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  • UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has met with an elderly Korean victim of Japan's wartime

  • sexual slavery, the first such meeting since he took the UN's top job.

  • Meeting in New York,... Ban told 89-year-old Kil Won-ok that he respects her efforts to

  • raise awareness of the atrocities she suffered to make sure that no such thing will ever

  • happen again. During their 30 minute meeting, Ban told the

  • victim that what he welcomed a recent landmarks between between Korea and Japan, but not the

  • content of the agreement, An activist also delivered a joint petition

  • of some 30 international human rights organizations in which they expressed regret about Ban's

  • welcoming of the December deal and called for the UN to launch an investigation into

  • the wartime crime. Historians estimate that up to 200,000 women,

  • mainly from Korea, were forced to work in front-line brothels for Japanese soldiers

  • before and during World War II.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has met with an elderly Korean victim of Japan's wartime


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B2 中上級

国連の潘基文(パン・ギムン)事務総長、戦時中の性奴隷被害者韓国人と初会談 (UN chief Ban Ki-moon holds first meeting with Korean victim of Japan's wartime sexual slavery)

  • 109 4
    Hao に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日