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The gap between the very richest and the rest of us is getting bigger.
A common belief is that it's good for us all if a small group of people earn an enormous amount of money.
The theory is that their wealth trickles down to the rest of us.
But this is a myth.
In reality, money is sucked up from all of us in to the pockets of a very small group of people.
How does this happen?
One reason is the way that money is created.
1 つの理由として、お金が生み出される方法です。
Right now, almost all of the money in our economy is created by banks when they make loans.
Now most people assume that when banks make loans, they are lending out someone else's savings.
But they are not.
Instead, when somebody takes out a loan, banks create new money electronically, by typing numbers in to their account.
97 % of all of the money in our economy is created in this way, as people take out loans from banks.
人々が融資を受ける中、経済の中の 97% のお金はこの方法で生み出されます。
The more loans people take, the more debt there is, and the more money there is.
The shocking fact is, if nobody went into debt, there would be almost no money in the economy.
Our economy depends on the electronic money created by banks.
But because the money is created when people borrow, someone, somewhere, has to pay interest on every pound created.
In effect, we are renting the money we need to run our economy from the banks.
This means that in the UK alone, together we pay the banks £192 million in interest every single day.
ということは、イギリスだけで、私たちは銀行に 1 億 9200 万(ポンド)の利子を毎日払っていることになります。
And because the debt is held mostly by the bottom 90% and wealth mostly by the top 10%, paying this interest transfers money from the bottom 90% of the population to the very top 10%.
債務のほとんどは下層の 90% の人々が抱え、富のほとんどは上層の 10% の人々が持つので、この利子を払うことでお金は下層の 90% から上層の 10% に流れます。
It sucks wealth and income from the rest of us up to the very lucky few.
So as long as we have to rent the money we use from the banks that create it, we'll have to keep paying this huge interest bill.
And the gap between the richest and the rest of us will keep increasing.
But there are ways to create money that don't depend on us all going into debt to the banks.
We want to see money created by a public body and spent into the economy, so that we don't have to borrow all of the money we need from the banks.
This would lead to less debt, and stop the gap between the richest and the rest of us getting even bigger.
This is what we're campaigning for.
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