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  • Anping old settlement, after ruled by the Dutch, 安平舊聚落經歷荷蘭

  • Ming Jheng, Cing Dynasty, Japan, and the government after Civil War, 明鄭 清朝 日本與戰後的政府

  • in the past 300 years, 三百多年來

  • has accumulated different cultural landscapes 累積不同文化背景所建設的樣貌

  • and developed diverse cultures. 形成文化復合的聚落

  • From trading companies to historical streets and buildings, 從洋行、老街及建築

  • we are able to witness the prosperity of Anping in the past. 可見安平曾是人聲鼎沸的熱鬧商城

  • Landscapes mixed with Dutch, Japanese, Fujian, and Taiwanese style 巷弄間交錯著荷蘭、日本、閩式及臺灣的樣貌

  • present the symphony of historical architecture. 彷彿演奏歷史建築的交響曲

  • Let’s visit Anping old settlement with us. 透過鏡頭一起探訪安平舊聚落

  • There are three main historical streets in Anping. 安平老街基本上他有三條

  • Yanping Street is at the south border. 比較南邊的叫延平街

  • During Cing Dynasty, 清朝時代

  • Many goods were shipped from Anping to Xiamen. 很多貿易由安平到廈門

  • When vessels were about to return to Anping, 當廈門要回安平的時候

  • owners were afraid of ship sinking. 怕遇到黑水溝的時候 船會翻覆

  • They thus bought many stone plates in Xiamen 所以在廈門地方就買了很多的石板

  • to make vessels more stable. 當作壓艙石

  • After arriving in Anping, 到了安平之後

  • these stone plates were placed on Yanping St. 這些壓艙石就撲在延平街上

  • Yanping St., thus, in the early time was named Stone Plate St. 所以延平街早期又叫石板街

  • In the early time, in Anping, 早期安平無論食衣住行育樂

  • life articles, gifts, and groceries could be purchased on Yanping St. 所需要的物品 雜貨都在延平街上購買

  • Yanping St. was also calledShi Zai St.” 因此延平街又稱成「市仔街」

  • In Anping, when a person passes away, 安平人在往生的時候

  • this street will be used to the funeral ceremony, 要告別安平都要經過這條街

  • indicating everything about that person has been settled. 接受大眾的蓋棺論定

  • In Taiwanese, the street is referred to as theCommentary St.” 台語又稱「譬相街」

  • The second street is Siaojhong St. 第二條街是效忠街

  • with the width of 30 meters. 效忠街的寬度有三十公尺

  • During Dutch ruling, it was the widest street, 在荷蘭時代是最寬敞的一條街

  • nicknamed asWide Street.” 又稱為「寬街」

  • Because it was too spacious, 由於效忠街太寬敞

  • at that time, the Street was built with mud bricks. 當時用土墼來鋪成

  • Thus, it was namedMud Brick St.” 因此又稱「土墼街」之稱

  • The Dutch calledBroadway.” 荷蘭人則稱他為” Broadway

  • Broadway” 當地人翻成「百老匯」

  • was the site of many clubs. 也表示當時有需多俱樂部林立於此

  • The third one is Jhongsing St. 第三條街是中興街

  • During Dutch ruling, it was built with bricks. 在荷蘭時期街道用磚頭鋪成

  • This was the newest street built among three. 這條街是三條中最新鋪成的街

  • Local people referred it asNew St.” 當地又稱它為「新街」

  • Recently, at Anping District Office, 近期 由於我們安平區公所

  • on Jhongsing St., 在中興街上

  • each household has address plate of swold lion. 家家戶戶都做一個劍獅的門牌號碼

  • Many guides or tourists called 許多導覽解說員或著遊客都戲稱

  • the streetSword Lion St.” 這條街又叫做「劍獅街」

  • On Anping historical street, 現今的安平老街

  • there were many stores. 依舊商店林立

  • A lot of them have a history of one hundred years. 老街上可見百年老店

  • The most famous snack food in Anping isSalty, Sour, and Sweet.” 安平最有名的零嘴「鹹、酸、甜」

  • According to the 4th Generation of the 100-yeay store on the street, 延平老街上的白年老店第四代傳人表示

  • Still, the ancient processing method has been followed. 仍堅持古法釀製

  • The first step of pickled fruit requires the use of salt and sugar. 醃製蜜餞第一步驟需要鹽和糖

  • In ancient time, only the noble or the rich could afford pickled fruit. 古代蜜餞 只有貴族或有錢人家才吃得起

  • Tainan produces salt and sugar. 台南產鹽也產糖

  • 100years ago, thesalty, sour, and sweetpickled fruit 一百多年前蜜餞的「鹹、酸、甜」

  • demonstrated the noble uniqueness of Tainan, 顯現臺南的貴族特質

  • the miniature of Tainan’s dining culture. 也是臺南飲食文化的縮影

  • On the historical street, there are many children toys. 老街也有許多童玩

  • Various ancient snack foods and toys 各式各樣古早零食及玩具

  • bring us back to our childhood. 勾起許多人的童年回憶

  • Besides Yanping Historical Street, 除了延平老街之外

  • there are old settlements inside the lanes and alleys. 聚落的老街巷弄內

  • Many cultural and creative shops 許多文創商店

  • or feature stores are hidden inside the lanes and allies. 或特色店暗藏在巷弄內

  • Not only the buildings of the settlements, 不僅欣賞聚落的建築

  • surprises can be found everywhere. 處處是驚奇

  • Bonjour, Nous sommes frannais. 嗨 我們是法國人

  • Et nous visitons i Tawan actuellement. 我們目前正在遊覽台灣

  • qui est extrqmement agroable, 這兒很讓人感到愉快

  • ou les gens sont trps courtois. 這裡的人民也非常有禮貌

  • Et tout va bien 一切都很好

  • Inside the allies, you can see cute sword lion map at Haishan Paradise. 巷弄內隨處可見海山派樂地的劍獅Q圖

  • It is the third-rank historical site. 海山派樂地市三級古蹟

  • Haishan Hallwas built by Fujian soldiers stationed at Haitan. 清代時期福建海壇鎮標班兵建造的「海山館」

  • Cultural creativity adds cuteness to the Hall. 文創將海山館變可愛了

  • Sword lions became beautiful dolls. 將劍獅變成可愛的公仔

  • Folk crafts are added with interesting elements. 將民俗加入許多趣味的元素

  • The historical site is filled with cuteness. 將古蹟充滿童趣

  • Anping has temples in high density. 安平有高密度的廟宇

  • Sword lions can be seen everywhere. 與隨處可見的劍獅

  • They tell you the story of local religion. 訴說著當地人的信仰

  • The symbol of Anping Sword Lion looks like 安平劍獅的圖像是

  • a lion with a sharp sword in the mouth. 一隻獅子咬著一把利劍

  • The lion has been added with claws to show its ferociousness. 獅子必須加上祂的前爪要展現祂非常兇猛的樣子

  • You can feel its dynamism to purchase way the evil. 感覺躍躍欲試 像是要將妖魔鬼怪吃到一般

  • In the early time, Anping was spacious with small population 早期的安平地少人多

  • with high density of residency. 居所密集

  • Thus, keeping the evil away became very important. 在建築方面對於習俗沖煞特別講究

  • Anping preserves many historical buildings. 安平保留許多歷史建築

  • The Dutchred hair soilis now called concrete cement. 荷蘭人的「紅毛土」現在稱為水泥

  • Japanese and Minnan style buildings 日式建築及閩式建築

  • from different cultures are located in the lanes and allies 不同文化卻交錯在巷弄間

  • telling stories of different eras. 說著不同年代的故事

  • The presence of cultural and creative shops 文創特色商店的進駐

  • Refreshes the old settlements. 讓舊聚落變得更新鮮有趣

  • Anping has now only the historical street and snack foods 安平不只有老街及小吃

  • but also stories of historical buildings. 還有舊時代藉著建築所留下來的故事

  • You should come to heat them in details. 值得細細品味其中的滋味

Anping old settlement, after ruled by the Dutch, 安平舊聚落經歷荷蘭


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"HOT台南 "第1話「安平コロニー」(CC字幕版 (《HOT Tainan 哈臺南》第一集 安平聚落(CC字幕版))

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    臺南視野 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日