the next commander. The next commander receives the memories and minds and wisdom of the commanders prior.
That hasn't happened yet. We'll see how that plays out.
Whether or not that happens. Don't want to tease too much about it.
But, it's not a straight path.
Eric: Eliza, Clarke really has no idea about the whole City of Light, and Murphy does, but even he wouldn't know...
what's going on back at Arkadia.
I'm guessing that might change at some point. Anything you can say about how she might react?
You know, given that this is a huge revelation about all of these things that are happening to people she cares about.
Eliza: Yeah, it's, like, my mind was blown even just when I read properly what was going on in Arkadia and with Jaha and everything.
Eliza: I think she's definitely going to learn more. I'm sure you can all gather that.
But, yeah, her mind will be like... "pew!"
Crowd: [laughter]
Jason: Murphy downloaded Clarke on everything in between episode 7 and 9. Eliza: Yeah.
Jason: She knows everything about what you guys just saw.
Eric: Outside Arkadia?
Jason: Whatever Murphy knows, Clarke knows. Eliza: Yeah.
Eric: Bob, let me come back to you. Bellamy siding with Pike in the first place.
He did some very dark actions.
What do you think it was that made him decide to side with him and go along with that initially?
Bob: Initially, I, I have to kind of call back.
But, look, I think that Bellamy with his experience with the Grounders has never really been positive.
There was a hundred kids that were trying to survive. An army started, we tried to retreat...
and they killed us, and fenced us in, and we had to fight our way out.
Bellamy went into Mount Weather and released hundreds of Grounders that were supposed to...
help him fight, and they just abandoned them, and left Skaikru there.
I think once Mount Weather went down, I think he'd had enough. It was the straw that broke the camel's back.
And he decided that he was going to take action with Pike, even though Pike's actions were very drastic.
You hear that Bellamy tried to stop them out on the battlefield, but still failed to do that.
I think that Bellamy was tired of living under the law of the Grounders.
Who haven't necessarily treated him, the Skaikru, the way that he thought they would.
People have to keep in mind that Bellamy wasn't privy to any conversations that Clarke and Lexa were having.
So what the audience knew is something that Bellamy did not know.
So he went forward with Pike.
I think that's pretty true to the way Bellamy was in the first season.
Kind of acts first and asks questions later.
Now a lot of questions are being asked.
In terms of that, I understand why he sided with Pike.
Eric: Lindsey, Raven first took the chip over the despair over her leg, which is...
a plot line that has gone on for quite awhile. She was injured at the end of season one.
Whatever happens next, she might be turning her back on the City of Light or not.
Do you think she can reconcile the situation? It really seemed like something she was not able to move past.
That's why she took the chip in the first place.
Lindsey: Reconcile as far as...?
Eric: Living with it. Lindsey: Living with it?
Eric: Being okay with it in some way.
Lindsey: Yeah, I think that's one of the most interesting things about this storyline.
Especially with Raven, because she always was such a physically and mentally strong character.
The disability threw her on her ass. It threw her on her ass in so many more ways...
than just "Oh, my body can no longer move the way I want it to."
It created such a chronic depression inside of her, and I kind of feel like...
most of Raven's obstacles and monsters this season are inside of her.
That people can't see.
She's the only person that can get herself outside that hole.
So it's really interesting to me how the City of Light became a desperate beacon of salvation.
And then she's finding it to be an abysmal hell that she has to once again get herself out of.
So, I think she's... It's tested her in so many ways. She's building herself to be that much stronger.
Eric: What do you think you'd say, Jason or anyone, if Jason lets you...
about other people who might be tempted by this chip and by the City of Light.
Jason: I'll say that Jaha and ALIE are on a mission to chip all of the people that are left on Earth.
And they went to, very smartly I think, Raven first. Because if they could make Raven...
feel good then 'the poster child' and people would line up, and that's in fact what happened.
But, I don't think they counted on Raven's tenacity and her strength of mind.
I think we will now see that as something that ALIE is going to have to figure out a way around.
"Can she overcome Raven's free will?" is sort of an arc going forward.
I think at some point everybody will be tempted, and we will have to wait and see who succumbs to that temptation.
Bob: Jason, with this chips, are they liked flavored?
Crowd: [laughter]
Lindsey: Mine was barbecue.
Jason: They're like Listerine breath strips.
They melt in your mouth.
Devon: I always wanted to know what happens if you take two chips.
Crowd: [laughter]
Eric: Second City of Light.
Devon: Can you OD on chips?
Crowd: [laughter]
Lindsey: I like to say 'getting chip-faced'.
Crowd: [laughter]
Eric: Start with different flavors of the chip... Cool Ranch.
Devon, let me ask about the rift between Jasper and Monty.
This was such a big friendship from the beginning of the show.
Right now because Jasper was in his own very dark place and obsessed with the City of Light...
We haven't really seen his take on Pike and Monty joining Pike.
Might we get to see a little bit more of that and what he thinks of where his friend has gone?
Devon: That's a very interesting question, Eric.
How do I answer that one? I, well, firstly, the fight with Monty was one of the most painful things to have to do.
Just because I love you, Chris, so much.
Crowd: Aww. [laughter]
Devon: We live together.
Crowd: [laughter]
Christopher: Not anymore. Devon: Yeah, well, after the fight.
Devon: I'm not sure that Jasper's so aware of the politics going on with Monty and Pike.
Now that he's been thrust into the ALIE storyline trying to figure out the City of Light.
I think his main thing right now is trying to forget Maya.
But also understand what the hell is going on with Raven.
Crowd: [some laughter]
Excuse our fog. She's acting odd.
But obviously the rift with Monty is still within Jasper, and he wants to fix it.
But I think they just need a little bit of space right now because time heals all.
Crowd: [laughter]
Eric: Chris, Monty had been the solid friend you could count on, not just for Jasper, but for other characters since the beginning.
Have you enjoyed that this season they have gotten to mix that up, and you're showing that big fight...
kind of got to talk about his own despair over what happened at Mount Weather?
Christopher: I am always a solid friend that you can count on. That has not changed.
I guess it was nice to air his grievances for a bit, but...
I mean what was the resolution of it?
They still ended up parting ways, and we haven't seen them since the end of episode 304.
They haven't really had a chance. 'Cause Monty put his heart on the line.
And Jasper took it under his heel and crushed it into a million pieces.
So I think if there is going to be any reparation for friendship at all...
I think Monty... Really, the ball's in Jasper's court.
He's done everything he can do, and I think they're both preoccupied at the moment.
But hopefully they'll figure it out or not. I dunno.
Crowd: Aww. [laughter]
Eric: Richard, Murphy, you had a great little Bonnie and Clyde thing going there briefly. Richard: Mmhm.
Eric: Might Emori... You know, she's kind of a wild card in all of this. Always that character when she pops in.
Might we see her again soon? Might she be able to help in some way with the current situation?
Richard: Jason?
Richard: What do I say to that?
Crowd: [laughter]
Jason: I would say Murphy is in love, and it will manifest in a way that he is surprised by.
He's always only taken care of Murphy, and for the first time in his life there's someone he cares about outside of himself.
I think it'll change him.
Richard, do you agree?
Richard: I fully agree. I think, speaking as Murphy, I think he'd obviously love to see Emori again.
Obviously me, as Richard, I love Louise and I love what she brings to that role.
And I think we have great chemistry on screen. Don't be jealous, Bob.
Crowd: [laughter] Richard: You know I love you, man.
Bob: I'm jealous of everyone.
Richard: Yeah, without giving away too much, I think where we left that storyline with me and her...
Definitely there's a little bit more to go. It's not quite wrapped up there yet, so I hope to see her again.
Eric: Before I go to audience questions, I just wanted to ask a broad question about the ALIE storyline.
And the fact that this has always been a science fiction show.
But did this storyline go into a very specific sci-fi way that some of you have to act in scenes...
and act like you don't see Erica. Was that interesting for you? Lindsey: Yeah.
Eric: To kind of have this very different element this year?
Eliza: Yeah, it was hard.
Lindsey: Yeah. You wanna look at her. Eliza: Yeah, you do.
Lindsey: She's pretty. Eliza: With her bright red dress. Goddammit.
Crowd: [laughter]
Devon: It's interesting how each direct shoots ALIE as well. Lindsey: Yeah.
Devon: Because there's many different ways of doing it.
Devon: Whether you go all the way through with her in it or stop and start. Lindsey: Can we pause?
Devon: Yeah. "Pause! All right, Erica, step out, and, okay, resume!"
Crowd: [laughter]
Devon: Yeah, it makes the uh... I dunno. Lindsey: The flow.
Devon: It ruins the flow a little bit, but it's a fun dynamic to have. Lindsey: Yeah.
Devon: Where you really just kind of block out this hologram that doesn't exist. Lindsey: Yeah.
Devon: Is she a hologram? What is she?
[all talking at once]
Eliza: A mental projection, there you go.
Eric: All right guys, we're going to start taking audience questions.
Fan: Hi, my name is Zoe, and I was wondering what was your favorite scene to film in all the seasons?
Eliza: Hoah. That's tricky.
Lindsey: Spoiler.
Eliza: Oh, there's a spoiler in...? Lindsey: For me, yeah.
Eliza: Yeah, okay.
Jason: That's already aired.
Lindsey: Hated season one.
Jason: Favorite scene that has already aired.
Eliza: Ah, I'm going to pass that onto someone who can think of one quick enough.
Bob: I really enjoyed when Richard tried to hang me.
Bob: Hang? Hang? Hang.
Richard: Hang.
Bob: Hang.
Lindsey: Hang.
Bob: Hang? Richard: Hangangangang.
Crowd: [laughter]
Richard: That was a fun scene. Bob: That was good. I thought it was fun. I lost my voice.
Eliza: Yeah, you really did lose your voice.
Bob: Yeah, I lost my voice. Lindsey: Yeah, you did, and everyone...
Bob: Oh no, the doctor thought I had the flu, and I said no, I was hung from my neck.
Crowd: [laughter]
Bob: So then he came and started giving everyone shots. He just assumed.
Eliza: That's right. Lindsey: I got one.
Bob: He actually thought I had bird flu.
Eliza: What? [laughs]
Bob: Because I went back to Australia for Christmas. Anyway, that was fun.
Jason: Well, you were hanging for like twelve hours.
Bob: He didn't seem to understand that that's a thing we do.
Lindsey: That was your favorite?
Bob: That's it. Well, God, I... Devon: That's 'cause I grabbed him at the end of it.
Bob: Yeah, he hugged me. That made my day.
Jason: The incredible sort of lucky break from that was your voice totally shot.
As it should be if you were hung.
Bob: Yeah. It was wonderful, Jason. Awesome.
Eric: Very method.
Eric: Anyone else?
Devon: I liked fighting with Chris here. That was probably, I mean, it felt like it was all leading up to that.
There was a lot of tension there that needed to be aired. It was very emotional.
We got to cry and hug each other after. And now I guess we don't talk anymore or something.
Crowd: [laughter]
Devon: The scene was my most favorite to shoot because we actually...
The director had us block it out. We don't usually get much time to do this, but...
We got to block out the scene several different ways, and we kind of workshopped it a little bit.
Which was nice.
Lindsey: That one time got to spit in your face, that was fun. Richard: They never even saw that, though.
Lindsey: No one got to see it, but that was... Richard: She spat right in my face.
Lindsey: But Richard's such a pro. I was like: "How much spit?" He's like "All of it. All of it."
Richard: Give me it.
Crowd: [laughter]
Richard: I've been dreaming of this moment.
Crowd: [laughter] Lindsey: And I did.
Lindsey: I wonder if it was too much. Richard: It was great.
Eric: DVD extras, people.
Eric: Eliza, have you thought of a...?
Eliza: Um... I mean, yeah, I've got a couple.
From, uh, gosh, um, season one, shooting the finale outside realizing that Lexa's...
you know, betrayed me, that was a huge, huge thing. It was crazy. It was so emotional.
We were like out there for fifteen hours or something shooting this battle. It was so immersive, and...
It made everything feel so real, and, it was crazy.
Um, that was great, and I mean, you know...
The... I mean shooting the Lexa kiss was really great as well.
Crowd: [cheers]
Eliza: Well, it was, you know, she's a babe a).
Crowd: [laughter]
Eliza: b) It was something that I'd never gotten to do before, and like...
You know, it was amazing. It was like doing...
Lindsey: Never?
Crowd: [laughter] Eliza: Well, I, nevermind, no, I. Let's not get into that.
Eliza: On screen it was just so, it was really cool to be able to do something like that.
Bob: That's my favorite scene too. Eliza: Really?
Crowd: [laughter]
Eric: Before we move on to the next question...
Fan: Hi, I'm Anna. If you could change one negative aspect of your character...
that you want to see them change going forward, what would you choose?
Lindsey: Ooo.
Richard: He's too nice.
Crowd: [laughter]
Crowd: [more laughter]
Jason: Correct me if I'm wrong, you guys, but a lot of times the negative aspects of your characters are the things that you like the most.
Richard: That's 100% right. Others: Yeah.
Jason: The audience hates me for the most part for writing those negative aspects, but...
as actors you like doing things like that. You like the dark stuff. I would think.
Eliza: Yeah, I do. Definitely. Bob: Yeah.
Lindsey: To an extent.
Eliza: I agree. Bob: Oh, I agree.
Bob: Negative is a matter of perspective as well. Especially in this world the way Jason's created it.
Eliza: I would smile more. Can I smile next season? Just a little bit.
Jason: I don't know. Next season is pretty intense.
Eliza: It's like people don't know what my smile looks like outside of something like this.
Crowd: [laughter]
Jason: We'll try. We'll work something out. I have an idea.
Eric: Give her a (unintelligible) in the first episode. Dream sequence.
Eric: Next question.
Fan: Hi, my name is Bianca, and I just wanted to ask, obviously you guys can see how The 100 fandom is...
really big and, they can, I dunno, they're really powerful.
I wanted to know how you guys deal with all the impact. How do you guys look at it with all the trends that everybody trends...
Eliza: Yeah, we think it's amazing. It's fantastic.
I mean it's crazy at times. Certainly recently, I've found that I was tweeting, and it was the wrong thing to say for a lot of people.
And I have to really realize that... because it's been so quick for me.
I went from 5,000 followers to 300,000 followers in a very short period of time.
Which is amazing, thank you guys!
Jason: I went the other way.
Crowd: [laughter]
Jason: Just saying.
Eliza: Um, yeah, but it's incredible the impact that you're having on people, and I think it's such a powerful platform.
It's something that's very new to me, but it's like, it's really cool.
Devon: I think we're all proud of a very socially conscious fan base. You guys all rock. Eliza: Yeah.
Lindsey: For sure. For sure. Others: Yeah.
Devon: Really rock.
Fan: Hi, my name is Maya. Lindsey, you probably don't remember me.
Lindsey: I remember you! Hey, girl!
Maya: Hey! Richard, fight on Trojans. Spite on Trojans.
Richard: Get the heck outta here.
Maya: My question is for Bob. Richard: Remember last year? Remember last season? Remember what happened?
Maya: We're not going to talk about that. Richard: All right.
Maya: Bob, um, I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression in 2014.
And it really meant a lot when you decided to sell the shirts and donate to Beyond Blue, and...
speaking of platforms, I was wondering is that something that you plan to do in the future?
Because it was really amazing to fans. Also, if I could have your nametag, that'd be cool.
Bob: Yeah, I can't see why I'm gonna take it.
I think to touch on having the social media presence, and then having a socially aware following and fandom with our show...
It made me feel comfortable enough to express and to support people with mental illness.
And to be able to voice that. It's something that I don't think should be taboo.
And I don't think it should lessen your quality of life in any way. You should be open and be able to talk about it.
I would like to support them more, and now I'll look into that.
But I'm glad that it helped, and I think it's something that should be talked about.
You know, not everything should be kept in the dark. Nothing should be kept in the dark, really.
You should try and work through your problems.
You'll find more often than not that people are there, and they want to talk about it.
Everyone deals with their problems, and you shouldn't have to do that in silence.
Crowd: [claps]
Fan: Hi. I'm Caitlin, and I was just wondering, how do you guys feel about the Blake triplets?
Bradbury, Bellamy, and Boris?
Also, how do you feel about crocs?
Bob: Sorry, what was that last one? I have triplets?
Crowd: [laughter]
Caitlin: How do you guys feel about crocs?
Bob: Oh. Lindsey: Crocs? The shoes?
Eric: The shoes? Okay.
Lindsey: A lot of feelings.
Bob: You've got mixed emotions on crocs.
Lindsey: Jason?
Jason: I have no comment about crocs.
Bob: You're wearing some right now.
Jason: I don't know who the Blake triplets are. Is that a fanfiction thing?
Caitlin: So like season one you have Bradbury, then you have season two Bellamy, and three Boris...
(too faint to hear)
Eric: Is that the guy with the mustache that you...?
Bob: Sorry, it's, uh, I don't know. How do you guys feel about...?
Lindsey: I preferred Bradbury.
Lindsey: I prefer Bradbury.
Bob: I like him because he was three years younger than I am today.
Eric: Thank you. Next question.
Fan: Hi, my name is Katie. My question is for Bob. Out of all of the scenes shot that were cut from the season...
Which one did you want to go ahead that didn't?
Bob: I don't know necessarily if they were cut. This is one thing that when I saw that someone said it was cut...
it was actually edited. That's just something that happens in TV shows.
It touches on something that, to say that I had said that something was cut wasn't necessarily true.
That is one of the dangers of social media and taking information from one place...
that doesn't necessarily have all of the information.
There are things that do have to go. Like we shoot a lot of stuff that doesn't often make it to air.
We can only react and play in a scene from what has been written, and...
that doesn't necessarily make it to air.
I'm sure we all have feelings about scenes that have been edited in certain ways that we have no control over.
We can only play what's on the page. So, yeah, sometimes...
Jason: Can I talk? Bob: Yeah, I'd rather Jason take this one because, you know he controls the editing room.
Jason: I can tell you there's a scene that I'll talk about in a second that I wish I didn't cut.
But there are lots of reasons why things get cut. Sometimes a director's cut will come in...
The show has to be 42 minutes long, and sometimes a show will come in, like Dean White...
who directs a lot of our shows, his cuts come in really long because he's a beautiful director, and...
he's painting a story with pictures, and so, I have to, we together have to squeeze...
it down and find, distill the sauce to the story. Sometimes things get cut because...
The lighting didn't work or there was a technical issue or who knows why.
Never because performance isn't good. It's always for a technical reason.
There was a scene between Bellamy and Octavia in episode 4 that was basically before...
Bellamy meets with Pike, and Pike convinces him to sign up that was designed to give us...
a little more insight into what was happening in Bellamy's head that...
again for shitty, excuse my language, technical reasons it got cut.
And I do wish that the audience could have gotten a little bit more of insight into what was ticking up there.
You have to understand, I'm not trying to make the show worse by cutting those scenes.
I'm trying to make the show better all the time, and sometimes they have to go reasons like that.
Eric: Thank everyone from The 100, which is coming back this Thursday for eight more episodes.
Bob: Thank you.