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  • Most people who call themselves Christians never get to know Jesus. They never get into

  • the right relationship with Him, that relationship of SERVANT / MASTER. They keep on beating

  • around the bush. They don't seek Jesus, obey Him and get to know Him. They never follow

  • Him, they don't pray, they do not know His voice. They never repent. Many are never baptized

  • in water. Most of them never receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. They have no relationship

  • with Jesus Christ. They do not know Him and when they die they will stand before Him and

  • He will say to them:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness."

  • Many of them quote the Bible, the PLAY RELIGION. They go to church, fellowship, praise and

  • worship but they do not know Jesus. They have got no relationship with Him whatsoever. They

  • talk about Him but they don't know Him, they don't LISTEN to Him and they ask other people

  • what Jesus thinks of them or how they should go about things. You should be led by the

  • Holy Spirit of God ONLY. If you follow Jesus you do not ask the opinion of other people.

  • You ask Jesus about everything and you DO what he tells you to do or else you do not

  • know Him. Do you KNOW Jesus and do you FOLLOW Jesus?

  • Or are you also beating around the bush? Get to know Jesus before it is for ever too late.

  • May Jesus bless you.

Most people who call themselves Christians never get to know Jesus. They never get into


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A2 初級

ビート・アラウンド・ザ・ブッシュ (Beating Around The Bush)

  • 40 2
    成朋 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日