字幕表 動画を再生する
Thursday afternoon in a 60 zone, this 34-year-old motorcyclist was on his way home.
木曜の午後、制限速度 60km/hの道路で、この34歳の方は、バイクで帰宅していました。
It's our job to work out why he never got there.
The rider broke his neck on impact here.
Having crashed into this car that was turning right.
By analyzing the impact, we know he hit the car at 30 km/h.
衝撃を分析したところ、車には 30km/hで衝突したことが分かります。
And these marks on the road tell us that he skidded for 21 meters, having braked hard here.
路上のこの跡から、彼が 21m横滑りし、この部分で強くブレーキをかけたことが読み取れます。
When he first reacted, he was doing 68.
彼が最初に気づいた時、速度は 68km/hでした。
But let's change one small thing.
At 60, the driver would have had more chance to see him properly.
60km/h だったなら、運転手は、この男性をもっときちんと見えていたでしょう。
He'd have stayed in control and reached this point a moment later.
The car would have cleared his path and he'd be home by now.
You decide on your speed.
The physics decides whether you live or die.
(Slowing down won't kill you.)