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  • If you really want to understand

  • the problem that we're facing with the oceans,

  • you have to think about the biology

  • at the same time you think about the physics.

  • We can't solve the problems

  • unless we start studying the ocean

  • in a very much more interdisciplinary way.

  • So I'm going to demonstrate that through

  • discussion of some of the climate change things that are going on in the ocean.

  • We'll look at sea level rise.

  • We'll look at ocean warming.

  • And then the last thing on the list there, ocean acidification --

  • if you were to ask me, you know, "What do you worry about the most?

  • What frightens you?"

  • for me, it's ocean acidification.

  • And this has come onto the stage pretty recently.

  • So I will spend a little time at the end.

  • I was in Copenhagen in December

  • like a number of you in this room.

  • And I think we all found it, simultaneously,

  • an eye-opening

  • and a very frustrating experience.

  • I sat in this large negotiation hall,

  • at one point, for three or four hours,

  • without hearing the word "oceans" one time.

  • It really wasn't on the radar screen.

  • The nations that brought it up

  • when we had the speeches of the national leaders --

  • it tended to be the leaders of the small island states,

  • the low-lying island states.

  • And by this weird quirk

  • of alphabetical order of the nations,

  • a lot of the low-lying states,

  • like Kiribati and Nauru,

  • they were seated at the very end of these immensely long rows.

  • You know, they were marginalized

  • in the negotiation room.

  • One of the problems

  • is coming up with the right target.

  • It's not clear what the target should be.

  • And how can you figure out how to fix something

  • if you don't have a clear target?

  • Now, you've heard about "two degrees":

  • that we should limit temperature rise to no more than two degrees.

  • But there's not a lot of science behind that number.

  • We've also talked about

  • concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

  • Should it be 450? Should it be 400?

  • There's not a lot of science behind that one either.

  • Most of the science that is behind these numbers,

  • these potential targets,

  • is based on studies on land.

  • And I would say, for the people that work in the ocean

  • and think about what the targets should be,

  • we would argue that they must be much lower.

  • You know, from an oceanic perspective,

  • 450 is way too high.

  • Now there's compelling evidence

  • that it really needs to be 350.

  • We are, right now, at 390 parts per million

  • of CO2 in the atmosphere.

  • We're not going to put the brakes on in time to stop at 450,

  • so we've got to accept we're going to do an overshoot,

  • and the discussion as we go forward

  • has to focus on how far the overshoot goes

  • and what's the pathway back to 350.

  • Now, why is this so complicated?

  • Why don't we know some of these things a little bit better?

  • Well, the problem is that

  • we've got very complicated forces in the climate system.

  • There's all kinds of natural causes of climate change.

  • There's air-sea interactions.

  • Here in Galapagos,

  • we're affected by El Ninos and La Nina.

  • But the entire planet warms up when there's a big El Nino.

  • Volcanoes eject aerosols into the atmosphere.

  • That changes our climate.

  • The ocean contains most of the exchangeable heat on the planet.

  • So anything that influences

  • how ocean surface waters mix with the deep water

  • changes the ocean of the planet.

  • And we know the solar output's not constant through time.

  • So those are all natural causes of climate change.

  • And then we have the human-induced causes

  • of climate change as well.

  • We're changing the characteristics of the surface of the land,

  • the reflectivity.

  • We inject our own aerosols into the atmosphere,

  • and we have trace gases, and not just carbon dioxide --

  • it's methane, ozone,

  • oxides of sulfur and nitrogen.

  • So here's the thing. It sounds like a simple question.

  • Is CO2 produced by man's activities

  • causing the planet to warm up?

  • But to answer that question,

  • to make a clear attribution to carbon dioxide,

  • you have to know something about

  • all of these other agents of change.

  • But the fact is we do know a lot about all of those things.

  • You know, thousands of scientists

  • have been working on understanding

  • all of these man-made causes

  • and the natural causes.

  • And we've got it worked out, and we can say,

  • "Yes, CO2 is causing the planet to warm up now."

  • Now, we have many ways to study natural variability.

  • I'll show you a few examples of this now.

  • This is the ship that I spent the last three months on in the Antarctic.

  • It's a scientific drilling vessel.

  • We go out for months at a time and drill into the sea bed

  • to recover sediments

  • that tell us stories of climate change, right.

  • Like one of the ways to understand our greenhouse future

  • is to drill down in time

  • to the last period

  • where we had CO2 double what it is today.

  • And so that's what we've done with this ship.

  • This was -- this is south of the Antarctic Circle.

  • It looks downright tropical there.

  • One day where we had calm seas and sun,

  • which was the reason I could get off the ship.

  • Most of the time it looked like this.

  • We had a waves up to 50 ft.

  • and winds averaging

  • about 40 knots for most of the voyage

  • and up to 70 or 80 knots.

  • So that trip just ended,

  • and I can't show you too many results from that right now,

  • but we'll go back one more year,

  • to another drilling expedition I've been involved in.

  • This was led by Ross Powell and Tim Naish.

  • It's the ANDRILL project.

  • And we made the very first bore hole

  • through the largest floating ice shelf on the planet.

  • This is a crazy thing, this big drill rig wrapped in a blanket

  • to keep everybody warm,

  • drilling at temperatures of minus 40.

  • And we drilled in the Ross Sea.

  • That's the Ross Sea Ice Shelf on the right there.

  • So, this huge floating ice shelf

  • the size of Alaska

  • comes from West Antarctica.

  • Now, West Antarctica is the part of the continent

  • where the ice is grounded on sea floor

  • as much as 2,000 meters deep.

  • So that ice sheet is partly floating,

  • and it's exposed to the ocean, to the ocean heat.

  • This is the part of Antarctica that we worry about.

  • Because it's partly floating, you can imagine,

  • is sea level rises a little bit,

  • the ice lifts off the bed, and then it can break off and float north.

  • When that ice melts, sea level rises by six meters.

  • So we drill back in time to see how often that's happened,

  • and exactly how fast that ice can melt.

  • Here's the cartoon on the left there.

  • We drilled through a hundred meters of floating ice shelf

  • then through 900 meters of water

  • and then 1,300 meters into the sea floor.

  • So it's the deepest geological bore hole ever drilled.

  • It took about 10 years to put this project together.

  • And here's what we found.

  • Now, there's 40 scientists working on this project,

  • and people are doing all kinds of really complicated

  • and expensive analyses.

  • But it turns out, you know, the thing that told the best story

  • was this simple visual description.

  • You know, we saw this in the core samples as they came up.

  • We saw these alternations

  • between sediments that look like this --

  • there's gravel and cobbles in there

  • and a bunch of sand.

  • That's the kind of material in the deep sea.

  • It can only get there if it's carried out by ice.

  • So we know there's an ice shelf overhead.

  • And that alternates with a sediment that looks like this.

  • This is absolutely beautiful stuff.

  • This sediment is 100 percent made up

  • of the shells of microscopic plants.

  • And these plants need sunlight,

  • so we know when we find that sediment

  • there's no ice overhead.

  • And we saw about 35 alternations

  • between open water and ice-covered water,

  • between gravels and these plant sediments.

  • So what that means is, what it tells us

  • is that the Ross Sea region, this ice shelf,

  • melted back and formed anew

  • about 35 times.

  • And this is in the past four million years.

  • This was completely unexpected.

  • Nobody imagined that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet

  • was this dynamic.

  • In fact, the lore for many years has been,

  • "The ice formed many tens of millions of years ago,

  • and it's been there ever since."

  • And now we know that in our recent past

  • it melted back and formed again,

  • and sea level went up and down, six meters at a time.

  • What caused it?

  • Well, we're pretty sure that it's very small changes

  • in the amount of sunlight reaching Antarctica,

  • just caused by natural changes in the orbit of the Earth.

  • But here's the key thing:

  • you know, the other thing we found out

  • is that the ice sheet passed a threshold,

  • that the planet warmed up enough --

  • and the number's about one degree to one and a half degrees Centigrade --

  • the planet warmed up enough that it became ...

  • that ice sheet became very dynamic

  • and was very easily melted.

  • And you know what?

  • We've actually changed the temperature in the last century

  • just the right amount.

  • So many of us are convinced now

  • that West Antarctica, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, is starting to melt.

  • We do expect to see a sea-level rise

  • on the order of one to two meters by the end of this century.

  • And it could be larger than that.

  • This is a serious consequence

  • for nations like Kiribati,

  • you know, where the average elevation

  • is about a little over a meter above sea level.

  • Okay, the second story takes place here in Galapagos.

  • This is a bleached coral,

  • coral that died during the 1982-'83 El Nino.

  • This is from Champion Island.

  • It's about a meter tall Pavona clavus colony.

  • And it's covered with algae. That's what happens.

  • When these things die,

  • immediately, organisms come in

  • and encrust and live on that dead surface.

  • And so, when a coral colony is killed

  • by an El Nino event,

  • it leaves this indelible record.

  • You can go then and study corals

  • and figure out how often do you see this.

  • So one of the things thought of in the '80s

  • was to go back and take cores

  • of coral heads throughout the Galapagos

  • and find out how often was there a devastating event.

  • And just so you know, 1982-'83,

  • that El Nino killed 95 percent

  • of all the corals here in Galapagos.

  • Then there was similar mortality in '97-'98.

  • And what we found

  • after drilling back in time two to 400 years

  • was that these were unique events.

  • We saw no other mass mortality events.

  • So these events in our recent past really are unique.

  • So they're either just truly monster El Ninos,

  • or they're just very strong El Ninos

  • that occurred against a backdrop of global warming.

  • Either case, it's bad news

  • for the corals of the Galapagos Islands.

  • Here's how we sample the corals.

  • This is actually Easter Island. Look at this monster.

  • This coral is eight meters tall, right.

  • And it been growing for about 600 years.

  • Now, Sylvia Earle turned me on to this exact same coral.

  • And she was diving here with John Lauret -- I think it was 1994 --

  • and collected a little nugget and sent it to me.

  • And we started working on it,

  • and we figured out we could tell the temperature of the ancient ocean

  • from analyzing a coral like this.

  • So we have a diamond drill.

  • We're not killing the colony; we're taking a small core sample out of the top.

  • The core comes up as these cylindrical tubes of limestone.

  • And that material then we take back to the lab and analyze it.

  • You can see some of the coral cores there on the right.

  • So we've done that all over the Eastern Pacific.

  • We're starting to do it in the Western Pacific as well.

  • I'll take you back here to the Galapagos Islands.

  • And we've been working at this fascinating uplift here in Urbina Bay.

  • That the place where,

  • during an earthquake in 1954,

  • this marine terrace was lifted up

  • out of the ocean very quickly,

  • and it was lifted up about six to seven meters.

  • And so now you can walk through a coral reef without getting wet.

  • If you go on the ground there, it looks like this,

  • and this is the grandaddy coral.

  • It's 11 meters in diameter,

  • and we know that it started growing

  • in the year 1584.

  • Imagine that.

  • And that coral was growing happily in those shallow waters,

  • until 1954, when the earthquake happened.

  • Now the reason we know it's 1584

  • is that these corals have growth bands.

  • When you cut them, slice those cores in half and x-ray them,

  • you see these light and dark bands.

  • Each one of those is a year.

  • We know these corals grow about a centimeter and a half a year.

  • And we just count on down to the bottom.

  • Then their other attribute is

  • that they have this great chemistry.

  • We can analyze the carbonate

  • that makes up the coral,

  • and there's a whole bunch of things we can do.

  • But in this case, we measured the different isotopes of oxygen.

  • Their ratio tells us the water temperature.

  • In this example here,

  • we had monitored this reef in Galapagos

  • with temperature recorders,

  • so we know the temperature of the water the coral's growing in.

  • Then after we harvest a coral, we measure this ratio,

  • and now you can see, those curves match perfectly.

  • In this case, at these islands,

  • you know, corals

  • are instrumental-quality recorders of change in the water.

  • And of course, our thermometers

  • only take us back 50 years or so here.

  • The coral can take us back

  • hundreds and thousands of years.

  • So, what we do:

  • we've merged a lot of different data sets.

  • It's not just my group; there's maybe 30 groups worldwide doing this.

  • But we get these instrumental- and near-instrumental-quality records

  • of temperature change that go back hundreds of years,

  • and we put them together.

  • Here's a synthetic diagram.

  • There's a whole family of curves here.

  • But what's happening: we're looking at the last thousand years

  • of temperature on the planet.

  • And there's five or six different compilations there,

  • But each one of those compilations reflects input

  • from hundreds of these kinds of records from corals.

  • We do similar things with ice cores.

  • We work with tree rings.

  • And that's how we discover

  • what is truly natural

  • and how different is the last century, right?

  • And I chose this one

  • because it's complicated and messy looking, right.

  • This is as messy as it gets.

  • You can see there's some signals there.

  • Some of the records

  • show lower temperatures than others.

  • Some of them show greater variability.

  • But they all tell us

  • what the natural variability is.

  • Some of them are from the northern hemisphere;

  • some are from the entire globe.

  • But here's what we can say:

  • what's natural in the last thousand years is that the planet was cooling down.

  • It was cooling down

  • until about 1900 or so.

  • And there is natural variability

  • caused by the Sun, caused by El Ninos.

  • A century-scale, decadal-scale variability,

  • and we know the magnitude;

  • it's about two-tenths to four-tenths of a degree Centigrade.

  • But then at the very end is where

  • we have the instrumental record in black.

  • And there's the temperature up there in 2009.

  • You know, we've warmed the globe

  • about a degree Centigrade in the last century,

  • and there's nothing

  • in the natural part of that record

  • that resembles what we've seen in the last century.

  • You know, that's the strength of our argument,

  • that we are doing something that's truly different.

  • So I'll close with a short discussion

  • of ocean acidification.

  • I like it as a component of global change to talk about,

  • because, even if you are a hard-bitten global warming skeptic,

  • and I talk to that community fairly often,

  • you cannot deny

  • the simple physics

  • of CO2 dissolving in the ocean.

  • You know, we're pumping out lots of CO2 into the atmosphere,

  • from fossil fuels, from cement production.

  • Right now, about a third of that carbon dioxide

  • is dissolving straight into the sea, right?

  • And as it does so,

  • it makes the ocean more acidic.

  • So, you cannot argue with that.

  • That is what's happening right now,

  • and it's a very different issue

  • than the global warming issue.

  • It has many consequences.

  • There's consequences for carbonate organisms.

  • There are many organisms

  • that build their shells out of calcium carbonate --

  • plants and animals both.

  • The main framework material of coral reefs

  • is calcium carbonate.

  • That material is more soluble

  • in acidic fluid.

  • So one of the things we're seeing

  • is organisms are having

  • to spend more metabolic energy

  • to build and maintain their shells.

  • At some point, as this transience,

  • as this CO2 uptake in the ocean continues,

  • that material's actually going to start to dissolve.

  • And on coral reefs,

  • where some of the main framework organisms disappear,

  • we will see a major loss

  • of marine biodiversity.

  • But it's not just the carbonate producers that are affected.

  • There's many physiological processes

  • that are influenced by the acidity of the ocean.

  • So many reactions involving enzymes and proteins

  • are sensitive to the acid content of the ocean.

  • So, all of these things --

  • greater metabolic demands,

  • reduced reproductive success,

  • changes in respiration and metabolism.

  • You know, these are things that we have good physiological reasons

  • to expect to see stressed

  • caused by this transience.

  • So we figured out some pretty interesting ways

  • to track CO2 levels in the atmosphere,

  • going back millions of years.

  • We used to do it just with ice cores,

  • but in this case, we're going back 20 million years.

  • And we take samples of the sediment,

  • and it tells us the CO2 level of the ocean,

  • and therefore the CO2 level of the atmosphere.

  • And here's the thing:

  • you have to go back about 15 million years

  • to find a time when CO2 levels

  • were about what they are today.

  • You have to go back about 30 million years

  • to find a time when CO2 levels

  • were double what they are today.

  • Now, what that means is

  • that all of the organisms that live in the sea

  • have evolved in this chemostatted ocean,

  • with CO2 levels lower than they are today.

  • That's the reason that they're not able to respond or adapt

  • to this rapid acidification

  • that's going on right now.

  • So, Charlie Veron

  • came up with this statement last year:

  • "The prospect of ocean acidification

  • may well be the most serious

  • of all of the predicted outcomes

  • of anthropogenic CO2 release."

  • And I think that may very well be true,

  • so I'll close with this.

  • You know, we do need the protected areas, absolutely,

  • but for the sake of the oceans,

  • we have to cap or limit CO2 emissions

  • as soon as possible.

  • Thank you very much.

  • (Applause)

If you really want to understand


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TED】ロブ・ダンバー海洋酸性化の脅威 (【TED】Rob Dunbar: The threat of ocean acidification)

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    Max Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日