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  • AWN: Previously on Boy Meets World...

  • Hey, look. Somebody left their purse.

  • (LAUGHS) Shakespeare, I hear he's good.

  • Notice the bookmark.

  • A ticket stub to a Van Damme movie.

  • Only the greatest actor ever made.

  • Okay, so what we got here is a purse-losing, lips-protecting,

  • poetry-reading, Van Damme-loving gal.

  • Wow. I'd give her two weeks.

  • I went there, okay? I put my heart on the line.

  • She's got a boyfriend, Cory, and do you know what I feel now?

  • Pain.

  • It's like my heart's been ripped out and stepped on!

  • So just do me a favor

  • and stay out of my personal life, okay?

  • Give me a "T"! Give me an "E"! Give me an "R"!

  • Shawn Hunter!

  • See? I can make a cheer about anything.

  • And they wouldn't let you on the cheerleading squad.

  • Do you wanna make out?

  • So, Angela, the coach says, "Scooter!"

  • That's what he calls me, Scooter.

  • "Go in there and save the day."

  • Gee, what happened, Scooter?

  • Well, I saved the day.

  • You wanna make out?

  • I got to tell him.

  • Shawn told you not to interfere in his personal life.

  • Yeah, but, Topanga, this is the woman of his dreams, okay?

  • The woman he could spend the rest of his life with.

  • I don't consider that personal.

  • Shawn, Shawn, let the nice lady breathe.

  • I need to talk to you about Angela.

  • This better be important.

  • Well, do you consider the purse girl important?

  • Yes. Listen.

  • Everything that was in that purse, okay?

  • The book of poetry, the Vivaldi, the Van Damme ticket stub,

  • it was all her. Who?

  • Angela. All that stuff belongs to Angela.

  • The purse belonged to Beth.

  • No, Angela borrowed Beth's purse.

  • But that's none of our business now, is it, Cory?

  • No, it's not our business at all.

  • What are you going to do about it, mister?

  • Nothing. Angela and I went out for two weeks.

  • If I was in love with her, you don't think I'd know it?

  • Shawn, listen. Angela's everything

  • you've ever wanted in a girl, okay?

  • But you don't know it because you haven't looked into her eyes yet.

  • Look into her eyes.

  • Hey, Shawn.

  • Hey.

  • Is this... Is this a book of sonnets?

  • Yes.


  • Why are you giggling?

  • Am I?

  • What's the matter with you?

  • Look into her eyes.

  • Shawn, why are you looking at me like that?

  • Because I never have before.

  • I...

  • It's Angela.

AWN: Previously on Boy Meets World...


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

5.08 ショーン&アンジェラ (1/5) (5.08 Shawn & Angela (1/5))

  • 44 1
    Edmond Hui に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日