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  • [Narrator]: These stories are the stuff of legend.

  • [Announcer]: Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis has left the building.

  • [Narrator]: Welcome to, and today were counting down our picks for the top ten most shocking myths in rock music.

  • [Kevin]: That was my best friend, Paul Pfeiffer. Paul was allergic to everything.

  • [Narrator]: It’s not as wild as the myth that says Marilyn Manson had ribs removed to facilitate oral sex on himself.

  • But picturing a young Brian Warner onThe Wonder Yearsis just as nutty.

  • [Kevin]: What? Are you crazy?

  • [Narrator]: Despite the stark contrast between the wholesome Paul Pfeiffer and the Antichrist Superstar’s image, it’s hard to deny the physical resemblances.

  • But, it’s actually Josh Saviano who played Kevin Arnold’s best friend, so put this rumor to rest.

  • [Paul]: Okay, maybe it's a dumb idea.

  • [Narrator]: Sometimes die-hard fans have trouble letting goespecially Elvis fans.

  • [Wadsworth]: On August 23rd in 1991 I saw Elvis Presley at Winesburg Inn in Clyde, Ohio.

  • [Narrator]: Inconsistencies on his death certificate caused some to suggest The King faked his death,

  • and tabloids are full of people who claim to have seen him in the flesh.

  • Fake death theories are also attached to Jim Morrison, since his body was never autopsied,

  • and Tupac, who keeps releasing new music that fans believe references future events.

  • Jimi was almost as famous for his drug use as he was for his guitar skills, so it’s not crazy to think he’d found a way to combine them.

  • Rumor has it the guitar great hid LSD under his bandanas while performing

  • and absorbed the acid through self-inflicted cuts in his forehead.

  • But that’s not all: the shady circumstances surrounding his death encouraged a persistent rumor that Hendrix was murdered.

  • Robert Johnson’s complex style made him a legend.

  • What’s also legendary is how the King of Mississippi Delta Blues allegedly got his skills:

  • by selling his soul to the Devil.

  • [Milhouse]: Why do you not sell your soul to me?

  • [Bart]: How much you got?

  • [Milhouse]: Five bucks.

  • [Bart]: Deal.

  • [Narrator]: Some point to his short life and songs likeMe and the Devilas proof, but others know it was natural talent and hard work.

  • Another musician who allegedly made a deal with the Devil?

  • Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page.

  • While this legend’s been attributed to Elton John, Alanis Morissette, LilKim and more,

  • it’s most famously connected to Rod Stewart.

  • The story goes that the Brit was *ahem* servicing a fleet of sailors

  • when he had to go to the hospital to get his stomach pumped of all the excess fluid.

  • Though the singer-songwriter maintains a fired assistant concocted this bogus tale, he’s still asked about it.

  • Amid KISS’s loud anthemic music, eye-catching costumes and onstage antics, Gene Simmons made tongue-wagging his signature move.

  • His appendage quickly caught the attention of fans (and groupies) for its unusual length.

  • And soon, stories spread that The Demon had a cow’s tongue attached to his own.

  • But don’t worry: it wasn’t true and it wasn’t possible.

  • Simmonstongue looked nothing like a cow’s and medicine wasn’t that advanced then anyway.

  • Years of substance abuse led Keith Richards to want a clean slate.

  • The solution? A blood purification procedure.

  • But his status as a member of The World’s Greatest Rock & Roll Band meant the media hounded him about it.

  • So he fabricated an outrageous tale claiming doctors changed his blood with a new supply.

  • Another Richards anecdote: The Stonesguitarist also said he snorted his father’s ashes.

  • [Interviewer]: You did in fact do it?

  • [Richards]: I ingested my ancestor, yes.

  • [Narrator]: The Beatles were the subject of many rumors, including one where they smoked up at Buckingham Palace.

  • After an American university paper said the Cute One died in a car crash and was replaced by a lookalike,

  • the story picked up steam with help from radio stations andcluesin the Fab Four’s lyrics and album art.

  • [McCartney]: So this started some rumor that because he was barefooted he's dead. *audience laughs* I couldn't see the connection!

  • [Narrator]: While he was in an accident, Macca’s alive and going strong today.

  • When a shotgun and note were found near Kurt Cobain’s lifeless body, most accepted the Nirvana frontman’s death as suicide.

  • But conspiracy theorists cried murder.

  • Journalists and filmmakers took this idea further by suggesting his wife Courtney Love was behind it all

  • see the El Duce interview inKurt & Courtney.”

  • [Interviewer]: You did some deal with Courtney, right?

  • [El Duce]: Yeah.

  • She offered me fifty grand to whack Kurt Cobain.

  • [Interviewer]: Yeah, I was telling this.

  • [Narrator]: However, most have concluded there isn’t enough evidence to support the murder claim.

  • As an incredible showman known for shocking theatrics, thePrince of Darknesswas used to animal carcasses on stage.

  • After all, theGodfather of heavy metalbit off a dove’s head during a CBS Records meeting.

  • But his fans probably thought he was bat-shit crazy when he bit a bat’s head off.

  • And make no mistake: this was no rubber toy and no myth.

  • [Osbourne]: I thought it was one of those Halloween rubber things, and I just bit into it, and it was a real bat.

  • [Narrator]: After the bat bit back, Ozzy was tested for rabies.

  • Do you agree with our list? What do you think is the most shocking rock myth?

  • Be sure to subscribe to for more entertaining top tens.

[Narrator]: These stories are the stuff of legend.


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衝撃的な音楽神話トップ10 (Top 10 Most Shocking Music Myths)

  • 189 12
    邱兆駿 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日