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  • Hi. I'm Rebecca from engVid. In this lesson, you'll have a chance to learn 10 idioms that

  • have to do with day and night. Okay? So let's get started.

  • Number one: "He's getting stronger day by day." Okay? So you see the idiom is written

  • in red, so the idiom is "day by day". So, what does that mean: "He's getting stronger

  • day by day"? It means as each day passes, he is getting stronger. So, "day by day" means

  • as each day passes. All right.

  • Number two: "Thanks! You really made my day." So the idiom there is "made my day". Okay?

  • So, what does it mean when you say to somebody: "Hey, you really made my day"? This is a very

  • positive thing to say to somebody. It means you really made me very happy today, because

  • you did something for me. Okay? So you can see the person is saying: "Thanks!" Thanks

  • for calling, or thanks for your present, or thanks for that very kind thing you did for

  • me, and as a result: "You really made my day." You made me very happy. Okay.

  • Number three: "Okay, let's call it a day." All right?

  • "Okay", or: "Okay, guys, let's call it a day."

  • Now, this is often used at work. Okay? So when you say: "Let's call it

  • a day", it means let's stop working for the day. Let's finish working for the day, or

  • let's finish our work day. All right? "Let's call it a day" means let's not do any more

  • work today. All right? Sometimes a slight variation on that is: "Let's call it a night."

  • That also means let's not do anything more tonight. Okay? But if you finish... If you

  • want to say to stop working and it's still daytime, then you will probably say:

  • "Let's call it a day." Okay?

  • Number four: "One of these days, I'll be rich!" Okay? Probably all of us say that. So,

  • "one of these days", it means sometime in the future, someday, one day-I hope-I'll be rich. Okay?

  • All right.

  • Number five: "John's a night owl." Okay? So, what does that mean? How can John be an owl?

  • Okay? What's a night owl? So, a night owl... Sometimes instead of "night owl", they also

  • say "night person". Okay, so basically, in life we have day people and night people.

  • And the day people like to get up early, and they like to do things in the day and they're

  • very efficient in the day; and the night people really love the night, and they function better

  • at night, and they enjoy the night, and they prefer the night. And that's what a night

  • person is, and that's what a night owl is.

  • A person like that who prefers the night is called a night owl. Okay?

  • So, are you a day person or a night person? Are you a night owl? Okay.

  • Number six: "The baby was crying all night long." So, if you've had a baby or you know

  • any babies, you probably understand this anyway, and it means that the baby was crying the

  • whole night; the entire night; all night long. It means through the whole night. Okay? Of

  • course it's a bit of an exaggeration, but you know, probably those parents were very

  • tired when they said that. Okay.

  • Number seven: "They're a fly by night operation." Okay? So now here, when they're talking about

  • "they", they're probably referring to a company. All right? And when you say they're a fly

  • by night operation, it is not a compliment; it is not something good. It is, in fact,

  • something very negative. It means that that company is a dishonest company, they are not

  • trustworthy. Okay? You can't trust them. Don't do business with them. They're here today,

  • they've gone tomorrow. Don't give them your money. Don't trust them. It's a fly by night

  • operation. Okay? That's what it means. Okay.

  • Number eight: "We enjoyed a night on the town." This is something positive. "A night on the

  • town" is when people go out to celebrate something, they go out eating and drinking, and dancing

  • maybe, listening to music. Having a lot of fun, going out at night. Okay? Have you had

  • a night on the town lately? Okay.

  • Number nine... Now we have expressions which have the words "day" and "night". The first

  • four, in case you noticed, the first four idioms had the word "day", the next four idioms

  • had the word "night", and the last two have both "day" and "night". Let's read them.

  • Number nine: "She looks after her mother day and night.",

  • "She looks after her mother day and night." It means

  • around the clock; all the time. Okay? In the day, and also in the

  • night. Day and night. It means around the clock. Okay?

  • And the last one: "My sister and I are as different as night and day." So the idiom

  • here is "as different as night and day", it means completely different. Just like the

  • night is very different from the day, this expression means that you're talking about

  • two people or two things which are as different as night and day, which are completely different.

  • Okay?

  • So, let's do a little review, see how well you remember them. What does it mean if I

  • say: "Let's call it a day"?

  • It means let's stop working. Okay? Good.

  • If you enjoy a night on the town, what did you do?

  • You went out celebrating, eating, drinking, dancing, having fun. Good.

  • Okay. If you're getting stronger day by day, it means

  • every day, one day after the other, as each day passes, you're getting stronger.

  • Day by day. Or you're getting better day by day.

  • Or sometimes if you meet a little child and you haven't seen him in a long time,

  • and you think he's become very big now, you say:

  • "Wow, you're just getting bigger day by day."

  • Okay? Usually people say these kind of cute things to children.

  • Okay, so if it's a... If somebody tells you: "That company is a fly by night operation",

  • do you think you should do business with them?

  • Nope, because it means that... "A fly by night operation" means that...

  • What? It's a company you cannot trust. They are dishonest.

  • All right. Now, if I say to you: "You made my day. Thanks so much." what does it mean?

  • It means you made me very happy today. Okay.

  • And if somebody looks after somebody else day and night...

  • Or let's say something else: "He studies day and night."

  • What does it mean, "He studies day and night"?

  • It means he studies around the clock; all the time. Okay? Good.

  • All right, if somebody's a night owl, what do they like? They like the night. They'd

  • prefer the night to the day, and they probably function better at night. All right? And if

  • somebody... If two people or two things are as different as night and day,

  • it means they are what?

  • Completely different. Good. What's left, here? Okay, so if you... So let's say

  • you say people... They were partying all night long. It means? "All night long" means what?

  • That it was... They were partying the entire night. The full night. And:

  • "One of these days", what does that mean?

  • "One of these days, I'll be rich. One of these days, I'll be famous."

  • It means? Sometime in the future. Okay?

  • So, there you go. Four ex-... Four idioms with "day", four idioms with "night", and

  • two with "day" and "night". If you'd like to do some more practice on this, please go

  • to our website: There you can do a quiz on this, and also watch over

  • 700 other videos on improving your English.

  • And don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

  • Bye for now, and good luck with your English.

Hi. I'm Rebecca from engVid. In this lesson, you'll have a chance to learn 10 idioms that


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A1 初級

英語のDAY & NIGHTイディオムを知っていますか? (Do you know these DAY & NIGHT idioms in English?)

  • 138 44
    彬 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日