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Hello everyone! It is Keith, here!
and this week we are going to talk about flying
and how it's the most fun thing you'll ever do.!
I'm just kidding. Not this kind of flying people.
but the airplane!
because flying sounds super simple,but it's not
pack the night before.
wake up really early.
somehow get you parents or your friends to drive you to the airport
check your bag, which is probably some problem there
go through security, that's a pain
you wait for your airplane for like three hours
so you can get on the airplane
another thirty minutes just waiting to fly
get in the air. layaway
three hour layaway to get to your next flight
just to get to that final destination
you got to wait for your checked bag
because they messed something up
flying is like a week process
that's why in the weeks video we are talking about the most annoying things about flying!
[annoying things about flying]
when you go to the airport and thing "oh yeah 50 pound check bag"
No it's 40
[checking bags]
hey, I'm here to ah, check my bag in.
sir, your bag is to heavy
I'm going to charge you 25 dollar fee.
is that ok?
ha,I'll be right back
[10 minutes later]
ohohohoh. looks like I win this round Mr. Airport person
"oh my gosh, look at her butt"
yes, that actually happened to me once
and no, it was not very comfortable.
woah! woah! sir! sir! what is this!?
no! we don't bring this on a plane
my gosh! like seriously
you got to put it in a plastic bag sir!
When you finally get inside the airport, you see all these random gift shops.
and they are trying to sell you the most random most unnecessary junk ever!
Hey excuse me sir, would you like to buy a light bulb?
no, ah ha heah, no thanks.
paint! this could be yours sir!
No thank you
I'm good
ok, how about the ladder.
50 percent off. just for you
like who needs a wedding ring at an airport!
nothing says relaxed like a crying baby right next to you
you got to love them,.
[various crying actions]
when you accidentally go to the airport really hungry.
and you got to buy that super overpriced sandwich!
[average tasting expensive food]
hi. welcome to scamwichs sandwichs, how can I help you.
um yeah, can I just get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
here you go
that's 20 dollars please
20 dollars for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich people!
one of the more annoying things about going to the airport though
is people arguing with the staff
cause nothing says a quick line going through security. like someone arguing
sir can you can off your shoes?
is there a reason why you want me to take my shoes off for.
take off your shoes
you think I have a weapon in my shoes!?
take off your shoes
no, I'm not taking off my shoes
sir take off your shoes!
no! I'm not! no!
take off your shoes!
[that is all]
ok so that is all I have for this weeks video
leave a comment down below telling me the most annoying thing that has happened to you at the airport!
so you guys have a good day, make good choices and peace be with you!
[previous video]