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  • Hey, Vsauce Michael here, and a couple of weeks ago,

  • Vice's new channel Noisey blind folded me,

  • the Gregory Brothers, about 200 other people,

  • and then bused us to a hidden skrillex show.

  • It was cool, but what is cool?

  • I mean, what does it mean to be cool?

  • Cool is a judgement of taste.

  • People who are cool are with it.

  • They exhibit a style people want to emulate, they're fashionable.

  • But being cool isn't just about confidence or being above the situation.

  • In fact, what is considered cool changes all the time.

  • Here's a fantastic illustration charting

  • by time and location what was generally considered cool.

  • To truly get the origin of what we today mean by cool,

  • we're going to have to go back to West Africa in the 15th Century.

  • The Yoruba language has a great word, itutu.

  • It means physical beauty, but also being calm

  • and detached from your circumstances,

  • almost unnaturally so

  • in a superhuman kind of way.

  • And a similar, more specific term comes from the Italian concept of sprezzatura.

  • This was a way of behaving favored by the wealthy upper class in 15th Century Italy.

  • And to exhibit this behavior,

  • you wanted to act nonchalant, even if doing so would take a lot of work.

  • You would hide your desires and emotions

  • behind ironic detachment.

  • But where can you see sprezzatura?

  • Well, how about herethe Mona Lisa.

  • She doesn't laugh. She's exercising restraint.

  • It almost feels like she's looking down on you, smugly.

  • Now, to make this more clear, let's take a look at a recent discovery, a painting,

  • that used to be thought of as a copy of the Mona Lisa made years and years later.

  • Except, recent restoration has shown that the very same mistakes and corrections

  • that DaVinci made on the original were also done on this painting,

  • leading restorers to believe that this painting

  • was made side by side with the actual Mona Lisa.

  • Look at her expression.

  • It's even more clear that she's looking at you like "Huh, really?"

  • "You think you're cool. Okay."

  • Related is the Italian concept of omerta.

  • This is keeping your cool and not telling the authorities anything about anybody.

  • It's the type of attitude you see in movies like Goodfellas or The Godfather.

  • But our modern definition of cool

  • may most directly come from slaves

  • and prisoners.

  • People in those positions are subjected to authority in a very direct way,

  • and any kind of rebellion against authority or fighting against it

  • is most certainly going to be answered with nothing but punishment and very little chance of success.

  • And so instead, an attitude of ironic detachment is taken on,

  • which allows you to distance yourself from that authority

  • to be away from it, against it without actively confronting it and getting in trouble.

  • Now, later on in the 1940s,

  • the actual word cool began to stick to this attitude.

  • it came out of the smoke filled nightclubs

  • where jazz, beatnik, and bohemian culture thrived.

  • The only way to freshen up that smoke filled air

  • was to open windows and let the cool

  • night air in.

  • Saxophonist Lester Young is credited with making this connection

  • and popularizing the use of the word cool,

  • even cooler is the fact that Lester also popularized the use of the word bread

  • to mean money. Well look at that, the sun has come out.

  • That's cool. It also means that it's a good time to talk about the brain.

  • Laurence Steinberg points out that there are systems in the brain that mature as we get older.

  • The first is the socioemotional network,

  • and this deal with social and emotional inputs.

  • Second is the cognitive control network.

  • This deals with regulating behavior and making ultimate decisions.

  • But these two networks do not mature at the same rate.

  • In fact, there's an awkward period in puberty and adolescence

  • where the social emotional network in our brain

  • is more active, and so, whether or not people

  • think you are cool matters more to you

  • than is reasonable.

  • So in a way, you could say that the less worried you are with

  • being cool, the more developed your brain is.

  • Instead, focus on vocabulary.

  • The only thing that doesn't change, the only coolness that doesn't fade

  • is coolthe word.

  • Over the years, we have used all kinds of other words

  • to mean cool, but the one that has never changed, the one that has always been cool to use

  • is cool.

  • And that's cool. Go check out that skrillex concert footage.

  • Noisey is the channel that uploaded that new MIA video

  • as well as MIAs responses to YouTube comments.

  • And according to this guy, fat people shouldn't be making music.

  • All I know is, as always, thanks for watching.

Hey, Vsauce Michael here, and a couple of weeks ago,


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クールとは何か? (What is Cool?)

  • 264 9
    Jack に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日