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  • St Petersburg lies around 400 miles to the Northwest of Moscow

  • Nestled on the Neva River,

  • it spreads out from its banks and

  • across a series of islands that lie within the river delta.

  • With a wealth of extravagant palaces,

  • breathtaking cathedrals and magnificent gardens,

  • St Petersburg is truly Russia’s Imperial city.

  • Its grandiose architecture and picturesque canals

  • were born from the glittering ambition of

  • Peter the Great early in the 18th century,

  • and progressively gilded by generations of Russian royalty

  • Over the centuries, this dynasty sought to create

  • a city to rival the greatest cities of Europe,

  • and as you step onto the cobblestone streets here,

  • youll discover they succeeded.

  • Most visitors start their adventures

  • right in the heart of historic St Petersburg.

  • Palace Square is dominated by the Alexander Column and is home to the Winter Palace.

  • This monumental palace is a legacy of Catherine the Great

  • and was designed to reflect the might and power of Imperial Russia.

  • Experience some of the country’s most extravagant architecture

  • by strolling along Nevsky Prospect, the city’s main avenue.

  • During St Petersburg’s construction,

  • Peter the Great banned the use of stone elsewhere in Russia

  • so wealth and talent poured into the city.

  • Visit the Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood,

  • with its extraordinary mosaics

  • and Kazan Cathedral, another architectural gem.

  • Further along the river is St Isaac’s cathedral,

  • whose gold plated dome has been glittering under Russia’s sun

  • for more than 100 years.

  • Climb to the top for superb views over the city.

  • St Petersburg was also important strategically as it gave Russia

  • a year-round gateway to the Baltic Sea.

  • Admire the golden spire of the Admiralty building

  • where more than 10,000 tradesmen toiled around the clock

  • to create Russia’s first warships.

  • Just across the river is the Peter and Paul Fortress,

  • St Petersburg’s original citadel.

  • The cathedral here is the oldest church in the city

  • and the final resting place of many Russian Emperors and Empresses.

  • The days of Imperial Russia may be over

  • but the echoes of treachery and intrigue still resonate in regal estates all over the city.

  • Take a hydrofoil to the sumptuous Peterhof Palace and Gardens complex

  • which was created to rival the Palace of Versailles in France.

  • Stand before the shimmering waters of the Great Cascade,

  • a triumph of engineering with more than 60 fountains runing entirely without pumps.

  • To the South East of the city is the Catherine Palace,

  • its roof gilded with more than 100 kilograms of gold.

  • Back in the heart of the city, visit the Summer Palace and Gardens.

  • Imagine the extravagant balls that were once held here

  • and see where Tsar Peter planned the graceful canal system

  • that spreads throughout the city’s many islands.

  • These elegant waterways, crossed by over 300 bridges,

  • are the perfect compliment to the city’s soaring spires.

  • As the sun sets, take a canal cruise to discover the romance of St Petersburg at night.

  • Pass through a network of draw-bridges

  • on a journey that shows the true scale of Peter the Great’s vision.

  • Romantic, opulent and spectacular,

  • St Petersburg is a glittering testament to Russia’s royal history

  • and a celebration of the power of one man’s dream

St Petersburg lies around 400 miles to the Northwest of Moscow


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サンクトペテルブルク ビデオ旅行ガイド|エクスペディア (St. Petersburg Video Travel Guide | Expedia)

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    swtso に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日