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  • Are you an expat in Switzerland

  • looking for help with your Swiss tax return?

  • Hello I am Beat Meyer from Expat Tax Switzerland.

  • I'm a Swiss certified public accountant

  • and tax specialist

  • and we help expats in Switzerland with their tax returns

  • and tax affairs for many years now

  • at affordable rates.

  • We are a small team of consultants

  • offering you professional and friendly advice.

  • If you have any specific questions

  • about the Swiss tax system

  • how to file a tax return

  • how to avoid double taxation

  • or if you need to know the tax rates

  • in the various locations in Switzerland

  • then we are happy to answer these questions for you.

  • We have been servicing expats in Switzerland

  • since 2008 and have gained

  • many happy clients along the way.

  • We are based in Solothurn Switzerland

  • but are servicing our clients' needs all over Switzerland.

  • We would be delighted to serve your tax needs too.

  • If you need more information

  • on the Swiss tax system

  • or would like to discuss your personal situation

  • please either leave your comment below this video

  • or give us a call for a free initial consultation

  • on country code 41 followed by 32 623 30 55.

  • You can also find us on social media platforms like

  • Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.

  • Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel

  • for regular updates on Swiss taxes and tax news.

  • You can also visit our website at

  • for more information.

  • I'm Beat Meyer with Expat Tax Switzerland.

  • Thank you for watching this video.

  • We are looking forward to hearing from you

  • and "Uf Widerluege!"

Are you an expat in Switzerland


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B1 中級

スイスのベストExpat税理士 (Best Expat Tax Accountant In Switzerland)

  • 73 7
    Alvin How に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日