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  • [YouTube Rewind 2015 plays]

  • Hey dude, come on!

  • Why did you do that?

  • it was just about to start.

  • I know!

  • Can you guys stop watching that thing and help me with this?

  • Oh come on man, we just wanted to see your part.

  • I didn't even do it this year, remember?

  • What...why not?

  • We were filming something at that time, remember?

  • I think it was the um...oh the cardboard video.

  • You turn down YouTube Rewind to play with cardboard?

  • Oh yeah...that video took SO long.

  • Heh...yeah. We are never doing stop-motion EVER again.

  • Well, the basketball trick shot video took just as long.

  • Yeah, we are NOT doing that either.

  • From now on,

  • We are not doing anymore videos that take a long time to make.

  • *sigh* Thank goodness.

  • Then...what are we gonna do?

  • I don't know!

  • That's why I'm asking you guys to help me out here.

  • wait...

  • What if we did our own version of YouTube Rewind?

  • What...?

  • Yeah...actually!

  • YouTube Rewind is just showing all the biggest videos and trends of the year.

  • We can do that!

  • Yeah, but with the really high production value,

  • AND a bunch of YouTubers making cameos

  • How are we supposed to do that?

  • We can't.

  • But you know what we CAN do?

  • A really crappy version of it

  • with no cameos from other YouTubers, just me!

  • [gasps] [claps]

  • AND we'll call it YouTube ReRyan!!

  • heh?!

  • BOOM

  • [claps excitedly]

  • I love it! I love it.

  • I love it

  • Didn't you just say that you weren't gonna make videos that take a long time?

  • Stop living in the past, Derek.

  • That was 15 seconds ago.

  • Alright, let's talk about the past now.

  • If we're gonna do this, we have to think about all the biggest trends that happened this year...

  • ...ending with the biggest.

  • So if we work backwards...

  • What was the biggest trend that happened this year?

  • I would say...Adele.

  • Adele?

  • Yeah. She was one of the biggest things this year.

  • I don't recall.

  • Oh, I think he means a Dell computer, right?

  • What? No!

  • No, Derek, Dell computers were not a big thing this year.

  • I know, I'm talking about Adele. The singer?

  • Her album? Her song? Hello?

  • Hi!

  • Oh, her?

  • Yeah, I mean I guess she's up and coming,

  • but I wouldn't end the whole video with her.

  • What are you talking about? She broke records this year.

  • Over a million sales in a week?

  • 27 million views in a day?

  • Did YouTube Rewind do something about her?

  • No


  • Fine. What ideas do you guys have then?

  • What about the pizza rat video?

  • That was relevant for like a week.

  • Oh! The girl throwing the shovel.

  • That wasn't even this year!

  • Hitting the quan.

  • No...I still think Adele's bigger.

  • Iphone 5.

  • That was like 2 years ago.

  • I mean 5S.

  • Okay, I got you...Hotline Bling!

  • By Drake.

  • Okay, that's actually a decent one.

  • See? I told you Adele wasn't the biggest thing.

  • No, I still think Adele's album is just as big.

  • Look, even if they were equal, who's gonna pick Adele over Drake?

  • Well, it's either Adele or Drake, and there's two options.

  • There's three of us.

  • Yeah, so?

  • Let's take a vote.

  • Fine! I vote for Drake.

  • Fine. I vote Adele.

  • What about planking?

  • Wut

  • Planking! It was huge! Everybody did it.

  • *sigh* well he does have a point.

  • (frustrated) That was 5 years ago!

  • Welp, now we have three options, so we can't vote.

  • What are you talking about? That's not even an option!

  • You know what let's just forget the ending for now,

  • Let's just go back to the beginning. What are we starting with?

  • Well, what other things happened this year?

  • *sigh* I don't even remember.

  • Uh...can we just watch YouTube Rewind and write down all the trends that they did?

  • Is this some kind of joke to you, Derek?

  • Wut

  • We are NOT gonna copy ANYTHING that YouTube Rewind did.

  • I didn't say copy...

  • I was just saying that we--

  • This isn't YouTube Rewind Derek, okay?

  • This is YouTube...ReRYAN.

  • Got it?

  • I GOT IT

  • What if...

  • ...we started with that skeleton video...

  • ...and have it dancing just like YouTube Rewind did?

  • Yeah...

  • Yeah, if YouTube Rewind did that

  • It must be a good idea, right?

  • Yeah, that's exactly how we're gonna start it!

  • 'Is it black and blue or white and gold??'

  • "why you always lyin'"

  • "Hitting the quan"



  • Wait, don't do it?


  • You shut up.





  • [screams]


  • [Watch Me Whip - Silento]

  • [Splash]

  • UGH

  • AND NOW THE 2015



  • [Hotline Bling - Drake]

  • That's what you ended with?

  • You did all that and you ended with planking?

  • Yeah! What do you think?

  • Yeah, it was alryan.

  • Yeah, it did kinda feel like the ending was missing something, huh?

  • Obviously, you didn't even mention Adele once.

  • You really love Adele huh?

  • No, but if you're gonna show the biggest trend of 2015,

  • how are you not gonna show the biggest person--

  • FINE, I'll just do it okay?

  • If it'll finally make you happy, I'll do it.

  • Yes, it will!

  • Okay then, may I?

  • This is the biggest trend of 2015.

  • [Hello - Adele]




[YouTube Rewind 2015 plays]


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A2 初級

YouTube ReRyan! (YouTube ReRyan!)

  • 64 9
    Jerry shiu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日