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  • Images are the native language of the imagination.

  • This is why most people don't dream in text.

  • Now making images is not only an art

  • but a visual form of communication

  • that it's rich and is complex as written language.

  • The most fundamental way to make an image is to draw one.

  • Now I've drawn for my entire life

  • I've taught thousands of people to draw

  • and I am convinced that drawing is a skill

  • that is as essential as literacy and numeracy.

  • Now specifically I'm talking about observational drawing,

  • which means to observe something

  • and draw an accurate representation of it.

  • Observational drawing is more of a science than an art.

  • It requires learning how three dimensional

  • forms occupy space,

  • how they interact with light,

  • and demands that every attribute of the subject

  • be analyzed and recorded.

  • Now people often assume that

  • a good drawing is accurate from it start

  • but this is absolutely not the case.

  • The first lines of a drawing are rarely accurate,

  • so they're drawn lightly

  • often so lightly they're hardly visible.

  • Light lines can be drawn, evaluated

  • and redrawn as many times as necessary

  • in order to arrive at an accurate representation.

  • This means that drawing trains our minds

  • to view our mistakes

  • as an essential part of a process.

  • Too often people experience a sense of

  • shame regarding their mistakes,

  • but imagine what might have been different in your life

  • had your mistakes in any area been viewed as normal, temporary,

  • and holding vital clues your eventual success.

  • Now in addition to being fundamental to drawing

  • this is also the mindset that is crucial for innovation to occur.

  • The ability to innovate is essential

  • in a global economy

  • where almost anything to be commoditized

  • except the process of innovation.

  • In fact new ideas only occur when we take risks

  • and our failures become productive.

  • Drawing habituates that thought process

  • and bearing it in mind is a perfectly

  • natural way of finding solutions.

  • Now I often hear people say

  • that drawing doesn't have a practical use outside of art design

  • and I actually agree with one addendum,

  • if you're a human you're a designer.

  • To design is to analyze and solve problems.

  • Limiting ourselves to words and numbers

  • leaves a gap on our problems solving skill set.

  • Human beings have a powerful imagination

  • that when tempered with a design process

  • can solve almost any problem.

  • Drawing is a tool that allows us to visually tap into that imagination

  • and extract ideas so they can be developed.

  • Drawing when combined with language and mathematics

  • offers a complete set of tools

  • for solving and exploring creative challenges,

  • as well as communicating those solutions to others.

  • Now in almost every drawing class I've ever taught

  • there are students who are convinced that they can't learn to draw

  • because they're not talented.

  • The whole concept of talent is that of a skill-based aristocracy,

  • that if we're not born into we're doomed to mediocrity.

  • This idea create a dangerous mental block to human capacity.

  • Fortunately researchers are proving that mastering any field

  • depends much more on passion and practice that innate ability.

  • Just like language and mathematics drawing can be taught

  • and while you're learning how to draw,

  • you may begin to wonder

  • what else you are capable up

  • to use to assume required talent.

  • There is a sense that people often get

  • when viewing an old drawing

  • that it was done because the camera

  • had not yet been invented.

  • But the act of drawing is much closer to solving a mathematical equation

  • than taking a photograph.

  • Drawing is an active way of engaging reality

  • of observing, analyzing and recording it

  • with the possibility of reimagining it.

  • 40% of our brain is devoted to processing visual information,

  • that's more than all over other senses combined,

  • but most people never gain the conscious understanding

  • of how to communicate visually through an image based language

  • which is a universal language.

  • Now in my own life, drawing is how I've made sense of the world,

  • to borrow from thorough drawing is always been my way

  • of driving life into a corner and reducing it down.

  • I would encourage everyone

  • to participate in this fundamental human experience.

  • I'm calling for a widespread visual literacy,

  • whether it's on paper, tablet or any other form of technology,

  • visual literacy begins with drawing.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

Images are the native language of the imagination.


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TEDx】絵を描くことを学んだことが、私の生き方を教えてくれました。TEDxEurekaでのブレント・エビストン (【TEDx】How Learning to Draw Has Taught Me How to Live: Brent Eviston at TEDxEureka)

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    Tu Howard に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日