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  • Facebook Marketing Tips 2016. Now if you're watching this right now it's December of 2015.

  • Use this tip that I'm about to share with you to market on Facebook 2016 as well as

  • 2015. So would you like to know a little secret

  • that I've been using to increase my engagement and the amount of people who see my posts

  • on Facebook? If you do, stay tuned.

  • My name is Billy Funk the Extreme Networker and I love teaching things that have not only

  • helped myself but have helped other people. And if you understand Facebook Marketing at

  • all you know that Facebook uses an Algorithm called Edge Rank, when it comes to showing

  • people your posts. So if you've got 2000 friends and you make

  • a post a picture post and they put it on the newsfeed of lets say 8% of your friends. Let's

  • say 10%. That's 200 people. Based on the amount of that group of people,

  • the likes, the comments and the shares that you get will then determine whether or not

  • Facebook shows this to more people. Or just leaves it as is.

  • So if you have got a post that you're looking to get more engagement on, more eyeballs,

  • maybe you're marketing something, maybe you're trying to get more people to a webinar, maybe

  • you're selling a product, maybe you've got a video you want more eyeballs on.

  • What you want to do is this little tiny secret that I've been using that works really really

  • really well. So knowing Facebook's algorithm and knowing

  • that for every comment you get, for every share that you get and for every like that

  • you get is kinda like a point system. The more points that you have the more people

  • will see your posts. You can simply go on any post, so here's a

  • post I did 7 hours ago. Talking about a free webinar that I'm hosting

  • on how to rank videos. And I want more people to see this post.

  • So I have 20 people that have actually liked it, one person shared it and I only have 3

  • comments. So what I like to do is to figure out who

  • are the people who have liked it that haven't commented yet. Alright.

  • This whole group of people right here. So I went ahead and I typed all their names

  • out. What I do is I bring up a note and I simply

  • type all their names out. Okay. And then I think of something to say to them.

  • First I'm going to thank them. I also say I really appreciate it and I'm

  • excited to share some really cool strategies. So what I do is, I simply grab this I grab

  • all their names I copy it. And I'm going to comment.

  • Which by the way, this is actually going to increase my edge rank because even though

  • it's a comment from me, it's still a comment. It's still points in the edge rank factor

  • of how many people see your posts. So I'm going to first write Thank You for

  • the Likes, then I'm going to type in all their names, and so you simply go like this.

  • You click on each person's name and it will actually pop up their name.

  • This one actually popped up that person's name twice.

  • So it's easier to do if you actually go to the bottom of this post to the very end of

  • it. I click on that person's name. So I want each person to actually see this,

  • there we go, put a comma. I also like to delete the last names of people.

  • It gives more space for you to type stuff in.

  • As in it's more anonymity. So I'm going to hit pause and I'm going to

  • show you what to do next. Alright so I finished tagging the first group

  • of people, Thanks for the likes and I've got 9 people's names tagged. I really appreciate

  • it and I'm excited to share some really cool strategies with you on the webinar. Have an

  • Awesome rest of your day. And I simply click on enter. Boom.

  • Then I do that one more time. Here's another reason why I do that. Alright besides giving

  • it another point. Because you're actually making a comment,

  • I'm also pulling all those people back into my post.

  • And I've yet to see when I've done this, I've yet to see at least one person not engage

  • with that simple little comment. See right away Michael McCormack clicked on the like

  • button. One of these people that I just tagged is

  • going to comment something, I can just smell it, I can sense it.

  • And it's going to increase the edge rank of this post and look I already got 3 likes on

  • that. One two three likes. So that's more points for Facebook to show

  • this to more people and more people are going to take a look at this post. And are going

  • to want to sign up for my webinar. Which is right here.

  • So this your Facebook Tip of 2016 or Facebook Marketing Tips 2016. Hope you enjoyed it.

  • If you got any value from this please feel free to share it with anyone you think would

  • get value as well. If you like this video, click the like button

  • below I would appreciate it. Would love to hear any positive feedback that you got from

  • this whatsoever. Remember to hold all your negative feedback to yourself. No if you got

  • anything that you think I could improve upon or anything that you would want to know please

  • drop a comment, I love engagement, I love hearing more about what you guys want to know

  • so that helps me figure out what I should teach about next. Alright.

  • Have an Awesome day. Hope you got some value.

Facebook Marketing Tips 2016. Now if you're watching this right now it's December of 2015.


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