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  • Yuejin Lantern Festival was first held in 2010. 2010年首度於月津港辦理燈會活動

  • Art element was introduced to local community 以藝術進駐地方社區

  • and traditional lantern festival 與傳統燈會

  • to inspire creativity and link up to local culture. 打造出充滿創意又結合在地文化

  • It is a large-scale lantern festival integrated with natural landscape. 與自然景觀的大型燈節活動

  • After the continuous organization in the past five years, 連續5年的辦理下

  • Yuejin Lantern Festival now 月經港燈節活動已成為

  • is the large-scale cultural event during Chinese Lunar New Year 全台灣過年春節

  • in Taiwan that everyone must attend. 不可錯過的大型文化活動

  • The theme of 2016 Yuejin Lantern Festival 2016年月津港燈節以

  • isThe Cabin in the Sky of Yuejin.” 「月光寶盒,亮今津」為主題

  • Cabin in the Skyadapted from the journey to the West 「月光寶盒」在電影改編的大話西遊中

  • Is a film that enables viewers to transcend space and time. 是一只能夠讓人穿越時空 交錯時序

  • The cabin changed the life of people. 引發命運變化的寶盒

  • Yujin Port is like the cabin, 月津港燈節如同這只寶盒

  • Art installation in the moon light 月光下的藝術裝置

  • Represents the old prosperity of Yanshui with the magic power. 彷彿魔力一般交錯重疊著鹽水的舊時榮景

  • Lanterns cover the whole Yujin Port 整個燈區涵蓋月津港港區

  • including the selected lantern area, 徵選燈區以及

  • Ciaonan Historical Street, 橋南老街

  • Wangye Temple Lane, 王爺廟巷

  • Yiyin Lane, 銀巷

  • Liancheng Lane, 連成巷

  • Sioude Sacrifice Pavilion, 修德拜亭

  • and Octagonal Building. 及八角樓等老街巷弄場域

  • Lanes and allies of Yanshui are very interesting, 鹽水的巷弄非常有趣

  • decorated with lanterns and hangings, 張燈結綵

  • to greet for the arrival of new year. 充滿了過年的氣息

  • They are preserved as historical streets 巷弄保有許多老街的樣貌

  • with the combination of community and artistscreativity. 結合社區與藝術家的創意

  • At every corner, youll easily see installation artworks 轉彎就會發現一些裝置藝術作品

  • or lantern decoration. 或是燈飾

  • to promote the Yukjin Festival 來推動月津港燈節

  • that lights up the whole Yanshui. 點亮整個鹽水

  • Hello, I’m Katie. 嗨!我是Katie

  • Today I’m here in Yanshuei. 今天我在鹽水

  • I come here for seeing those beautiful lanterns! 這次是來看這些美麗的花燈囉

  • This time, they plan a special theme for the festival. 主辦單位這次規畫了特別的主題呢

  • Come with me and go see some stuff. 和我一起去走走看看吧

  • This artwork is made by our artist, Huang Mei-Hui. 這一件是藝術家黃美惠的作品

  • Blossom Brings Good Fortunesymbolizes 「花開富貴」象徵著

  • the hope and abundance brought by mother earth. 大地帶來希望與財富

  • The flowers that Huang Mei-Hui created are 黃美惠所創作的

  • Blossoming glamorously in Yuejin Harbor. 花朵在月津港華麗的綻放著

  • This beautiful one calledBlossom Brings Good Fortune.” 這件美麗的作品則是「花開富貴」

  • In the front, there’s a frog 在前面有一隻青蛙

  • that actually presents a toad. 就是我們代表-蟾蜍哥

  • There are also shadows behind, 後面那裏有那種-有影無影

  • Shadow Theatre 就是影子劇場那裏

  • where you can take photos. 可以拍照

  • Lantern reflection on the water is so beautiful. 水面上的燈真的很漂亮

  • And this one is really interesting. 這件作品非常有趣

  • It’s called Shadow Play. 叫做有影嘸

  • Made by Lee Wei-Mu. 李維睦做的

  • When people walk pass the arework, 當路人經過作品

  • their shadows will be projested on the while screen, 燈光將影子投於白幕上

  • creating interestingshadow animation” 形成有趣的「影子動畫」

  • Small props are provided 現場將提供小道具使用

  • for people to play with their creativiry 讓民眾發揮創意

  • and make interesting pictures. 創造有趣畫面

  • When you come here, where did you go 到了這裡 你們去逛過哪些地方?

  • Or what artworks get your attention? 或是對哪間作品特別有印象呢?

  • We just visited the historical street 我們剛去逛了老街

  • And had some snack foods. 然後吃了非常多的小吃

  • We also went to Yuejin Port. 也逛了這裡的月津港

  • Our favorite lantern is Hua Hao Yue Yuan. 我們最喜歡那顆「花好月圓」了

  • Look at those two giant balls floating on the water. 看看我身後那兩顆浮在水面上的大球

  • This one was made by artist, Su Meng-Hung. 這是藝術家蘇孟鴻的作品喔

  • Of course, it also has a name 當然 這個作品也有名字

  • That isBlooming Flowers Under The Full Moon.” 叫做「花好月圓」

  • This one is my favorite. 我最喜歡這個了

  • I mean, when it lights up, 我指的是當燈亮起

  • and glimmering with the reflection, it’s so gorgeous. 隨著水波 倒影蕩漾

  • Life is beautiful 生活正美好

  • Su Meng-Hung is skilled in taking elements 擅長挪用清代中晚期畫作的蘇孟鴻

  • like flowers and birds, which represent literati’s taste, 將文人雅士品味的花鳥元素

  • from mid to late Qing dynasty paintings and putting them 呈現於當代媒材

  • on modern media such as inflated rubber balls. 充氣圓球上

  • Red flowers and golden moon may sound gaudy, 紅花與金月看似艷俗

  • Yet their reflections on the water of Yuejin Harbor look elegant. 在月津港的波光映射下更添雅致

  • Blooming flowers under the full moon- 花好月圓

  • Life is beautiful 生活正美好

  • Look behind me, 我身後

  • this frog is the boy mentioned about. 這隻青蛙就是剛才那位男生所提到的

  • Now I remember, 我想起

  • this one calledFrog Croaks under the Moonlight.”, made by Su Si-Sieng. 這件作品是藝術家徐世賢的「月池蛙鼓」

  • This year has the highest number of 60 lanterns. 60座主燈作品為歷年最多

  • In the night, Yuejin Port has been covered 整個月津港被花燈籠罩

  • by lanterns and more colors are showm, 為夜晚增添繽紛色彩

  • like a sparking jewel box. 如同珠寶盒一樣閃閃發亮

  • There are also various events at 2016 Yuejin Lantern 2016月津港燈節周邊活動也相當豐富

  • Festival including holiday music and street artist performances, 有假日音樂與街頭藝人演出

  • Water Lily Sculpture Exhibition, 水仙花雕展

  • and Flow Sea on Sinyi Rd. 和信義路花海等

  • Innovative art combines with local culture; 以創新藝術結合在地人文風情

  • when you come here for lanterns, 來月津港賞燈外

  • You can also appreciate these artworks. 還可以到附近走走逛逛

  • Happy New Year, YA! 新年快樂 耶

Yuejin Lantern Festival was first held in 2010. 2010年首度於月津港辦理燈會活動


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HOT台南・覇王台南」第2話ユニット・越津港ランタンフェスティバル(CC字幕版 (《HOT Tainan哈臺南》第二集單元-月津港燈節(CC字幕版))

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    臺南視野 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日