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  • All the crime tape and police

  • cars

  • are cleared out of this area

  • tonight -

  • but the investigation into this

  • accident is far from over.

  • PKG: Child's play took a deadly

  • turn Saturday

  • afternoon. Police believe some

  • children who live at Belle Isle

  • Terrace

  • Apartments climbed the fence

  • around this swimming pool - and

  • a

  • five-year-old girl fell in. A

  • maintenance man pulled her from

  • the

  • water, and performed CPR until

  • the

  • ambulance arrived. Bree Steffen

  • - Clip 17

  • 20:09 "Almost everyone who lives

  • in these apartments speaks

  • Burmese. Police had to bring in

  • a translator to try to get to

  • the

  • bottom of this - making an

  • already

  • difficult situation even

  • harder."

  • Lt. Ron Northcutt, Oklahoma City

  • Police

  • Department - Clip 1 17:51 "This

  • might have been a case of the

  • parents may not have been paying

  • much

  • attention to the kids, I don't

  • know. But

  • we're still looking into that."

  • The accident happened

  • in an area that was completely

  • fenced in

  • and locked up. Officers stress

  • that

  • proves you can never be too

  • careful when

  • watching your children.

  • The little girl was taken to

  • Children's

  • Hospital, and at last check, she

  • was still

  • holding on, in critical

  • condition.

  • Reporting live Northwest

  • Oklahoma

  • City, Bree Steffen, KOCO 5 News.

All the crime tape and police


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

子供がプールで溺れそうになる (Child nearly drowns at swimming pool)

  • 104 4
    dress Nature に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日