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Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast
昔々 この世界は大きな大きな 機能不全家族でした
Once upon a time, the world was a big, dysfunctional family.
It was run by the great and powerful parents,
and the people were helpless
and hopeless naughty children.
If any of the more rowdier children questioned
親の権威に盾突こうとすると こっぴどく叱られ
the authority of the parents, they were scolded.
If they went exploring into the parents' rooms,
秘密の書類の入った引き出しを 覗こうものなら罰せられ
or even into the secret filing cabinets, they were punished,
and told that for their own good
they must never go in there again.
そんなある日 男が町にやって来て
Then one day, a man came to town
親の部屋から盗んだ 秘密文書の入った箱を
with boxes and boxes of secret documents
stolen from the parents' rooms.
「君らの親はこんなに色々 隠してきたんだよ」
"Look what they've been hiding from you," he said.
The children looked and were amazed.
There were maps and minutes from meetings
親たちがお互いに罵り合っている様子が 書かれていたのです
where the parents were slagging each other off.
They behaved just like the children.
And they made mistakes, too, just like the children.
The only difference was, their mistakes
親の失敗は秘密の収納庫に 隠されていたことでした
were in the secret filing cabinets.
しかしその町に住むある女の子は こう思いました
Well, there was a girl in the town, and she didn't think
they should be in the secret filing cabinets,
もしそうするとしても 法律を作って
or if they were, there ought to be a law
to allow the children access.
女の子はそれを実現するべく 行動を起こしました
And so she set about to make it so.
この物語の女の子は 実は私です そして私が探していた秘密文書は
Well, I'm the girl in that story, and the secret documents
that I was interested in were located in this building,
the British Parliament, and the data that I wanted
to get my hands on were the expense receipts
of members of Parliament.
訊いて当然だと思っていました それが民主主義じゃないですか!(拍手)
I thought this was a basic question to ask in a democracy. (Applause)
核兵器貯蔵庫の暗証番号を 教えろとは言っていませんしね
It wasn't like I was asking for the code to a nuclear bunker,
でもこの「知る権利」の行使に対し まるでそんな
or anything like that, but the amount of resistance I got
from this Freedom of Information request,
you would have thought I'd asked something like this.
この戦いは5年間続きました そもそもこれは
So I fought for about five years doing this,
私が送った数百件の問い合わせの一つに 過ぎなかったのです
and it was one of many hundreds of requests that I made,
イギリス議会に革命を起こそうだなんて 正直 これっぽっちも
not -- I didn't -- Hey, look, I didn't set out, honestly,
to revolutionize the British Parliament.
そんな意図はなく ただ情報公開の請求をしただけです
That was not my intention. I was just making these requests
当時書いていた初の著書の 下調べの一環に過ぎませんでした
as part of research for my first book.
でも結果的に延々と続く法廷闘争に なってしまったのです
But it ended up in this very long, protracted legal battle
5年間にわたる議会との闘争の末 ある日私は
and there I was after five years fighting against Parliament
イギリスの高等法院で 最も高位な3人の判事を前に
in front of three of Britain's most eminent High Court judges
情報公開を議会に強制するか否かの 判決を待っていました
waiting for their ruling about whether or not Parliament had to release this data.
正直な話 大して期待していませんでした
And I've got to tell you, I wasn't that hopeful,
それまでに色々見てきた経験から 権威というものは
because I'd seen the establishment. I thought,
常に癒着するものだからと 自分の運を諦めていました
it always sticks together. I am out of luck.
でも結果はなんと私の勝訴でした やったー!(拍手)
Well, guess what? I won. Hooray. (Applause)
Well, that's not exactly the story, because the problem was
that Parliament delayed and delayed releasing that data,
and then they tried to retrospectively change the law
判決が議員に適用されないように しようとしたのです
so that it would no longer apply to them.
過去に成立していた 議員を対象外とする情報公開法を
The transparency law they'd passed earlier that applied to everybody else,
維持することで公開義務から 逃れようという目論見です
they tried to keep it so it didn't apply to them.
しかし彼らの計算外だったのが 記録のデジタル化です
What they hadn't counted on was digitization,
because that meant that all those paper receipts
スキャンされ保存されていたため そのデータベース全体をコピーして
had been scanned in electronically, and it was very easy
ディスクに落とし 議会の外に悠々持ち出すといったことが
for somebody to just copy that entire database,
put it on a disk, and then just saunter outside of Parliament,
実際にデータは持ち出され 売りに出され
which they did, and then they shopped that disk
to the highest bidder, which was the Daily Telegraph,
その後数週間にわたり暴露が続いたのを 皆さんも覚えていますよね
and then, you all remember, there was weeks and weeks
of revelations, everything from porn movies
お風呂の栓 キッチンのリフォーム
and bath plugs and new kitchens
未返済のローンまで 全てが公にさらされました
and mortgages that had never been paid off.
The end result was six ministers resigned,
300年の歴史上初めて 議長が辞任を余儀なくされ
the first speaker of the house in 300 years was forced to resign,
情報の透明性の公約を基に 新たな政権が発足しました
a new government was elected on a mandate of transparency,
120 MPs stepped down at that election,
さらにそこから 下院議員4人と上院議員2人が
and so far, four MPs and two lords
have done jail time for fraud.
ありがとうございます (拍手)
So, thank you. (Applause)
こんな話をしたのは これが イギリスだけの問題ではなかったからです
Well, I tell you that story because it wasn't unique to Britain.
現在世界中で起こっている 権力との軋轢のほんの一例です
It was an example of a culture clash that's happening
all over the world between bewigged and bestockinged
officials who think that they can rule over us
without very much prying from the public,
and then suddenly confronted with a public
who is no longer content with that arrangement,
今では 民衆は ただ不満を抱えているだけでなく
and not only not content with it, now, more often,
公式のデータという証拠をつかんでいる というわけですね
armed with official data itself.
というわけで世界では 情報の民主化が進んでいます
So we are moving to this democratization of information,
and I've been in this field for quite a while.
ちょっと恥ずかしい話なんですが 子供の頃でさえ 私は
Slightly embarrassing admission: Even when I was a kid,
I used to have these little spy books, and I would, like,
近所の人たちの行動を 観察して記録していました
see what everybody was doing in my neighborhood and log it down.
I think that was a pretty good indication
about my future career as an investigative journalist,
情報を調査するこの業界で 長く働いてきましたが
and what I've seen from being in this access to information field for so long
かつては非常にニッチだったこの分野が 今では主流となり
is that it used to be quite a niche interest,
権力の座にある人間の動向に対し 世界中の人々が
and it's gone mainstream. Everybody, increasingly, around the world,
これまでにないほどに 興味を持つようになっています
wants to know about what people in power are doing.
自分たちの名前や金を使って行われる 意思決定に物申したいのです
They want a say in decisions that are made in their name
and with their money. It's this democratization of information
that I think is an information enlightenment,
17~18世紀の啓蒙運動と 共通する概念が多いからです
and it has many of the same principles of the first Enlightenment.
例えば 真実の追求
It's about searching for the truth,
言われたことを鵜呑みにはしません 「俺が言うからそうなんだ」は通じません
not because somebody says it's true, "because I say so."
むしろ自分の目で見て試して 初めてわかる真実を
No, it's about trying to find the truth based on
what you can see and what can be tested.
初代啓蒙運動の時 同じ原理で 様々な疑問が生まれました
That, in the first Enlightenment, led to questions about
「民衆を支配する王には 神聖な権利がある」とか
the right of kings, the divine right of kings to rule over people,
or that women should be subordinate to men,
「教会の権威は神が与えた」などという 既成概念に挑戦したのを
or that the Church was the official word of God.
当然ながら 教会はよく思わず
Obviously the Church weren't very happy about this,
and they tried to suppress it,
しかし教会にとって計算外だったのが 技術の力でした
but what they hadn't counted on was technology,
活版印刷技術のお陰で 突然
and then they had the printing press, which suddenly
こういった思想が安く、速く、遠くまで 広められるようになりました
enabled these ideas to spread cheaply, far and fast,
and people would come together in coffee houses,
アイデアを練ったり 革命を企てたわけです
discuss the ideas, plot revolution.
今日ではデジタル化がこれにあたります 情報から物質的な質量をすべて取り除き
In our day, we have digitization. That strips all the physical mass out of information,
コピーして情報を共有する これが今の時代 ほぼ無料でできます
so now it's almost zero cost to copy and share information.
活版印刷機はインターネットに コーヒー・ハウスはソーシャルネットワークになり
Our printing press is the Internet. Our coffee houses are social networks.
時代は ネットで完全に繋がったシステムに 向かって動いていますが
We're moving to what I would think of as a fully connected system,
ここでは今やグローバルな意思決定が 求められています
and we have global decisions to make in this system,
温暖化や 金融システム
decisions about climate, about finance systems,
about resources. And think about it --
たとえば 家を買うという重要な決断をする時
if we want to make an important decision about buying a house,
即決はしませんよね 皆さんはどうだか知りませんが
we don't just go off. I mean, I don't know about you,
私はそのレベルの大金を払うなら 色々見て決めたいですから
but I want to see a lot of houses before I put that much money into it.
And if we're thinking about a finance system,
かなりの情報が必要です だって これだけの量の情報を
we need a lot of information to take in. It's just not possible
たった一人で処理し 分析して
for one person to take in the amount, the volume
適切な意思決定をするのは 不可能な話ですから
of information, and analyze it to make good decisions.
So that's why we're seeing increasingly this demand
for access to information.
That's why we're starting to see more disclosure laws
come out, so for example, on the environment,
there's the Aarhus Convention,
かなり強い 「知る権利」を
which is a European directive that gives people
住民に与える政令です もし地域の水道会社が
a very strong right to know, so if your water company
is dumping water into your river, sewage water
into your river, you have a right to know about it.
In the finance industry, you now have more of a right
to know about what's going on, so we have
例えば 様々な反汚職対策法や 金融規制があり
different anti-bribery laws, money regulations,
企業の情報開示義務も増え 国境を越えて資産追跡もできるので
increased corporate disclosure, so you can now track assets across borders.
資産隠蔽や脱税や給与不平等などが 起こりにくくなっています
And it's getting harder to hide assets, tax avoidance,
いいことですよね こういった情報がどんどん
pay inequality. So that's great. We're starting to find out
more and more about these systems.
外から中へ 完全に網羅するシステムが
And they're all moving to this central system,
this fully connected system,
しかし一つだけ例外があります 何だと思いますか?
all of them except one. Can you guess which one?
この全てのシステムを支える 基盤システムそのものです
It's the system which underpins all these other systems.
権力を体系付けて 行使するためのシステムです
It's the system by which we organize and exercise power,
つまり 政治のことです
and there I'm talking about politics, because in politics,
トップダウン的階層構造である 政治制度に話が戻るわけです
we're back to this system, this top-down hierarchy.
このシステムで処理されるべき 莫大な量の情報は
And how is it possible that the volume of information
can be processed that needs to in this system?
残念ながらできません どうにもなりません
Well, it just can't. That's it.
これこそ 今あちこちで起こっている
And I think this is largely what's behind the crisis
政府の不正行為絡みの問題の 根本的原因だと思います
of legitimacy in our different governments right now.
さて 先ほど私の体験談を 少しお話しましたね
So I've told you a bit about what I did
英国議会に物を申し メディアを騒がせながら
to try and drag Parliament, kicking and screaming,
into the 21st century, and I'm just going to give you
他にも同じような運動を している人々について
a couple of examples of what a few other people I know
are doing.
So this is a guy called Seb Bacon. He's a computer
コンピュータープログラマーですが Alaveteliという
programmer, and he built a site called Alaveteli,
情報の自由を推進するプラットフォームを 作った人です
and what it is, it's a Freedom of Information platform.
It's open-source, with documentation, and it allows you
to make a Freedom of Information request,
to ask your public body a question, so
こういった手続きにありがちな煩雑さを 省いてくれます
it takes all the hassle out of it, and I can tell you
that there is a lot of hassle making these requests,
これを使えば簡単です 質問を入力するだけでいいのです
so it takes all of that hassle out, and you just type in your question,
例えば「前科のある警察官は何人?」 などです
for example, how many police officers have a criminal record?
It zooms it off to the appropriate person, it tells you
when the time limit is coming to an end, it keeps track of all
the correspondence, it posts it up there,
誰にでも見れるように アーカイブされるわけです
and it becomes an archive of public knowledge.
これはオープンソースなので どの国でも使えます
So that's open-source and it can be used in any country
どんな形でも情報公開法がある国なら どこでも利用できます
where there is some kind of Freedom of Information law.
現在このシステムが存在する 国のリストがこちらです
So there's a list there of the different countries that have it,
and then there's a few more coming on board.
So if any of you out there like the sound of that
and have a law like that in your country,
I know that Seb would love to hear from you
ぜひ協力し合って このシステムを あなたの国でも始めてください
about collaborating and getting that into your country.
この方はビルギッタ・ヨンスタティアー アイスランドの議員です
This is Birgitta Jónsdóttir. She's an Icelandic MP.
国会議員としては 非常に変わった経歴を持つ方で
And quite an unusual MP. In Iceland, she was
one of the protesters who was outside of Parliament
when the country's economy collapsed,
その後 ある改革案の委員に選出され
and then she was elected on a reform mandate,
and she's now spearheading this project.
アイスランド現代メディア構想 と呼ばれるもので
It's the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative,
最近 資金が増えて 世界規模の展開を始めました
and they've just got funding to make it an international
表現の自由や 内部告発者の保護
modern media project, and this is taking all of the best laws
名誉毀損罪からの保護 情報公開元の保護など
around the world about freedom of expression,
protection of whistleblowers, protection from libel,
アイスランドを安全な出版天国にしよう という取り組みです
source protection, and trying to make Iceland a publishing haven.
It's a place where your data can be free, so when we think
近年 ユーザーデータに 政府の手が 伸びてきていますが
about, increasingly, how governments want to access user data,
アイスランドは国を挙げて 情報の避難所を
what they're trying to do in Iceland is make this safe haven
where it can happen.
In my own field of investigative journalism, we're also
having to start thinking globally, so this is a site called
これはInvestigative Dashboard というサイトで
Investigative Dashboard. And if you're trying to track
独裁者の資産についてなどの 調査をしたい時に使えます
a dictator's assets, for example, Hosni Mubarak,
例えばホスニ・ムバラク エジプトでは立場が悪くなったので
you know, he's just funneling out cash from his country
when he knows he's in trouble, and what you want to do
to investigate that is, you need to have access to
世界中 できるだけ多くの
all of the world's, as many as you can,
企業登記記録データベースへの アクセス権が必要になります
companies' house registrations databases.
このサイトでは そういったデータベースを
So this is a website that tries to agglomerate all of those
一箇所に集約することで ムバラク氏の親戚や友人や
databases into one place so you can start searching for,
護衛の責任者は誰か などの情報を 探せるようになっています
you know, his relatives, his friends, the head of his security services.
ムバラク氏がどうやって エジプトから資産を移動しているか
You can try and find out how he's moving out assets
from that country.
しかし 意思決定の中でも 最も影響力がある事柄
But again, when it comes to the decisions which are
impacting us the most, perhaps, the most important
decisions that are being made about war and so forth,
こういう情報はただ開示要求を すればいいというわけにはいきません
again we can't just make a Freedom of Information request.
非常に難しい題材なので こればかりは
It's really difficult. So we're still having to rely on
情報リークなど 違法な手段に頼る他ないのが現状です
illegitimate ways of getting information, through leaks.
例えば ガーディアン紙が アフガン戦争について
So when the Guardian did this investigation about
調査した時のことです おわかりでしょうが
the Afghan War, you know, they can't walk into
国防省に行って 情報を要求しても どうにもなりませんね
the Department of Defense and ask for all the information.
当然ながら 何も出てきません
You know, they're just not going to get it.
この記事の時はアフガン戦争に関し アメリカ兵が記録した
So this came from leaks of tens of thousands of dispatches
that were written by American soldiers
about the Afghan War, and leaked,
and then they're able to do this investigation.
もう一つ かなり大規模な調査になるのが 世界の外交についてです
Another rather large investigation is around world diplomacy.
Again, this is all based around leaks,
25万1千件に及ぶ 米国の外交公電のリーク
251,000 U.S. diplomatic cables, and I was involved
この件では私も調査に関与していました というのもこのリーク情報を
in this investigation because I got this leak
米国政府を恨むウィキリークス利用者を 通じて得た結果
through a leak from a disgruntled WikiLeaker
and ended up going to work at the Guardian.
このリークを手にした時の経験 当事者の私の口から
So I can tell you firsthand what it was like to have access
言わせてもらうと 素晴らしいの一言でした
to this leak. It was amazing. I mean, it was amazing.
「オズの魔法使い」のあるシーンを を思わせるものでした
It reminded me of that scene in "The Wizard of Oz."
どのシーンかわかりますか? 子犬のトトが
Do you know the one I mean? Where the little dog Toto
runs across to where the wizard [is], and he pulls back,
the dog's pulling back the curtain, and --
「スクリーンの後の男を見てはならぬ!」 となるシーンです
"Don't look behind the screen. Don't look at the man behind the screen."
It was just like that, because what you started to see
非常に尊大な顔をした 大物政治家の面々が
is that all of these grand statesmen, these very pompous
ただの人であると わかってきたのです
politicians, they were just like us.
皆 お互い文句を言い合ってました この公電文書
They all bitched about each other. I mean, quite gossipy,
かなり際どい内容でしたよ でも この人たちが
those cables. Okay, but I thought it was a very important
私たちと同じ ただの人間で 特別な力もない
point for all of us to grasp, these are human beings
魔法使いでもなく 私たちの親でもないと
just like us. They don't have special powers.
皆に理解してもらうのは 大事なことだと思ったんです
They're not magic. They are not our parents.
でもさらに 一番興味をそそられたのが
Beyond that, what I found most fascinating
was the level of endemic corruption that I saw
汚職のひどさでした 権力の中枢にある人々や
across all different countries, and particularly centered
around the heart of power, around public officials
who were embezzling the public's money
for their own personal enrichment, and allowed to do that
because of official secrecy.
ウィキリークスの話 しましたよね この機密文書を全公開する以上に
So I've mentioned WikiLeaks, because surely what could be
more open than publishing all the material?
ジュリアン・アサンジは それをやってくれたわけです
Because that is what Julian Assange did.
He wasn't content with the way the newspapers published it
ウィキリークスで 何もかも暴露し
to be safe and legal. He threw it all out there.
アフガン戦争で罪のない一般市民が 攻撃されていたことが明らかになりました
That did end up with vulnerable people in Afghanistan
しかし同時に ベラルーシでは独裁政権が
being exposed. It also meant that the Belarussian dictator
アメリカ政府に連絡を取った国内の民主活動家 全員のリストを入手する
was given a handy list of all the pro-democracy campaigners
in that country who had spoken to the U.S. government.
こんな情報開示は行き過ぎでしょうか? 私はそうは思いません
Is that radical openness? I say it's not, because for me,
徹底的情報開示というものは 権力、義務、説明責任などを
what it means, it doesn't mean abdicating power,
求めないのではなく むしろ権力と協力して
responsibility, accountability, it's actually being a partner
義務や説明責任を分担していくものだと 考えています
with power. It's about sharing responsibility,
実は ウィキリークスの 二重リークを得た件で
sharing accountability. Also, the fact that
he threatened to sue me because I got a leak of his leaks,
これって正直 ウィキリークスのコンセプトと
I thought that showed a remarkable sort of inconsistency
ものすごく矛盾していますよね (笑)
in ideology, to be honest, as well. (Laughs)
もう一つ気をつけたいのが 権力が持つ恐ろしいほどの誘惑です
The other thing is that power is incredibly seductive,
権力を手に入れたときや 権力を扱うとき
and you must have two real qualities, I think,
権力について語るとき 人が手に入れる力の
when you come to the table, when you're dealing
with power, talking about power,
because of its seductive capacity.
You've got to have skepticism and humility.
懐疑心はつまり 何でも鵜呑みにせず常に疑う心ですね
Skepticism, because you must always be challenging.
何に対しても理由を問うべきです 誰かがそうだと言っただけでは不十分
I want to see why do you -- you just say so? That's not good enough.
I want to see the evidence behind why that's so.
謙虚さが必要なのは 人は誰でも 間違いを犯すものだからです
And humility because we are all human. We all make mistakes.
And if you don't have skepticism and humility,
権力を手に入れたが最後 改革者から独裁者へまっしぐらです
then it's a really short journey to go from reformer
ジョージ・オーウェルの『動物農場』を 読めばすぐわかります
to autocrat, and I think you only have to read "Animal Farm"
権力が人を腐敗させる様を 語った本ですから
to get that message about how power corrupts people.
So what is the solution? It is, I believe, to embody
情報を得る権利を法の下で 具現化することだと私は思います
within the rule of law rights to information.
私たち一般人が現在持つ権利は とてつもなく弱いものです
At the moment our rights are incredibly weak.
公的機密法がある国は たくさんあります
In a lot of countries, we have Official Secrets Acts,
イギリスにもあります イギリスの公的機密法には
including in Britain here. We have an Official Secrets Act
公益性の審査基準がありません つまり 公的機密を手に入れた人は
with no public interest test. So that means it's a crime,
犯罪者として罰を受けるのです 実際 公的機密を報道して
people are punished, quite severely in a lot of cases,
極めて重い罪で罰せられた事件が たくさんあります
for publishing or giving away official information.
Now wouldn't it be amazing, and really, this is what I want
考えてみてください もしも公的情報開示法があって
all of you to think about, if we had an Official Disclosure Act
公職者が公共の利益に反して 情報をもみ消したり
where officials were punished if they were found
隠ぺいしたことが判明した際 罰を受けることになったら
to have suppressed or hidden information
that was in the public interest?
そう そうです!「力」のポーズ なんちゃって (拍手)(笑)
So that -- yes. Yes! My power pose. (Applause) (Laughs)
世界がそんな方向に向かえばいいと 願っています
I would like us to work towards that.
ですから 悪いことばかりではないんです
So it's not all bad news. I mean, there definitely is
progress on the line, but I think what we find is that
the closer that we get right into the heart of power,
情報は閉ざされ 不透明になってきます
the more opaque, closed it becomes.
So it was only just the other week that I heard London's
ロンドン警察の警視総監の 話を聞きました
Metropolitan Police Commissioner talking about why
警察は国民の情報通信の全てに アクセスすべき理由
the police need access to all of our communications,
司法の管理を受けずに 国民を監視する権利が必要な理由が
spying on us without any judicial oversight,
and he said it was a matter of life and death.
本当にそう言ったんですよ 生死に関わる って
He actually said that, it was a matter of life and death.
そこには何の根拠もありませんでした 理由も証拠も示さずに
There was no evidence. He presented no evidence of that.
It was just, "Because I say so.
ただ信じてくれ」 と言っているわけです
You have to trust me. Take it on faith."
Well, I'm sorry, people, but we are back
啓蒙時代前の教会支配に逆戻り してしまったようですね
to the pre-Enlightenment Church,
私たちはこの支配に対し 立ち上がらねばなりません
and we need to fight against that.
先ほどの警視総監は イギリスの通信データ法という
So he was talking about the law in Britain which is
法律に言及しました これは本当に最悪な法律です
the Communications Data Bill, an absolutely outrageous piece of legislation.
アメリカではサイバーセキュリティー法 というものがあり
In America, you have the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act.
国内の監視管理用途にボット使用を 検討しているそうです
You've got drones now being considered for domestic surveillance.
You have the National Security Agency building
the world's giantest spy center. It's just this colossal --
it's five times bigger than the U.S. Capitol,
in which they're going to intercept and analyze
インターネットのトラフィックや 個人データも監視しています
communications, traffic and personal data
社会の毒は誰なのかか 目を光らせているわけです
to try and figure out who's the troublemaker in society.
さて 冒頭の話に戻りましょうか
Well, to go back to our original story, the parents
秘密を暴露された親たちは慌てふためき 全てのドアに鍵をかけ
have panicked. They've locked all the doors.
They've kidded out the house with CCTV cameras.
私たち皆を監視し始めました 地下を掘って
They're watching all of us. They've dug a basement,
スパイセンターを開設 コンピューターアルゴリズムを作り
and they've built a spy center to try and run algorithms
and figure out which ones of us are troublesome,
誰かが苦情を言おうものなら テロ容疑で逮捕するようになりました
and if any of us complain about that, we're arrested for terrorism.
これっておとぎ話でしょうか それとも悪夢のような現実でしょうか
Well, is that a fairy tale or a living nightmare?
おとぎ話にはハッピーエンドもありますが そうでないこともありますね
Some fairy tales have happy endings. Some don't.
グリム童話を読んだことない人は いないと思いますが
I think we've all read the Grimms' fairy tales, which are,
grim(不吉な)という言葉通り 厳しい状況です
indeed, very grim.
でも世の中はおとぎ話とは違います あると思いたくないような
But the world isn't a fairy tale, and it could be more brutal
than we want to acknowledge.
皆が思っているより 状況は明るいという可能性も
Equally, it could be better than we've been led to believe,
いずれにせよ そろそろ私たちは あらゆる問題をひっくるめて
but either way, we have to start seeing it exactly as it is,
世界をありのままの姿で捉えられるように なるべきだと思います
with all of its problems, because it's only by seeing it
そうすることで初めて 問題が解決できるから
with all of its problems that we'll be able to fix them
「皆 いつまでも幸せに暮らしたのでした」 と言えるような
and live in a world in which we can all be
世界を作っていけるからです(笑) ありがとうございました
happily ever after. (Laughs) Thank you very much.
Thank you. (Applause)