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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Welcome to Final Cut Pro X in under 5 minutes. I’m Steve from In this

  • episode, I am going to show you how to quickly batch rename your clips making it easy to

  • identify and locate them.

  • Here’s a project I’ve been working on of an diving trip I recently took in the Caribbean.

  • Some keyword collections have been created for general organization, but the clips themselves

  • maintain their original camera-assigned names. I could name each one individually by clicking

  • on the name field and entering a new name, but it’s clearly not an efficient use of

  • time. A faster method is to batch rename these clips using the Inspector. With the clips

  • you want to rename selected, press Command-4, then click the info button.

  • Enter your custom name into the name field, and press Return. In the Browser all your

  • clips are renamed. While this method is fast, it has the obvious drawback of assigning the

  • identical name to each clip. So what can we do about that? Well, we can use a naming preset

  • to append a discreet number to the end of each clip’s name, so they can be uniquely

  • identified. With the clips I want to modify selected, I’ll choose > New from the Naming

  • Presets pop up menu. A window appears with an Untitled preset. I’ll rename itCurrent

  • Name with Counter”. The rules for how the naming preset will be applied are defined

  • by these blue tokens. Here we see that a token has already been assigned to this preset that

  • will use the current name of the clip. So, if I’ve already renamed my clips in the

  • Browser as I did earlier, this preset will not overwrite it with a different one. To

  • edit a preset, simply drag additional tokens into the format field. I’ll drag the counter

  • token into format field next to the current name token. Additionally, you can add hyphens

  • or other characters between the tokens to customize them even further. In the lower

  • section of the window, you can choose how many digits you want appended to your name.

  • I’ll leave this set at the default and click OK. Now all that’s needed is to apply the

  • preset. In the Browser, I’ll select all the clips that earlier I renamedsponge,”

  • then choose the naming preset from the naming preset menu. Now, incrementing numbers are

  • appended to them so that each clip’s name is unique. Click the Subscribe button below,

  • if you have an idea, comment, or suggestions leave those below as well. Go to

  • for fast, professional training on Final Cut Pro X, Motion, and DaVinci Resolve from industry

  • professionals.

Welcome to Final Cut Pro X in under 5 minutes. I’m Steve from In this


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Final Cut Pro Xを5分以内でクリップの名前を一括変更する (Final Cut Pro X in Under 5 Minutes: Batch Renaming Clips)

  • 36 5 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日