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  • 2014 was an impressive year for the Korean economy across a number of sectors, including

  • foreign direct investment. Thanks to government efforts to attract foreign

  • investors and new free trade deals, Seoul is hoping to top last year′s record this

  • year. Song Ji-sun has the details.

  • Seoul proved to be an attractive investment destination for foreign investors last year,...

  • thanks to a wider network of free trade deals and government support for direct investment.

  • According to the trade ministry,... total foreign direct investment came to 19 billion

  • dollars last year,... up more than 30 percent from a year earlier and topping the previous

  • record set in 2012. By region, investment from China soared nearly

  • 150 percent to 1-point-2 billion dollars. China′s investment portfolio was diverse

  • as well,... ranging from resort complexes to cultural contents and fashion.

  • Investment from the U.S. also edged up, reflecting the economic recovery there,... but the amount

  • from Japan shrunk due to the weakening Japanese yen.

  • Foreign direct investment rose across all sectors from manufacturing to services, especially

  • in parts production and business consulting. The trade ministry said an easing of regulations,

  • coupled with a boost in investment sentiment following recent FTAs,... encouraged foreign

  • investors to increase their input in Korea. Seoul is now looking to top the 20 billion

  • dollar mark in foreign direct investment in 2015.

  • Song Ji-sun, Arirang News.

2014 was an impressive year for the Korean economy across a number of sectors, including


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B1 中級

韓国へのFDIは2014年に過去最高を記録 2014년 외국인직접투자사상 최고 실적 달성 (FDI to Korea hits record high in 2014 2014년 외국인직접투자 사상 최고 실적 달성)

  • 47 2
    Max Tsai に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日