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  • Hi, my name is Dan Willingham.

  • I'm a cognitive psychologist and neuroscientist, and I'm also a professor at the University of Virginia.

  • I'm going to talk to you today about learning styles and how cognitive psychologists know....that they don't exist

  • Now the basic idea of learning styles seems to make a lot of sense.

  • The idea is that different people have different ways of learning

  • so if you can teach in way that's consistent with a student's style, he or she should learn better.

  • There have been lots of these proposals over the years, like verbalizers versus visualisers

  • or analytic vs non-analytic thinkers...

  • I'm going to talk about what is the best known: visual vs auditory vs. kinesthetic

  • ...but what I'm going to say about this theory really goes for all the others too.

  • So what are learning styles theories?

  • The idea is that the way that information is organized

  • or the way that you think about it

  • matters in how easily you understand or learn it.

  • Suppose you're building a new house and you're trying to give your friend a sense of what it will be like.

  • A visual learner will understand best by seeing a plan...

  • an auditory learner by listening to a description of the house,

  • and kinesthetic learners need to move, so your kinesthetic friend might build a model.

  • The theory says that anyone can learn in any of the three ways

  • so the mostly visual person can still learn auditorily or kinesthetically,

  • and likewise for the mostly kinesthetic person.

  • But the brain doesn't work that way.

  • It is true that you can store memories in any of those three formats.

  • Suppose I ask you "What is the shape of a German Shepard's ears?"

  • Most people say that they look at a visual mental image when they answer that question.

  • And there is good evidence that you do indeed store that information visually.

  • Or if I ask "Who has a deeper voice, your best friend or your boss?"

  • You will sort of listen in your mind's ear, and those sounds are stored auditorily.

  • Kinesthesia is a little trickier, but it works the same way.

  • Movements that you know really well, like riding a bicycle or tying shoelaces

  • will be stored kinesthetically.

  • And yes, it's probably true that some people have clearer, vivid images

  • and some have weak, undetailed images.

  • Almost any characteristic of people is going to vary, whether it's height, or weight, or visual memory

  • so in that sense, some people are good visual thinkers.

  • Okay, so that's the scientific background

  • and it sort of sounds like the theory is right, right?

  • Let me tell you what's wrong.

  • Think about what the theory ought to predict.

  • Here's a visual learner and here's an auditory learner

  • Suppose I give each of them two lists of words to learn

  • for one list I read it aloud--auditory presentation...

  • and for another list I show a series of slides--visual presentation

  • Later, everybody gets a test

  • The prediction is straightforward

  • Visual learners should learn the slides better than the words

  • And the auditory learners should learn the words better than the slides

  • Lots of people have done that experiment, and that's not the result you get.

  • The thing is, you don't learn the words visually or auditorily.

  • Actually, an auditory test would be about what the particular sound of the voice was, the auditory quality.

  • For example, did you hear [high-pitched voice] "shell" or [low-pitched voice] "shell."

  • And a visual test would be for the particular visual qualities of the slides, what they actually look like.

  • When you just ask people to remember the words you're really asking them to remember meaning,

  • not sound or visual information.

  • And in fact, most of what teachers want students to learn is not visual or auditory or kinesthetic information

  • it's meaning-based.

  • For example, you know what the word "opera" means. For you, that's a meaning-based representation.

  • And the meaning is independent of whether you learned the meaning by first seeing opera

  • or hearing an aria.

  • Most of what's in your head, especially what you learned at school, is meaning-based.

  • So you might think "Okay, but the visual, auditory, kinesthetic idea is right *some* of the time...

  • when teachers want students to learn things that are *not* meaning-based."

  • It's true, sometimes students might learn things that are essentially visual, like the shape of countries on a map

  • Or something that's essentially auditory, like a correct French accent.

  • But notice what the theory's prediction would be.

  • The prediction of the theory is not simply that people with good auditory memory will be better at learning auditory stuff than people with average auditory memory

  • No one would argue with that.

  • The prediction is that an auditory learner is always going to learn better if you present things auditorily.

  • Because that's supposed to be his or her best modality.

  • Well, that's pretty obviously silly, you're not going to try to come up with an auditory presentation of the shape of Chad.

  • Everybody needs to see it.

  • Okay, let me summarize what I've said so far.

  • It's true that some people have a better visual memory than other people.

  • And other people are better at learning auditory material than other people are.

  • But that fact isn't really all that important for teachers because most of what teachers want students to learn

  • is not particularly visual or auditory or kinesthetic. Most of what teachers want teachers to learn is based on meaning.

  • The second point concerns the particular prediction of the theory.

  • The important prediction of the theory is not that some people have better visual memory than other people.

  • The prediction is that those people with good visual memory will always learn better if you present things visually.

  • But that idea is clearly wrong.

  • When you've got something you want students to learn that's especially visual, like the shape of a country

  • everybody needs to see a visual presentation, not just those people who have good visual memory.

  • Ok, so if the theory is wrong, as I'm claiming, why does it seem so right?

  • One reason is that everyone believes it.

  • And not just teachers. The theory is accepted by about 90% of the students at the University of Virginia.

  • The second reason people believe it is that something close to the theory *is* right.

  • People can learn in different ways, and some people are good at learning certain types of information.

  • But the specific predictions of the theory and the way that you would apply it in the classroom

  • are wrong.

  • A third reason this theory seems right is that if you already believe it

  • you'll probably interpret ambiguous situations as consistent with the theory.

  • For example suppose you're talking to a student about the structure of the atom

  • but it's not really clicking.

  • Finally, you say "picture the solar system. The nucleus of the atom is like the sun

  • and the electrons are like the planets spinning around it.

  • The student understands, and you think "Aha. He must be a visual learner."

  • But maybe that was just a good analogy that would have helped any student.

  • Or maybe the student needed just one more example for the idea to click.

  • Why the student understood at that point is actually ambiguous.

  • But if you already believe the theory, you're likely to interpret what happened as being consistent with it.

  • Remember, there are many theories of learning styles

  • visual auditory kinesthetic is just one.

  • But what I've said about that theory goes for the others too.

  • Good teaching is good teaching

  • and teachers don't need to adjust it to individual students learning styles.

Hi, my name is Dan Willingham.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

学習スタイルは存在しない (Learning Styles Don't Exist)

  • 139 10
    Chih-wei Kao に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日