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  • From parents who neglect their children for video games to a mother who attempted

  • to sell her daughter’s virginity, we count fifteen parents who shouldve never been

  • allowed to reproduce. 15 – Smoking during Pregnancy,

  • Charlie Wilcox caught the world’s attention in 2011 when she revealed she’d smoked 3,500

  • cigarettes during the course of her pregnancy. • She believed smoking so many cigarettes

  • was helping her baby’s development, forcing its lungs to strengthen to accommodate all

  • the harsh chemicals. • Charlie actually believed quitting smoking

  • wouldve been detrimental to her baby’s health. Like how when youre bashing your

  • face into a wall you don’t want to stop because you know deep down anything that causes

  • that much facial bruising must somehow be good for you.

  • During the pregnancy, the unborn child had dangerously high carbon monoxide levels,

  • but this did not deter Charlie. • Baby Poppy was eventually born underweight

  • and premature, but Charlie insists there’s no correlation. It was, like, totally a coincidence.

  • 14 – Baby for Sale, • In 2012, new mum Brittany Hill was arrested

  • for trying to sell her four-month-old baby in the classifieds section of her local newspaper.

  • Right there in printpresumably next to ads such as Call for Banjo Lessons and

  • MASSAGE HOT XXX ASIAN GIRLS! – were the words: Baby for Sale and the meagre asking

  • price of $4,000. Yes, $4,000! That’s all this human life was worth to her.

  • An interested buyer called and arranged to make the dodgy transaction in Texas. However,

  • upon realising there were no lawyers on hand or documents to sign, the buyer got cold feet

  • and reported the woman to the fuzz. 13 – Hot Iron as Punishment,

  • In 2011, Hope Adele Askew lost her temper and pressed a hot iron to her daughter’s

  • facetwice. The poor girl had failed to correctly pronounce a few words while reading

  • a book. According to Mama Askewwhose point of view was definitely askewthis

  • crime was punishable by first-degree burns. • The extreme disciplinary measure left

  • the ten-year-old child with severe scarring, which was quickly reported by school officials.

  • Askew invented a story about a hot skillet, but social workers discovered the truth.

  • Askew showed little remorse. She didn’t even give her daughter any medical attention.

  • What a biatch. 12 – Disciplining via Medieval Duel,

  • Cosplayers take their shit very seriously. For example, a crazed Seattle dad was charged

  • with second-degree assault after forcing his teenage daughter to fight him in a violent

  • medieval duel. The duel was punishment because the girl had snuck out to a party.

  • Role-player and Renaissance enthusiast Fremon Seay admitted to beating his sixteen-year-old

  • daughter, then challenging her to an actual Game of Thrones-style duel.

  • The fight involved wooden swords and lasted two hours before the girl collapsed from exhaustion.

  • Fremon and his wife insisted it was their right to discipline their child however they

  • saw fit. Apparently, her age and disobedience meant beating her with wood wasn’t abuse.

  • 11 – Child Starves to Death While Parents Play Online Game,

  • • A South Korean couple was arrested for neglecting their three-month-old baby girl,

  • allowing her to starve to death. The infant was left unattended at home while the couple

  • spent hours at internet cafés obsessively playing a game where they raised a virtual

  • child. • The unemployed couple lost all desire

  • to live in the real world because they had no prospects and didn’t know how to look

  • after their premature baby. The online world was an escape from reality.

  • The case has highlighted the dangers of internet addiction: a disturbingly common

  • problem in South Korea. 10 – Baby Smokes Forty Packets of Cigarettes

  • a Day, • In 2013, an Indonesian toddler named Aldi

  • Rizal made international headlines for being the world’s youngest chain smoker.

  • This tubby two-year-old’s incredible habit began when his desperate mother used

  • cigarettes to stop his relentless crying. The cigarettes pacified him, but also proved

  • highly addictive and his habit quickly ballooned to forty cigarettes a day.

  • It took five years for Aldiwho may or may not have been named after the supermarket

  • chainto kick his habit. But he’s still not on the healthy straight-and-narrow; the

  • tubby youngster’s new addiction is junk food.

  • 9 – Mother Tries to Sell Daughter’s Virginity, • A Utah mother is behind bars for attempting

  • to sell her thirteen-year-old daughter’s virginity for $10,000.

  • In 2011, Felicia Rea McClure was charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse and exploitation

  • of a minor. She sent multiple texts to a potential buyer and circulated inappropriate photos

  • of the young teen to generate interest. • Felicia’s boyfriend tipped authorities

  • off after he discovered an incriminating text message on her phone from an interested buyer.

  • 8 – Drunk Dad Lets Eight-Year-Old Drive, • A drunken Mississippi dad named Billy

  • Joe Madden let his eight-year-old son drive their car on the interstate so he could have

  • a nap. Madden’s four-year-old daughter was also sitting in the backseatwithout a

  • seatbelt, of course. • Passing motorists noticed the boy at the

  • wheel and quickly notified authorities. The douche-nozzle redneckwho would definitely

  • take last place in a dad of the year pageantreceived multiple charges and his kids

  • temporarily placed into the care of child welfare authorities.

  • Reports indicate he enjoyed his nap. 7 – Parents Forget Child in Parking Lot,

  • • A couple arguing in the Bronx, New York somehow left their eight-month-old baby boy

  • in a parking lot when they headed out in separate cars. When the mother arrived home, she realised

  • the father didn’t have him eitherruh-roh! • Little Ezra Reyes was discovered by street

  • vendor Lorenzo Carse. Lorenzo said the child was sitting in the sun on the hot concrete,

  • possibly contemplating what he’d done to deserve such shitty inattentive parents.

  • Besides being a little dehydrated, the little boy was fortunately otherwise fine.

  • Here’s hoping he doesn’t grow up with any abandonment issues.

  • 6 – Mother Facilitates Fight between Daughter and Classmate,

  • • A Florida mum was arrested for arranging a fight between her daughter and another teenage

  • girl. Sandra Padilla Miranda asked her daughter’s nemesis to come over after school so the girls

  • could uppercut their troubles away. • After the Mortal Kombat announcer had

  • declaredFight!’, the girls, aged fourteen and seventeen, started throwing fists to the

  • delight of a large cheering crowd. Like most things these days, the shenanigans were recorded

  • and posted on Facebook. • Throughout the fight, Sandra repeatedly

  • yelledHit harderin Spanish and encouraged her daughter to visualise her opponent as

  • a cheese sandwich and bite her. • Miranda feigned innocence, but justice prevailed. She was charged with child

  • abuse and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

  • 5 – Seven-Year-Old Receives Birthday Boob Job from Mother,

  • Self-describedHuman BarbieSarah Burge has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars

  • on cosmetic surgery. She believes life in plastic is fantastic and has recently created

  • controversy for forcing these views on her seven-year-old daughter.

  • For her seventh birthday, Poppy received the gift all upper-class little girls dream

  • of: nope, not a pony; a $10,000 voucher for breast augmentation surgery!

  • Poppy had been begging for a boob job for months, so receiving the voucherand

  • all its accompanying self-esteem issueswas like getting that new hot toy everyone wants.

  • The voucher can be legally redeemed at sixteen. For Poppy, that day can’t come

  • soon enough. ‘I can't wait to be like Mummy with big boobs,’ she said. ‘They're so

  • pretty.’ • In the meantime, Sarah is teaching Poppy

  • how to pole dance. 4 – Parents Pimp out Teen Daughter for Car

  • Repayments, • A Georgia couple pleaded guilty to making

  • their fourteen-year-old daughter engage in sexual activities with a used-car salesman

  • so they wouldn’t have to make monthly payments on their second-hand minivan.

  • Sandra Davis was sentenced to eight years imprisonment after admitting she’d encouraged

  • her daughter to trade sex for van payments. • Sandra’s husband James and a sixty-seven-year-old

  • used-car salesman named Robert Bearden pleaded guilty to molestationand to being supreme

  • dirt bags. They each received ten yearsjail-time.

  • Police learned of the sick arrangement during an unrelated investigation and the

  • three were prosecuted in 2010. Good work, guys.

  • 3 – Drunk, High Dad Leaves Baby in Oven Overnight,

  • • A Kentucky man put his five-week-old baby in the oven and left him there overnight.

  • After getting high at work, Larry Long returned home to share a fifth of whiskey

  • with the baby’s mother, Brandy Hatton. (Haha, Brandy drinks whiskey.) When Brandy retired

  • for the night, Larry got rip-roaringly drunk, finishing the entire bottle.

  • The next morning, Larry awoke to his baby screaming from inside the oven. Luckily, the

  • door had been left slightly ajar and the oven was off.

  • Showing a slither of decency, Larry called a mental health hotline to confess what he’d

  • done, and the operators referred the incident to police. The baby was swiftly removed from

  • the irresponsible parentscare. 2 – Woman Kills Baby for Interrupting Game

  • of Farmville, • A young Florida mother pled guilty to

  • killing her baby son over a game ofFarmville. • Alexandra V. Tobias said her three-month-old

  • child, Dylan, refused to stop crying while she was trying to play the popular Facebook

  • time-waster – I mean, casual game. Angered, Alexandra shook the baby, then left to have

  • a cigarette. What was it with this needy infant? Why couldn’t it understand her virtual crop

  • compulsion? • Calm and refreshed, Alexandra returned

  • from her cigarette break andshook the baby againthis time killing it.

  • Alexandra was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to fifty years in the

  • slammer. Hopefully her crops withered. 1 – Father Rapes and Imprisons Own Daughter,

  • In 2008, Elizabeth Fritzl told Austrian police she’d been repeatedly raped and held

  • captive for twenty-four years in the hidden basement of her family house. Her sick captor

  • was none other than her own father, Josef Fritzl.

  • Elizabeth was raped and physically assaulted literally thousands of times, resulting in

  • the birth of seven children and one miscarriage. Four of the incest-born children were also

  • forced to endure this horrific imprisonment. • Josef Fritzl was finally arrested in April

  • 2008 and sentenced to life behind bars. Good riddance, arsehole!

From parents who neglect their children for video games to a mother who attempted


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すべての時間の15最悪の親 (15 Worst Parents Of All Time)

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    Pedroli Li に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日