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  • Crash Course Philosophy is brought to you by Squarespace.

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  • Weve spent quite a bit of time looking at arguments for God’s existence.

  • But we haven’t said much yet about this God.

  • Like, what’s he like? Is he a he?

  • Is he like strictly Marvel superheroes, or is he more of a DC guy?

  • Does he prefer his salsa with or without cilantro? I like corn!

  • Who’s his favorite Crystal Gem from Steven Universe?

  • I guess those kinds of questions would only apply to a heavily personalized and anthropomorphic God.

  • But the traditional picture of Godthe one accepted, and even assumed, throughout

  • Judeo-Christian tradition, up into modern timesis what we might call anomni-God,”

  • possessing particular divine attributesthe characteristics believed to be held by God.

  • Now let’s pause a moment to acknowledge that this discussion is of one particular God,

  • the one who stars in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scriptures.

  • Of course, lots of people believe in lots of other gods, and they all have attributes of their own.

  • Were focusing on this god because he’s the one all these philosophers weve been studying

  • were talking abouthe’s the one they believedor didn’t believein.

  • Philosophers like Augustine and Thomas Aquinaswho were themselves influenced by the

  • writings of Plato and Aristotlecame up with a general set of divine attributes that

  • are still widely held today among theists.

  • And in this view, God is omniscient, which means he knows everything that can be known.

  • And he’s also omnipotent, or all-powerful.

  • He’s been said to be omnibenevolent, or possessing perfect goodness.

  • And he’s omnitemporal and omnipresentmeaning he exists at all places and all times at once.

  • Now, it’s worth noting that none of these attributes is actually mentioned in the Bible.

  • But philosophers like Aquinas reasoned that they must be the case, if God is perfect.

  • And these philosophers took it as a given that he is.

  • The problem is, a close investigation of these attributes reveals some rather tricky little puzzles.

  • No, I take that back. Theyre really, really, big puzzles.

  • [Theme Music]

  • Can God create a rock so heavy he can’t lift it?

  • is just one of an infinite number of unanswerable questions that can be asked about God.

  • Like, if God is omnipotent, he has to be able to create something so heavy he can’t lift it.

  • Otherwise, his inability to create it would mean there’s at least one thing he couldn’t do.

  • But then, he wouldn’t be omnipotent, because if he were truly all-powerful, he’d be able to lift anything.

  • Quandaries like this come up all the time when you consider the divine attributes.

  • And some of the questions that arise are not only about God, but also about us.

  • For instance, if God knows everything, then he also knows the future, right?

  • Which makes sense, if he’s also omnitemporal, because that would mean that he’s already in the future.

  • And also in the past. And don’t forget the present.

  • But many theists also believe that God gave us free will.

  • So, how can we be free, if God already knows what were gonna do? In that case, are we really free?

  • Or is freedom just an illusion that he created for us, to make us feel like were in control?

  • What were seeing here is that, at least on the surface, God’s traditional divine

  • attributes are internally inconsistentmeaning, they can’t all be true at the same time.

  • And what do you do when you hold inconsistent beliefs?

  • Well, if youre being philosophically rational, you either give some of them up, or you figure

  • out a way to understand them that makes them consistent.

  • This is what a theist who believes in the omni-God has to do.

  • Let’s think about the contradiction that arises from believing the following propositions:

  • 1) God is omniscient 2) Humans have free will

  • Is there any way to resolve this contradiction, or do we have to surrender one of those beliefs?

  • One possible response is to say that knowledge and causation aren’t the same thing.

  • So God might know that were going to do something, without actually causing us to do it.

  • This actually makes sense, if you think about it.

  • Imagine a person standing on a cliff looking down on a train track that curves around a bend.

  • From her vantage point, the onlooker can see that, just on the other side of the bend,

  • a person is stuck on the track as the train approaches.

  • Too far away to do anything, the onlooker knows the accident will happen before it does,

  • but the fact that she knows it will happen doesn’t mean that she caused it to happen.

  • To use a less gruesome example, if God knew you were going to eat an entire pecan pie

  • by yourself over the course of a lonely weekend, that doesn’t mean that he caused you to do it.

  • That was all on you.

  • But wait. If God is omniscient, then he can’t be wrong, can he?

  • Because if he was ever wrong, then there would have been something he didn’t know.

  • So if God knew you were going to eat the whole pie, then you couldn’t not eat the pie,

  • because if you decided not to at the last minute, then you would have just proven God wrong,

  • thereby single-handedly stripping him of his divine omniscience! Good job!

  • So the knowledge and power of God are, to say the least, philosophically perplexing.

  • Now let’s consider another question about God’s personal skill set: Can God sin?

  • If he’s omnipotent, it would seem that he can, because he can do anything.

  • But if he’s omnibenevolent, or inherently good, then it would seem that he can’t.

  • This doctrine, which says that God can’t sin, is known as divine impeccability.

  • But if God is impeccable and incapable of sin, then doesn’t that mean that he is not omnipotent?

  • After all, I can sin...easily.

  • I mean, gimme five minutes and I can probably break two or three commandments.

  • Like, the ones about coveting stuff -- not the murdery ones.

  • But still, it seems kinda weird to think that I can do something that God can’t.

  • Some people try to solve this particular puzzle by saying that sin is necessarily a failure,

  • so therefore, a perfect being can’t do it.

  • Others say that, even though God might do something that would be a sin if a human did it,

  • the idea ofsinsimply doesn’t apply to God. Perhaps because, given his omnibenevolence,

  • everything God does is inherently good.

  • Now, many philosophers find this solution troubling, because it kinda makes God’s goodness vacuous.

  • After all, it basically means that sayingGod did a thingwould be the same thing

  • as sayingGod did a good thing,” because ipso facto, anything God does is good.

  • And if that’s the case, then his goodness doesn’t have any real meaning.

  • Yet another possible contradiction presents itself in the belief that the omni-God is also a personal God.

  • Many people find it difficult to suppose that God could be omnitemporal and omniscient,

  • yet still have a personal relationship with his creatures.

  • It’s hard to understand how God could relate to usor feel the way we feel

  • if he doesn’t experience time as we do: If he already knows what’s going to happen,

  • how could he ever be surprised, or change his mind?

  • And if god is omnitemporal, is it even possible that he could be moved to respond to our prayers?

  • Let’s look at this idea up close in this week’s Flash Philosophy. To the Thought Bubble!

  • When people talk about praying for something to happen, or to not happen, or are otherwise

  • making a request of God, theyre making what are known as petitionary prayers.

  • When you pray in this way, youre asking God for somethingto help you pass a test,

  • or to save a loved one who’s in danger, or to make sure the Patriots win the game.

  • Contemporary American philosopher Eleanor Stump argues that we have no reason to think

  • that asking God for something would actually make a difference.

  • She thinks about it like this: If God knows everything, including the future

  • which he does, if he’s omniscient

  • and if God has the power to bring about any state of affairswhich he does, if he’s omnipotent

  • and if he always wants to bring about the best state of affairswhich he does, if he’s omnibenevolent

  • then God has already decided what’s going to happen in every single case. To everyone. Always.

  • So either your prayer is asking God to do something he was already going to do, in which

  • case your prayer was kind of a waste of time.

  • Or your prayer is asking God to do something he has already decided not to do, because

  • it wasn’t actually the best thing. Sorry Patriots.

  • And in that case, even if God would change his mind, based on your prayer, you wouldn’t

  • want him to, because it would actually make things worse than they wouldve been if

  • you’d just let God do his thing.

  • In other words, if God knows what’s best, why would you want to change his mind?!

  • Now, Stump suggests that there might be some value in the asking, even if the prayer doesn’t

  • actually change what’s going to happen. Maybe you agree with her.

  • But at this point, it should be clear just how many problems there are in the divine

  • attributes, when you think about them. Thanks, Thought Bubble!

  • Thomas Aquinasthe thinker who’s largely responsible for the traditional divine attributes

  • we think of todayresponded to these sorts of puzzles by saying that all of this speculation

  • of What God Is Like is just analogical predication.

  • Basically, Aquinas said that we can’t predicate, or assert, anything about God,

  • because he’s so far beyond our understanding.

  • When we speak of God, Aquinas said, we never say anything that’s true.

  • Instead, we have to speak entirely in analogies, because that’s all we can do.

  • So, God isn’t literally our father, for example, but we can understand his role for us as being father-like.

  • Because that’s as close as we can get to really understanding what what he is.

  • Or think of it this way: People in south Florida might say it’s cold when the temperature

  • dips into the fifties, but in Alaska, it’s not cold until it’s well below zero.

  • But both of those frames of reference are more similar to each other than they are to

  • the cold that is absolute zero, which is about negative 273 degrees celsius.

  • You might even say that absolute-zero cold and negative 10-degree cold are not even the same thing.

  • But we use the one word – “cold” – to describe them both, as a kind of analogical

  • way of talking about something that defies our complete and personal understanding.

  • So, Aquinas basically said not to worry about all of these puzzles, because none of these

  • things we say about God is more than an approximation – a little analogue that our tiny little

  • minds can come up with, so that we can talk about an infinite being.

  • Now, there are other thinkers, particularly in modern times, who point out that none of

  • the traditional divine attributes is in the Bible anyway. So, maybe God isn’t an omni-God.

  • Maybe he’s more like a superhero. He can be way smarter than us, way more powerful

  • than us, way more good than us. But still not perfect.

  • This seems like sacrilege to a lot of people, but some philosophers argue that it’s more

  • compatible with the God of the Bible.

  • After all, in the Bible, we see God doing very human things, like walking in the garden,

  • getting angry, being surprised, and changing his mind.

  • So, it could be possible that God actually does hate cilantro or is a big fan of Amethyst.

  • That’s the kind of stuff that we, as philosophers, get to ponderkindly and thoughtfully in the comments.

  • Today we learned about the traditional divine attributes - omnipotence, omniscience, omnitemporality,

  • and omnibenevolence - and the puzzles that they create for our understanding of God.

  • We also explored some possible solutions to those puzzles, from Aquinasideas of analogical

  • predication, to the work of Eleanor Stump.

  • This episode is brought to you by Squarespace. Squarespace helps to create websites, blogs

  • or online stores for you and your ideas. Websites look professionally designed regardless of

  • skill level, no coding required.

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  • Squarespace: share your passion with the world.

  • Crash Course Philosophy is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios. You can head over

  • to their channel to check out amazing shows like Shanks FX, It’s Okay To Be Smart, and The Art Assignment.

  • This episode of Crash Course was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio

  • with the help of all of these awesome people and our equally fantastic graphics team is Thought Cafe.

Crash Course Philosophy is brought to you by Squarespace.


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B1 中級

神とはどんな存在なのか?クラッシュコースの哲学#12 (What is God Like?: Crash Course Philosophy #12)

  • 157 21
    黃崇竣 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日