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  • I'd like to introduce you to Bobby. Now, Bobby is an autonomous Audi RS7 and that means he

  • can drive himself. We've come to the Ascari racing circuit here in Spain to see if autonomous

  • Bobby can go round the track faster than I can when I'm driving a normal RS7. Hopefully

  • he can't because, if he can, it's going to be a little bit embarrassing for me. Just

  • like a normal RS7, Bobby has a 4.0-litre twin-turbo V8 with 560 horsepower. However, he is also

  • fitted with radars, cameras, specialist GPS to sense where he is on the track, with a

  • small computer in his boot decides how to steer, brake and accelerate to follow the

  • racing line at the optimum speed. Clever technology, but surely not as clever as human. To find

  • out, I went out first in a normal RS7 to see how fast I could lap Ascari. The time for

  • Bobby to beat is two minutes, 12.5 seconds. So, could he do it? I was about to go for

  • the most unusual passenger ride of my life. So Klaus, the car is driving driving itself,

  • we're coming to first chicane here and you're not going to do anything. I don't know why

  • I'm putting my hands up! So I should point out that Klaus is here for mainly legal reasons

  • because, if something was to go wrong, we need a human to be there to be in charge of

  • the vehicle. He's doing absolutely nothing. As you can see he's not using his hands on

  • the wheel at all and I can assure you his feet aren't touching the pedals either. They're

  • not, are they Klaus? This is a very surreal experience. So, what I'm going to do to prove

  • that Klaus isn't doing anything, I'm going to hand him my camera phone and he's going

  • to take a selfie of us as we go down this straight. So we're going to go down here maybe

  • around 100mph down this straight and we're doing a selfie. I'm going to post this to

  • my Facebook page, there we go, and if you just dab that button there we can post it.

  • So that's now uploaded to my Facebook which Klaus did while we're going round a track

  • at quite a lot of speed and if you go to my Facebook page you should be able to see my

  • selfie there. This is most unusual, Klaus. Not for you, it's your day job to do this

  • - normally I'm doing the driving. We're trusting Bobby. He's got very good lines actually.

  • See how he takes this apex. It's those really tight corners that are the most impressive

  • - can he nail this apex? Yeah - well done Bobby, smashed it. That's awesome that bit

  • where it's slowing down and you can feel the car squirming and it's controlling it. And

  • there we go, that was our lap wasn't it? So you are in full control of Bobby now, aren't

  • you? It's driving like a normal car. I think you'll probably agree with me, that was quite

  • impressive. In the end Bobby logged a lap time of 2 minute, 14.6 seconds, so not quite

  • as quick as me. But not far off. I can't say I've ever experienced that before. Well Klaus

  • that was really interesting with the car driving itself like that, but it's quite an impressive

  • thing the way it even counter steers if it wants to - quite surprised how capable it

  • is out there. Hopefully it's not going to be as fast asThat's a little bit odd, has

  • it ever done that before? It's never done this before. It appears that Bobby's gone

  • off for a lap on its own, obviously wants to have a bit more fun. That's a bit strange.

  • Audi says the technology in Bobby will be available in road cars by the end of the decade,

  • but don't worry, it doesn't want to create driverless taxis like Google does. The idea

  • will be to put the car in autonomous mode for the boring bits of the journey like driving

  • on the motorway or finding a parking space, but the human will be able to take over when

  • they want to have some fun. Sounds like a good idea to me.

I'd like to introduce you to Bobby. Now, Bobby is an autonomous Audi RS7 and that means he


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B1 中級

自動運転のアウディRS7が私たちをドライブに連れて行ってくれます。 (Self-driving Audi RS7 takes us for a ride)

  • 601 12
    Kwum Sing Ho に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日